Source code for aimet_torch.quantsim

# /usr/bin/env python3.8
# -*- mode: python -*-
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""" Implementation for simulating models running on Quantized hardware """
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
import os
import io
import copy
import pickle
from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Dict, Callable, Set, Optional
from import Iterable
import json
import torch
import onnx
from packaging import version

import aimet_common
import aimet_common.libpymo as libpymo
from aimet_common.utils import AimetLogger, save_json_yaml, log_with_error_and_assert_if_false
from aimet_common.defs import QuantScheme, QuantizationDataType, SupportedKernelsAction, QuantDtypeBwInfo
from aimet_common.quantsim import encoding_version, validate_quantsim_inputs, extract_global_quantizer_args
from aimet_common.quant_utils import get_conv_accum_bounds

from aimet_torch.quantsim_config.quantsim_config import QuantSimConfigurator
from aimet_torch.qc_quantize_op import QcQuantizeStandAloneBase, QcQuantizeWrapper, QcQuantizeOpMode, \
    StaticGridQuantWrapper, LearnedGridQuantWrapper, QUANTIZER_TYPE_INPUT, QUANTIZER_TYPE_OUTPUT
from aimet_torch.tensor_quantizer import StaticGridTensorQuantizer, LearnedGridTensorQuantizer, \
from aimet_torch import torchscript_utils, utils, transformer_utils
from aimet_torch.onnx_utils import OnnxSaver, OnnxExportApiArgs, CustomMarker
from aimet_torch.meta.connectedgraph import ConnectedGraph
from aimet_torch.qc_quantize_recurrent import QcQuantizeRecurrent

logger = AimetLogger.get_area_logger(AimetLogger.LogAreas.Quant)

# Types of modules which cannot be quantized
unquantizable_modules = (QcQuantizeWrapper, QcQuantizeStandAloneBase, QcQuantizeRecurrent, torch.nn.Identity)

# If a torch module type is in this dictionary, call the corresponding quantized module constructor instead of wrapping
# it with QcQuantizeWrapper.
qc_quantize_modules_dict = {
    torch.nn.RNN: QcQuantizeRecurrent,
    torch.nn.LSTM: QcQuantizeRecurrent,
    torch.nn.GRU: QcQuantizeRecurrent

# Length of the string '._module_to_wrap'

MAP_PYMO_TO_ROUND_MODE = {libpymo.RoundingMode.ROUND_NEAREST: 'nearest',
                          libpymo.RoundingMode.ROUND_STOCHASTIC: 'stochastic'}

SUPPORTED_KERNELS_ACTION = SupportedKernelsAction.warn_on_error

DROPOUT_TYPES = (torch.nn.Dropout, torch.nn.Dropout2d, torch.nn.Dropout3d)

def _get_encoding_by_quantizer(quantizer: Union[StaticGridTensorQuantizer, LearnedGridTensorQuantizer]) \
        -> Optional[Union[libpymo.TfEncoding, List[libpymo.TfEncoding]]]:
    Retrieve encoding object by quantizer type (StaticGridTensorQuantizer or LearnedGridTensorQuantizer)
    In particular, LearnedGridTensorQuantizer should use get_effective_encoding to achieve true encoding
    :param quantizer: TensorQuantizer (StaticGridTensorQuantizer or LearnedGridTensorQuantizer)
    :return: TfEncoding or list of TfEncoding. None if quantizer is not enabled
    if isinstance(quantizer, LearnedGridTensorQuantizer):
        return quantizer.get_effective_encoding()

    return quantizer.encoding

[docs]class QuantParams: """ Data type to hold quantization related params. """ def __init__(self, weight_bw: int = 8, act_bw: int = 8, round_mode: str = 'nearest', quant_scheme: Union[QuantScheme, str] = QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced, config_file: str = None): """ Constructor :param weight_bw: Weight bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing layer weights. Default = 8 :param act_bw: Activation bitwidth(4-31) to use for quantizing layer activations. Default = 8 :param round_mode: Rounding mode. Supported options are 'nearest' or 'stochastic' :param quant_scheme: Quantization scheme. Supported options are 'tf_enhanced' or 'tf' or using Quant Scheme Enum QuantScheme.post_training_tf or QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced :param config_file: Path to Configuration file for model quantizers """ self.weight_bw = weight_bw self.act_bw = act_bw self.round_mode = round_mode self.quant_scheme = quant_scheme self.config_file = config_file
