Release notes¶
- New Features
- PyTorch and ONNX
AIMET QuantSim by default uses per-channel quantization for weights instead of per-tensor [Breaking change]
AIMET QuantSim exports encoding json schema version 1.0.0 by default
- PyTorch
AIMET now quantizes scalar inputs of type
- these were not quantized in prior releasesPublished recipe for performing LoRA QAT - using LoRA adapters to recover quantized accuracy of the base model. Includes recipes for weight-only (WQ) and weight-and-activation (QWA) QAT
- Bug Fixes
- PyTorch
Fixed a bug that prevented Adaround from caching data samples with PyTorch versions 2.6 and later
- New Features
- Common
Reorganized the documentation to more clearly explain AIMET procedures
Redesigned the documentation using the Furo theme
Added post-AIMET procedures on how to take AIMET quantized model to Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct and Qualcomm® AI Hub
- PyTorch
has become the default API. All the legacy APIs are migrated toaimet_torch.v1
subpackage, for example fromaimet_torch.qc_quantize_op
Added Manual Mixed Precision Configurator (Beta) to make it easy to configure a model in Mixed Precision.
representation with onnx graph
- Bug Fixes
Bug fixes for Adaround
Bug fixes for BN fold
- Upgrading
- PyTorch
aimet_torch 2 is fully backward compatible with all the public APIs of aimet_torch 1.x. If you are using low-level components of
, please see Migrate to aimet_torch 2.
- PyTorch
Fixed package versioning for compatibility with latest pip version
- PyTorch
Added support for W16A16 in Autoquant.
- Deprecation Notice
Support for Pytorch 1.13 is deprecated. It will be removed in next release.
Optimized Memory and Speed utilization (for CPU).
- PyTorch
Added support for WSL2
CUDA version upgraded for Pytorch 2.1
Extended QuantAnalyzer functionality for LLM range analysis
- Keras
Adds support for certain TFOpLambda layers created by tf functional calls.
Upgraded AIMET to support ONNX version 1.16.1 and ONNXRUNTIME version 1.18.1.
- PyTorch
Various bugfixes/QoL updates for LoRA
Updated minimum scale value and registered additional custom quantized ops with QuantSim 2.0
- PyTorch
Enhancements done in export pipeline for GPU memory optimization with LLMs.
[Experimental] Added support for handling of LoRA (via PEFT API) in AIMET. and enabled export of required artifacts for QNN.
Added examples for training pipeline with for distributed KD-QAT.
[Experimental] Added support for block wise quantization (BQ) to support w4fp16 format, and the low-power block quantization (LPBQ) to support w4a8 and w4a16 formats. This feature needs QuantSim V2.
- PyTorch
Added MultiGPU support for Adaround.
Upgraded AIMET to support PyTorch version 2.1 as a new variant. AIMET with PyTorch version 1.13 remains the default.
- Keras
For models with SeparableConv2D layers, use model_preparer first before applying any quantization API.
- Common
Upgraded AIMET to support Ubuntu22 and Python3.10 for all AIMET variants.
Added support for custom ops in QuantSim, CLE, AdaRound and AMP.
Added support for Quant Analyzer.
- Keras
Added support for unrolled quantized LSTM with only Quantsim in PTQ mode.
Fix for ReLU Encoding min going past 0 for QAT.
Fixes Input Quantizers for TFOpLambda Layers (kwargs)
Fixes logic for placing input quantizers
Upgraded AIMET to support Onnx version 1.14 and ONNXRUNTIME version 1.15.
Added support for AutoQuant.
- Keras
Fixes issues with TF Op Lambda Layers in Qc Quantize Wrappers call.
- PyTorch
[experimental] Support for embedding AIMET encodings within the graph using ONNX quantize/dequantize operators. Currently this option is only supported when using 8bit per-tensor quantization.
Added support for Adaround.
- Keras
Added Support for Spatial SVD Compression feature.
[experimental] Debugging APIs have been added for dumping intermediate tensor outputs. This data can be used with current QNN/SNPE tools for debugging accuracy problems.
- PyTorch
Upgraded AIMET Pytorch default version to 1.13. AIMET remains compatible with Pytorch version 1.9.
[experimental] Debugging APIs have been added for dumping intermediate tensor outputs. This data can be used with current QNN/SNPE tools for debugging accuracy problems.
- Keras
Update support for TFOpLambda layers in Batch Norm Folding with extra call args/kwargs.
- PyTorch
Added AIMET to support PyTorch version 1.13.0. Only ONNX opset 14 is supported for export.
[experimental] Debugging APIs have been added for dumping intermediate tensor data. This data can be used with current QNN/SNPE tools for debugging accuracy problems. Layer Output Generation API gives incorrect tensor data for the layer just before Relu when used for original FP32 model.
[experimental] Support for embedding AIMET encodings within the graph using ONNX quantize/dequantize operators. Currently this is option is only supported when using 8bit per-tensor quantization.
Fixed a bug in AIMET QuantSim for PyTorch models to handle non-contiguous tensors.
AIMET support for ONNX 1.11.0 has been added. However there is currently limited op support in QNN/SNPE. If the model fails to load please continue to use opset 11 for export.
- TensorFlow
[experimental] Debugging APIs have been added for dumping intermediate tensor outputs. This data can be used with current QNN/SNPE tools for debugging accuracy problems.
- Keras
Added a feature called BN Re-estimation that can improve model accuracy after QAT for INT4 quantization.
Updated the AutoQuant feature to automatically choose the optimal calibration scheme, create an HTML report on which optimizations were applied.
Update to Model Preparer to replace separable conventional with depth wise and point wise conv layers.
Fixes BN fold implementation to account for a subsequent multi-input layer
Fixed a bug where min/max encoding values were not aligned with scale/offset during QAT.
- PyTorch
Several bug fixes
- TensorFlow
Added a feature called BN Re-estimation that can improve model accuracy after QAT for INT4 quantization
Updated the AutoQuant feature to automatically choose the optimal calibration scheme, create an HTML report on which optimizations were applied.
Fixed a bug where min/max encoding values were not aligned with scale/offset during QAT.
- Common
Documentation updates for taking AIMET models to target.
Standalone Batchnorm layers parameter’s conversion such that it will behave as linear/dense layer.
[Experimental] Added new Architecture Checker feature to identify and report model architecture constructs that are not ideal for quantized runtimes. Users can utilize this information to change their model architectures accordingly.
- Keras
Added QuantAnalyzer feature
Adds Batch Normalization folding for Functional Keras Models. This allows the default config files to work for super grouping.
Resolved an issue with quantizer placement in Sequential blocks in subclassed models
- PyTorch
Added AutoQuant V2 which includes advanced features such as out-of-the-box inference, model preparer, quant scheme search, improved summary report, etc.
Fixes to resolve minor accuracy diffs in the learnedGrid quantizer for per-channel quantization
Fixes to improve EfficientNetB4 accuracy w/respect to target
Fixed rare case where quantizer may calculate incorrect offset when generating QAT 2.0 learned encodings
- TensorFlow
Added QuantAnalyzer feature
Fixed an accuracy issue due to rare cases where the incorrect BN epsilon was being used
Fixed an accuracy issue due to Quantsim export incorrectly recomputing QAT2.0 encodings
- Common
Updated AIMET python package version format to support latest pip
Fixed an issue where not all inputs might be quantized properly
- PyTorch
Fixes to resolve minor accuracy diffs in the learnedGrid quantizer for per-channel quantization
Added support for AMP 2.0 which enables faster automatic mixed precision
Added support for QAT for INT4 quantized models – includes a feature for performing BN Re-estimation after QAT
- Keras
Added support for AMP 2.0 which enables faster automatic mixed precision
Support for basic transformer networks
Added support for subclassed models. The current subclassing feature includes support for only a single level of subclassing and does not support lambdas.