[docs]class QuantizationSimModel: """ Implements mechanism to add quantization simulations ops to a model. This allows for off-target simulation of inference accuracy. Also allows the model to be fine-tuned to counter the effects of quantization. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, model: torch.nn.Module, dummy_input: Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple], quant_scheme: Union[str, QuantScheme] = QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced, rounding_mode: str = 'nearest', default_output_bw: int = 8, default_param_bw: int = 8, in_place: bool = False, config_file: str = None, default_data_type: QuantizationDataType = """ Constructor for QuantizationSimModel. :param model: Model to add simulation ops to :param dummy_input: Dummy input to the model. Used to parse model graph. If the model has more than one input, pass a tuple. User is expected to place the tensors on the appropriate device. :param quant_scheme: Quantization scheme. The Quantization scheme is used to compute the Quantization encodings. There are multiple schemes available. Please refer the QuantScheme enum definition. :param rounding_mode: Rounding mode. Supported options are 'nearest' or 'stochastic' :param default_output_bw: Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing all layer inputs and outputs :param default_param_bw: Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing all layer parameters :param in_place: If True, then the given 'model' is modified in-place to add quant-sim nodes. Only suggested use of this option is when the user wants to avoid creating a copy of the model :param config_file: Path to Configuration file for model quantizers :param default_data_type: Default data type to use for quantizing all layer inputs, outputs and parameters. Possible options are and QuantizationDataType.float. Note that the mode default_data_type=QuantizationDataType.float is only supported with default_output_bw=16 and default_param_bw=16 """ # Perform sanity checks on inputs validate_quantsim_inputs(quant_scheme, rounding_mode, default_output_bw, default_param_bw, default_data_type) # save some parameters if in_place: self.model = model else: self.model = copy.deepcopy(model) try: self.connected_graph = ConnectedGraph(self.model, dummy_input) except (torch.jit.TracingCheckError, AssertionError): self.connected_graph = None if isinstance(quant_scheme, str): if quant_scheme == 'tf': quant_scheme = QuantScheme.post_training_tf elif quant_scheme == 'tf_enhanced': quant_scheme = QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced elif quant_scheme == 'percentile': quant_scheme = QuantScheme.post_training_percentile self._quant_scheme = quant_scheme self._rounding_mode = rounding_mode self._default_output_bw = default_output_bw self._default_param_bw = default_param_bw self._is_conditional = False self._module_marker_map = {} self._percentile_value = 100 # default percentile value self._excluded_layer_names = [] # Add quantization layers num_inout_tensors = utils.find_num_inout_tensors_per_module(self.model, dummy_input) self._add_quantization_wrappers(self.model, num_inout_tensors, default_data_type) # Disable bias quantization self.exclude_param_from_quantization("bias") # override specific quantizers to tf mode in transformer model self._override_quant_config_for_transformer_layers() quantsim_configurator = self.configure_quantization_ops(config_file, default_output_bw, default_param_bw, default_data_type) self.quant_args = extract_global_quantizer_args(quant_scheme, quantsim_configurator) self._supported_kernels = quantsim_configurator.get_supported_kernels() # pylint: disable=protected-access self._hw_version = quantsim_configurator._get_hw_version() self._validate_supported_kernels_for_quantizers(SUPPORTED_KERNELS_ACTION) def get_supported_kernels(self) -> Dict: """ Return _supported_kernels parsed from the config file :return: Dictionary containing supported_kernels """ return self._supported_kernels def __str__(self): """ Pretty-printed output indicating where in the model, quantizers have been activated :return: """ def print_quantizer_state(stream, quantizer, prefix_string): if quantizer.enabled: stream.write(f' {prefix_string}: bw={quantizer.bitwidth}, ' f'encoding-present={bool(quantizer.encoding)}\n') if quantizer.encoding: stream.write(f' {quantizer}') else: stream.write(f' {prefix_string}: Not quantized\n') stream.write(' -------\n') stream = io.StringIO(newline='\n') stream.write("-------------------------\n") stream.write("Quantized Model Report\n") stream.write("-------------------------\n") for layer_name, layer in self._get_qc_quantized_layers(self.model): stream.write('----------------------------------------------------------\n') stream.write('Layer: {}\n'.format(layer_name)) # Inputs if isinstance(layer.input_quantizers, dict): for name, quantizer in layer.input_quantizers.items(): print_quantizer_state(stream, quantizer, prefix_string=f"Input[{name}]") else: for index, quantizer in enumerate(layer.input_quantizers): print_quantizer_state(stream, quantizer, prefix_string=f"Input[{index}]") # Params for param_name, quantizer in layer.param_quantizers.items(): print_quantizer_state(stream, quantizer, prefix_string=f"Param[{param_name}]") # Outputs if isinstance(layer.output_quantizers, dict): for name, quantizer in layer.output_quantizers.items(): print_quantizer_state(stream, quantizer, prefix_string=f"Output[{name}]") else: for index, quantizer in enumerate(layer.output_quantizers): print_quantizer_state(stream, quantizer, prefix_string=f"Output[{index}]") return stream.getvalue()
[docs] def compute_encodings(self, forward_pass_callback, forward_pass_callback_args): """ Computes encodings for all quantization sim nodes in the model. It is also used to find initial encodings for Range Learning :param forward_pass_callback: A callback function that simply runs forward passes on the model. This callback function should use representative data for the forward pass, so the calculated encodings work for all data samples. This callback internally chooses the number of data samples it wants to use for calculating encodings. :param forward_pass_callback_args: These argument(s) are passed to the forward_pass_callback as-is. Up to the user to determine the type of this parameter. E.g. could be simply an integer representing the number of data samples to use. Or could be a tuple of parameters or an object representing something more complex. If set to None, forward_pass_callback will be invoked with no parameters. :return: None """ quantized_layers = self._get_qc_quantized_layers(self.model) for _, layer in quantized_layers: # Clear stats and encodings if they are present layer.reset_encodings() # And set the mode to analysis layer.set_mode(QcQuantizeOpMode.ANALYSIS) for _, layer in quantized_layers: # call only when quant scheme is percentile if self._quant_scheme == QuantScheme.post_training_percentile: layer.set_percentile_value(self._percentile_value) # Run forward iterations so we can collect statistics to compute the appropriate encodings with utils.in_eval_mode(self.model), torch.no_grad(): _ = forward_pass_callback(self.model, forward_pass_callback_args) # Get the computed per-layer encodings and log them for name, layer in quantized_layers: layer.compute_encoding() # Before we return we set the mode to active - meaning ready for quantize/de-quantize # for layers with valid_encoding, otherwise we set to pass through if isinstance(layer, QcQuantizeRecurrent): self.set_mode_for_recurrent_module(layer, name) else: # By default we want to set the Quantization wrappers to ACTIVE mode layer.set_mode(QcQuantizeOpMode.ACTIVE) self.replace_wrappers_for_quantize_dequantize() self._clamp_transformer_attention_mask_encoding()
@classmethod def set_mode_for_recurrent_module(cls, layer: QcQuantizeRecurrent, name: str): """ Sets Recurrent module to active or pass through mode based on quantizer state :param layer: Qc Quantizer layer for recurrent module :param name: layer name :return: True if the encoding is invalid """ for quantizer_name, output_quantizer in layer.output_quantizers.items(): if output_quantizer.enabled: if output_quantizer.encoding: encoding = output_quantizer.encoding logger.debug("Encoding for %s-%s: min=%f, max=%f, offset=%f. delta=%f, bw=%f", name, quantizer_name, encoding.min, encoding.max,, encoding.offset, for quantizer_name, input_quantizer in layer.input_quantizers.items(): if input_quantizer.enabled: if input_quantizer.encoding: encoding = input_quantizer.encoding logger.debug("Encoding for %s-%s: min=%f, max=%f, offset=%f. delta=%f, bw=%f", name, quantizer_name, encoding.min, encoding.max,, encoding.offset, layer.set_mode(QcQuantizeOpMode.ACTIVE) def set_percentile_value(self, percentile_value: float): """ Set the percentile value to be used while computing encodings """ if percentile_value < 90 or percentile_value > 100: raise ValueError("Percentile value must be in range [90, 100]") self._percentile_value = percentile_value
[docs] def export(self, path: str, filename_prefix: str, dummy_input: Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple], onnx_export_args: Optional[Union[OnnxExportApiArgs, Dict]] = None, propagate_encodings: bool = False, export_to_torchscript: bool = False): """ This method exports out the quant-sim model so it is ready to be run on-target. Specifically, the following are saved: 1. The sim-model is exported to a regular PyTorch model without any simulation ops 2. The quantization encodings are exported to a separate JSON-formatted file that can then be imported by the on-target runtime (if desired) 3. Optionally, An equivalent model in ONNX format is exported. In addition, nodes in the ONNX model are named the same as the corresponding PyTorch module names. This helps with matching ONNX node to their quant encoding from #2. :param path: path where to store model pth and encodings :param filename_prefix: Prefix to use for filenames of the model pth and encodings files :param dummy_input: Dummy input to the model. Used to parse model graph. It is required for the dummy_input to be placed on CPU. :param onnx_export_args: Optional export argument with onnx specific overrides provided as a dictionary or