Added QAT per-channel gradient support
Minor updates to the quantization configuration
Fixed QuantSim bug where layers using dtypes other than float were incorrectly quantized
- TensorFlow
Added an additional prelu mapping pattern to ensure proper folding and quantsim node placement
Fixed per-channel encoding representation to align with Pytorch and Keras
- Common
Export quantsim configuration for configuring downstream target quantization
- PyTorch
Fixed backward pass of the fake-quantize (QcQuantizeWrapper) nodes to handle symmetric mode correctly
Per-channel quantization is now enabled on a per-op-type basis
Support for recursively excluding module from a root module in QuantSim
Support for excluding layers when running model validator and model preparer
Reduced memory usage in AdaRound
Fixed bugs in AdaRound for per-channel quantization
Made ConnectedGraph more robust when identifying custom layers
Added jupyter notebook-based examples for the following features
AutoQuant: Added support for sparse conv layers in QuantSim (experimental)
- Keras
Added support for Keras per-channel quantization
Changed interface to CLE to accept a pre-compiled model
Added jupyter notebook-based examples for the following features: Transformer quantization
- TensorFlow
Fix to avoid unnecessary indexing in AdaRound
- Common
TF-enhanced calibration scheme has been accelerated using a custom CUDA kernel. Runs significantly faster now.
Installation instructions are now combined with rest of the documentation (User-Guide and API docs)
- Tensorflow
Added support for supergroups : MatMul + Add
Added support for TF-Slim BN name with backslash
Added support for Depthwise + Conv in CLS
- PyTorch
Added support for QuantizableMultiHeadAttention for PyTorch nn.transformer layers
Support functional conv2d in model preparer
Enable qat with multi gpu
Optimize forward pass logic of PyTorch QAT 2.0
Fix functional depthwise conv support on model preparer
Fix bug in model validator to correctly identify functional ops in leaf module
Support dynamic functional conv2d in model preparer
Added updated default runtime config, also a per-channel one.
Include residing module info in model validator
- Keras
Support for Keras MultiHeadAttention Layer
- PyTorch
Support for simulation and QAT for PyTorch transformer models (including support for torch.nn mha and encoder layers)
- PyTorch
PyTorch QuantAnalyzer - Visualize per-layer sensitivity and per-quantizer PDF histograms
PyTorch QAT with Range Learning: Added support for Per Channel Quantization
PyTorch: Enabled exporting of encodings for multi-output leaf module
- TensorFlow
New feature: TensorFlow AutoQuant - Automatically apply various AIMET post-training quantization techniques
Adaround: Added ability to use configuration file in API to adapt to a specific runtime target
Adaround: Added Per-Channel Quantization support
TensorFlow QuantSim: Added support for FP16 inference and QAT
- TensorFlow Per Channel Quantization
Fixed speed and accuracy issues
Fixed zero accuracy for 16-bits per channel quantization
Added support for DepthWise Conv2d Op
Multiple other bug fixes
- PyTorch
Propagated encodings for ONNX Ops that were expanded from a single PyTorch Op
- TensorFlow
Upgraded AIMET to support TensorFlow version 2.4. AIMET remains compatible with TensorFlow version 1.15
- Common
Added Jupyter Notebooks for Examples
Multiple bug fixes
Removed version pinning of many dependent software packages
- PyTorch
Added CLE support for Conv1d, ConvTranspose1d and Depthwise Separable Conv1d layers
Added High-Bias Fold support for Conv1D layer
Modified Elementwise Concat Op to support any number of tensors
Minor dependency fixes
- Common
Multiple bug fixes
Additional feature examples for PyTorch and TensorFlow
- TensorFlow
Add Adaround TF feature
- PyTorch
Added Examples for Torch quantization, and Channel Pruning & Spatial SVD compression
- PyTorch
Added a new post-training quantization feature called AdaRound, which stands for AdaptiveRounding
Quantization simulation and QAT now also support recurrent layers (RNN, LSTM, GRU)
Added separate packages for CPU and GPU models. This allows users with CPU-only hosts to run AIMET.
Added separate packages for PyTorch and TensorFlow. Reduces the number of dependencies that users would need to install.
Ported AIMET PyTorch to work with PyTorch ver 1.7.1 with CUDA 11.0
AIMET PyTorch and AIMET TensorFlow are now available as separate packages
Version of the AIMET PyTorch and AIMET TensorFlow packages for CPU-only machines are now available
- PyTorch
Added Adaptive Rounding feature (AdaRound) for PyTorch.
Various bug fixes.