OnnxExportApiArgs object. If not provided, defaults to "opset_version" = None, "input_names" = None, "output_names" = None, and for torch version < 1.10.0, "enable_onnx_checker" = False. :param propagate_encodings: If True, encoding entries for intermediate ops (when one PyTorch ops results in multiple ONNX nodes) are filled with the same BW and data_type as the output tensor for that series of ops. Defaults to False. :param export_to_torchscript: If True, export to torchscript. Export to onnx otherwise. Defaults to False. """ # save the quantized model and encodings model_filename = filename_prefix + '.pth' model_path = os.path.join(path, model_filename) # Create a version of the model without any quantization ops model_to_export = copy.deepcopy(self.model).cpu() all_modules_in_model_to_export = [module for module in model_to_export.modules()] self._remove_quantization_wrappers(model_to_export, all_modules_in_model_to_export), model_path) if export_to_torchscript: self.export_torch_script_model_and_encodings(path, filename_prefix, model_to_export, self.model, dummy_input, self._excluded_layer_names) else: if onnx_export_args is None: onnx_export_args = {'opset_version': None, 'input_names': None, 'output_names': None} if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse("1.10.0") and isinstance(onnx_export_args, dict): onnx_export_args['enable_onnx_checker'] = False log_with_error_and_assert_if_false(isinstance(onnx_export_args, (OnnxExportApiArgs, dict)), logger, f'unsupported opt_args type={type(onnx_export_args)}') self.export_onnx_model_and_encodings(path, filename_prefix, model_to_export, self.model, dummy_input, onnx_export_args, propagate_encodings, self._module_marker_map, self._is_conditional, self._excluded_layer_names, quantizer_args=self.quant_args)
@staticmethod def export_torch_script_model_and_encodings(path: str, filename_prefix: str, original_model: torch.nn.Module, sim_model: torch.nn.Module, dummy_input: Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple], excluded_layer_names: List = None): """ This method exports a onnx mode and the corresponding encodings :param path: path where to store model pth and encodings :param filename_prefix: Prefix to use for filenames of the model pth and encodings files :param original_model: model without the quantsim wrappers :param sim_model: model with the quantsim wrappers :param dummy_input: Dummy input to the model. Used to parse model graph. :param excluded_layer_names: List of names of layers that have been excluded from quantization. :return: None """ with utils.in_eval_mode(original_model), torch.no_grad(): trace = torch.jit.trace(original_model, dummy_input) ts_path = os.path.join(path, filename_prefix + '.torchscript.pth') # reload the trace from the saved trace file trace = torch.jit.load(ts_path) torch_script_node_io_tensor_map, valid_param_set = \ torchscript_utils.get_node_to_io_tensor_names_map(original_model, trace, dummy_input) # Export encodings QuantizationSimModel._export_encodings_to_files(sim_model, path, filename_prefix, torch_script_node_io_tensor_map, valid_param_set, excluded_layer_names, propagate_encodings=False) @staticmethod def export_onnx_model_and_encodings(path: str, filename_prefix: str, original_model: torch.nn.Module, sim_model: torch.nn.Module, dummy_input: Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple], onnx_export_args: Union[OnnxExportApiArgs, dict], propagate_encodings: bool, module_marker_map: Dict[torch.nn.Module, torch.Tensor] = None, is_conditional: bool = False, excluded_layer_names: List = None, quantizer_args: Dict = None): """ This method exports a onnx model and the corresponding encodings :param path: path where to store model pth and encodings :param filename_prefix: Prefix to use for filenames of the model pth and encodings files :param original_model: model without the quantsim wrappers :param sim_model: model with the quantsim wrappers :param dummy_input: Dummy input to the model. Used to parse model graph. :param onnx_export_args: Additional onnx export args including export api overrides :param propagate_encodings: If True, encoding entries for intermediate ops (when one PyTorch ops results in multiple ONNX nodes) are filled with the same BW and data_type as the output tensor for that series of ops. :param module_marker_map: Maps module names to traced custom markers (only used for conditional models) :param is_conditional: True if model is conditional, False otherwise :param excluded_layer_names: List of names of layers that have been excluded from quantization. :return: None """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals if module_marker_map is None: module_marker_map = {} # Save model to onnx onnx_path = os.path.join(path, filename_prefix + '.onnx') for dropout_type in DROPOUT_TYPES: utils.replace_modules_of_type1_with_type2(original_model, dropout_type, torch.nn.Identity) OnnxSaver.set_node_names(onnx_path, original_model, dummy_input, is_conditional, module_marker_map, onnx_export_args) onnx_model = onnx.load(onnx_path) onnx_node_to_io_tensor_map, valid_param_set = OnnxSaver.get_onnx_node_to_io_tensor_names_map(onnx_model) # Export encodings QuantizationSimModel._export_encodings_to_files(sim_model, path, filename_prefix, onnx_node_to_io_tensor_map, valid_param_set, excluded_layer_names, propagate_encodings, quantizer_args=quantizer_args) def exclude_layers_from_quantization(self, layers_to_exclude: List[torch.nn.Module]): """ Excludes certain layers from being quantized-dequantized by the simulator :param layers_to_exclude: List of torch layers to exclude :return: None """ # Save the excluded layer names. Do not save the modules since the wrapper removal depends on # reference count to automatically remove the layers. module_to_name_dict = utils.get_module_to_name_dict(self.model) quant_layers_to_exclude = [] for layer in layers_to_exclude: for module in layer.modules(): if isinstance(module, (QcQuantizeWrapper, QcQuantizeRecurrent)): quant_layers_to_exclude.append(module) excluded_module_name = module_to_name_dict.get(module) self._excluded_layer_names.append(excluded_module_name) self._remove_quantization_wrappers(self.model, quant_layers_to_exclude) def exclude_param_from_quantization(self, param_name_to_exclude: str): """ Excludes all parameters matching 'param_name' from quantization :param param_name_to_exclude: Name of the parameter to exclude :return: None """ for module in self.model.modules(): if isinstance(module, (QcQuantizeWrapper, QcQuantizeRecurrent)): if param_name_to_exclude in module.param_quantizers: module.param_quantizers[param_name_to_exclude].enabled = False def _replace_quantization_wrapper(self, model, device): """ Recursively remove quantization wrappers from all appropriate modules starting with a given module :param model: model for which PostTrainingWrapper gets replaced with Trainable wrapped module :param device: device on which model is present :return: None """ for module_name, module_ref in model.named_children(): if isinstance(module_ref, StaticGridQuantWrapper): # Create a Trainable wrapper and copy properties of PostTrainingWrapper to the Trainable wrapper quantized_module = self._construct_and_initialize_trainable_wrapper(module_ref, device) setattr(model, module_name, quantized_module) elif isinstance(module_ref, QcQuantizeRecurrent): # Set Recurrent layer for training mode module_ref.construct_and_initialize_trainable_quantizers(self._quant_scheme) # Recursively call children modules if present if not utils.is_leaf_module(module_ref): self._replace_quantization_wrapper(module_ref, device) def _construct_and_initialize_trainable_wrapper(self, post_training_module: StaticGridQuantWrapper, device: torch.device) -> LearnedGridQuantWrapper: """ Copies following tensor quantizer attributes from StaticGridQuantWrapper to LearnedGridQuantWrapper to avoid any mismatch. - enabled - bitwidth - encoding - use_symmetric_encodings - use_strict_symmetric - use_unsigned_symmetric :param post_training_module: StaticGridQuantWrapper wrapped module :param device: device on which model is present :return: trainable_module: QcTrainable wrapper module """ # pylint: disable=protected-access module = post_training_module._module_to_wrap num_inputs = len(post_training_module.input_quantizers) num_outputs = len(post_training_module.output_quantizers) # Creating a LearnedGridQuantWrapper module trainable_module = LearnedGridQuantWrapper(module, self._default_param_bw, self._default_output_bw, self._rounding_mode, self._quant_scheme, device=device, num_inputs=num_inputs, num_outputs=num_outputs, # Copy user settable attributes for outputs for index, quantizer in enumerate(post_training_module.output_quantizers): initialize_learned_grid_quantizer_attributes(trainable_module.output_quantizers[index], quantizer) if trainable_module.output_quantizers[index].encoding_min_max_fixed_vals is not None: trainable_module.output_quantizers[index].freeze_encoding() # Copy user settable attributes for inputs for index, quantizer in enumerate(post_training_module.input_quantizers): initialize_learned_grid_quantizer_attributes(trainable_module.input_quantizers[index], quantizer) if trainable_module.input_quantizers[index].encoding_min_max_fixed_vals is not None: trainable_module.input_quantizers[index].freeze_encoding() # Copy user settable attributes for params for name, quantizer in post_training_module.param_quantizers.items(): learned_grid_quantizer = trainable_module.param_quantizers[name] initialize_learned_grid_quantizer_attributes(learned_grid_quantizer, quantizer) if learned_grid_quantizer.encoding_min_max_fixed_vals is not None: learned_grid_quantizer.freeze_encoding() return trainable_module def replace_wrappers_for_quantize_dequantize(self): """ Replaces StaticGridWrapper with LearnedGridWrapper """ if self._quant_scheme == QuantScheme.training_range_learning_with_tf_init or self._quant_scheme == \ QuantScheme.training_range_learning_with_tf_enhanced_init: device = utils.get_device(self.model) self._replace_quantization_wrapper(self.model, device) def _override_quant_config_for_transformer_layers(self): """Looks for specfic ops in a transformer and overrides the quantizer to tf mode """ # pylint: disable=protected-access attention_with_mask_add_quantizer_dict = transformer_utils.get_attention_with_mask_add_quantizer_dict(self.model) for attention_head, (mask_add_quantizer_wrapper, mask_add_name) in attention_with_mask_add_quantizer_dict.items(): assert isinstance(mask_add_quantizer_wrapper, StaticGridQuantWrapper) # clamping needs to be done only if data type is int if mask_add_quantizer_wrapper.output_quantizers and \ mask_add_quantizer_wrapper.output_quantizers[0].data_type == module_to_quantize = mask_add_quantizer_wrapper._module_to_wrap quantizer_wrapper_type = qc_quantize_modules_dict.get(type(module_to_quantize), StaticGridQuantWrapper) # Add a quantizer set to tf mode and bw to 16 and copy over remaining attributes # we need 16 bit to retain the max representation for this quantizer. quantized_module = quantizer_wrapper_type(module_to_quantize, 16, 16, MAP_PYMO_TO_ROUND_MODE[mask_add_quantizer_wrapper.output_quantizers[0].round_mode], QuantScheme.post_training_tf, num_inputs=len(mask_add_quantizer_wrapper.input_quantizers), num_outputs=len(mask_add_quantizer_wrapper.output_quantizers), data_type=mask_add_quantizer_wrapper.output_quantizers[0].data_type) setattr(attention_head, mask_add_name, quantized_module) def _clamp_transformer_attention_mask_encoding(self): """ clamps the quantizer encoding min associated with mask adder op within a attention head. :return: """ # pylint: disable=protected-access attention_with_mask_add_quantizer_dict = transformer_utils.get_attention_with_mask_add_quantizer_dict(self.model) for (mask_add_quantizer_wrapper, _) in attention_with_mask_add_quantizer_dict.values(): # we check if quantizer is enabled and data type is set to int before clamping # clamping is not necessary for FP16 mode. assert isinstance(mask_add_quantizer_wrapper, StaticGridQuantWrapper) if mask_add_quantizer_wrapper.output_quantizers and mask_add_quantizer_wrapper.output_quantizers[0].enabled \ and mask_add_quantizer_wrapper.output_quantizers[0].data_type == for output_quantizer in mask_add_quantizer_wrapper.output_quantizers: # get the min/max from accumulated stats associated with this quantizer if output_quantizer.is_encoding_frozen: continue encoding = output_quantizer.encoding output_quantizer.encoding.min = max(encoding.min, transformer_utils.MASK_OVERRIDE_VALUE) output_quantizer.encoding.max = encoding.max # recompute grid params as we clamped min and updated max above # with bitwidth as dictated by default config clamped_encoding = aimet_common.quantsim.recompute_grid_params( output_quantizer.encoding, self._default_output_bw, output_quantizer.use_symmetric_encodings) # update encoding of this quantizer output_quantizer.encoding = clamped_encoding output_quantizer.freeze_encoding() else: logger.debug("Skipping clamp on %s. Quantizer is disabled or not int type", mask_add_quantizer_wrapper) @staticmethod def _validate_quantsim_inputs(quant_scheme: Union[str, QuantScheme], rounding_mode: str, default_output_bw: int, default_param_bw: int, data_type: QuantizationDataType = """ Perform sanity checks on inputs to QuantSim NOTE: This method will be deprecated. Call aimet_common.quantsim.validate_quantsim_inputs directly instead. :param quant_scheme: Quantization scheme. Supported options are 'tf_enhanced' or 'tf' or using Quant Scheme Enum QuantScheme.post_training_tf or QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced :param rounding_mode: Rounding mode. Supported options are 'nearest' or 'stochastic' :param default_output_bw: Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing layer inputs and outputs :param default_param_bw: Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing layer parameters :param data_type: Data type of the quantized values (int or float). """ validate_quantsim_inputs(quant_scheme, rounding_mode, default_output_bw, default_param_bw, data_type) @staticmethod def _find_next_downstream_modules(op): downstream_modules = [] for succeeding_op in list(op.output.consumers): if succeeding_op.get_module(): downstream_modules.append(succeeding_op.get_module()) elif succeeding_op.type == 'Split': downstream_modules += QuantizationSimModel._find_next_downstream_modules(succeeding_op) return downstream_modules @staticmethod def _export_encodings_to_files(sim_model: torch.nn.Module, path: str, filename_prefix: str, op_to_io_tensor_map: Dict, valid_param_set: set, excluded_layer_names, propagate_encodings: bool, quantizer_args: Dict = None): """ Save the quantized model weight encodings :param sim_model: Quantsim model to export encodings for :param path: path where to store model pth and encodings :param filename_prefix: filename to store exported weight encodings in json format :param op_to_io_tensor_map: Dictionary of layer to I/O tensor mapping from onnx or torch script model :param valid_param_set: a set of valid param input names in model :param excluded_layer_names: List of names of layers that have been excluded from quantization. :param propagate_encodings: If True, encoding entries for intermediate ops (when one PyTorch ops results in multiple ONNX nodes) are filled with the same BW and data_type as the output tensor for that series of ops. :param quantizer_args """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # Create a dictionary to export to JSON activation_encodings_onnx = {} activation_encodings_torch = {} param_encodings = {} layers_in_io_tensor = QuantizationSimModel._get_layers_in_io_tensor_map(op_to_io_tensor_map) layer_names_not_found = [] for layer_name, layer in QuantizationSimModel._get_qc_quantized_layers(sim_model): if not has_valid_encodings(layer): continue # TODO: specifically call out dropout layers here since they are specifically switched out during export. # These ops should eventually be reworked as part of math invariant ops to ignore quantization altogether. # pylint: disable=protected-access if isinstance(layer, QcQuantizeWrapper) and isinstance(layer._module_to_wrap, DROPOUT_TYPES): continue if layer_name not in layers_in_io_tensor: layer_names_not_found.append(layer_name) else: QuantizationSimModel._update_encoding_dicts_for_layer(layer, layer_name, activation_encodings_onnx, activation_encodings_torch, param_encodings, op_to_io_tensor_map, valid_param_set, propagate_encodings) if layer_names_not_found: logger.warning("The following layers were not found in the exported onnx model. Encodings for these layers" " will not appear in the exported encodings file:\n" "%s\n" "This can be due to several reasons:\n" "\t- The layer is set to quantize with float datatype, but was not exercised in compute " "encodings. Not an issue if the layer is not meant to be run.\n" "\t- The layer has valid encodings but was not seen while exporting to onnx using the dummy " "input provided in sim.export(). Ensure that the dummy input covers all layers.", layer_names_not_found) encodings_dict_onnx = {'version': encoding_version, 'activation_encodings': activation_encodings_onnx, 'param_encodings': param_encodings, 'excluded_layers': excluded_layer_names} encodings_dict_pytorch = {'version': encoding_version, 'activation_encodings': activation_encodings_torch, 'param_encodings': param_encodings, 'excluded_layers': excluded_layer_names} if quantizer_args: encodings_dict_pytorch.update({'quantizer_args': quantizer_args}) encodings_dict_onnx.update({'quantizer_args': quantizer_args})"Layers excluded from quantization: %s", excluded_layer_names) # export weight encodings to output json file encoding_file_path = os.path.join(path, filename_prefix + '.encodings') encoding_file_path_pytorch = os.path.join(path, filename_prefix + '_torch' + '.encodings') save_json_yaml(encoding_file_path, encodings_dict_onnx) save_json_yaml(encoding_file_path_pytorch, encodings_dict_pytorch) @staticmethod def _get_layers_in_io_tensor_map(op_to_io_tensor_map: Dict) -> Set: """ extract root(layer) names of onnx op names in tensor map :param op_to_io_tensor_map: ONNX or Torch Script map of layer name to it's input/output tensors :return: a set containing layer names present in io tensor map. """ layers_in_io_tensor_set = set() for name in op_to_io_tensor_map.keys(): if name.endswith('.end'): name = name[:-4] layers_in_io_tensor_set.add(name.split('#')[0]) return layers_in_io_tensor_set @staticmethod def _update_param_encodings_dict_for_layer(layer: torch.nn.Module, layer_name: str, param_encodings: Dict, valid_param_set: set): """ :param layer: layer as torch.nn.Module :param layer_name : Name of the layer :param param_encodings: dictionary of param encodings :param valid_param_set: a set of valid param input names in model """ for orig_param_name, param_quantizer in layer.param_quantizers.items(): param_name = layer_name + '.' + orig_param_name if not param_quantizer.enabled: continue elif param_name not in valid_param_set: logger.error('Param tensor {%s} not found in valid param set', param_name) continue elif isinstance(param_quantizer.encoding, Iterable): param_encodings[param_name] = [] quantizer_encoding = _get_encoding_by_quantizer(param_quantizer) for encoding in quantizer_encoding: enc_dict = QuantizationSimModel._create_encoding_dict(encoding, param_quantizer, propagate_encodings=False) param_encodings[param_name].append(enc_dict) else: quantizer_encoding = _get_encoding_by_quantizer(param_quantizer) enc_dict = QuantizationSimModel._create_encoding_dict(quantizer_encoding, param_quantizer, propagate_encodings=False) param_encodings[param_name] = [enc_dict] @staticmethod def _update_encoding_dicts_for_layer(layer: torch.nn.Module, layer_name: str, activation_encodings_onnx: Dict, activation_encodings_torch: Dict, param_encodings: Dict, op_to_io_tensor_map: Dict, valid_param_set: set, propagate_encodings: bool): """ Add given layer param and activation encodings to respective dictionaries to be used for exporting encodings :param layer: layer as torch.nn.Module :param layer_name: Name of the layer :param activation_encodings_onnx: dictionary of activation encodings which maps onnx attribute to encodings :param activation_encodings_torch: dictionary of activation encodings which maps pytorch names to encodings :param param_encodings: dictionary of param encodings :param op_to_io_tensor_map: ONNX or Torch Script map of layer name to it's input/output tensors :param valid_param_set: a set of valid param input names in model :param propagate_encodings: If True, encoding entries for intermediate ops (when one PyTorch ops results in multiple ONNX nodes) are filled with the same BW and data_type as the output tensor for that series of ops. """ if isinstance(layer, QcQuantizeWrapper): # -------------------------------------- # Update encodings for Input activations # -------------------------------------- QuantizationSimModel._update_encoding_dict_for_input_activations(layer, layer_name, op_to_io_tensor_map, activation_encodings_onnx, activation_encodings_torch) # --------------------------------------- # Update encodings for output activations # --------------------------------------- QuantizationSimModel._update_encoding_dict_for_output_activations(layer, layer_name, op_to_io_tensor_map, activation_encodings_onnx, activation_encodings_torch, propagate_encodings) # --------------------------- # Update encodings for Params # --------------------------- QuantizationSimModel._update_param_encodings_dict_for_layer(layer, layer_name, param_encodings, valid_param_set) if isinstance(layer, QcQuantizeRecurrent): # Update encodings for Recurrent layers QuantizationSimModel._update_encoding_dict_for_recurrent_layers(layer, layer_name, op_to_io_tensor_map, activation_encodings_onnx, param_encodings, propagate_encodings) @staticmethod def find_op_names_for_layer(layer_name: str, op_to_io_tensor_map: Dict) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """ This function returns the last ONNX op and the list of ONNX Ops that were mapped from a PyTorch Op. :param layer_name: Name of the PyTorch layer :param op_to_io_tensor_map: ONNX or Torch Script map of layer name to it's input/output tensors :return: tuple(end op names, all op names) """ op_names = [key for key in op_to_io_tensor_map if (key.startswith(layer_name) and layer_name+'#' in key) or key == layer_name] if len(op_names) == 1: return op_names, op_names end_op_names = [op_name for op_name in op_names if op_name.endswith('.end')] return end_op_names, op_names @staticmethod def _update_encoding_dict_for_output_activations(layer: torch.nn.Module, layer_name: str, op_to_io_tensor_map: Dict, activation_encodings_onnx: Dict, activation_encodings_torch: Dict, propagate_encodings: bool): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals output_tensors, propagate_tensors = QuantizationSimModel._get_layer_activation_tensors(layer_name, op_to_io_tensor_map) num_quantizers = len(layer.output_quantizers) num_outputs = len(output_tensors) if len(output_tensors) != num_quantizers: logger.warning("number of output quantizers: %d available for layer: %s " "doesn't match with number of output tensors: %d", num_quantizers, layer_name, num_outputs) for index, (output_tensor, quantizer) in enumerate(zip(output_tensors, layer.output_quantizers)): if quantizer.enabled: quantizer_encoding = _get_encoding_by_quantizer(quantizer) enc = QuantizationSimModel._create_encoding_dict(quantizer_encoding, quantizer, propagate_encodings=False) activation_encodings_onnx[output_tensor] = [enc] # Check if layer exists in the pytorch encoding dictionary if layer_name not in activation_encodings_torch: activation_encodings_torch[layer_name] = {} if QUANTIZER_TYPE_OUTPUT not in activation_encodings_torch[layer_name]: activation_encodings_torch[layer_name][QUANTIZER_TYPE_OUTPUT] = {} activation_encodings_torch[layer_name][QUANTIZER_TYPE_OUTPUT][index] = enc if propagate_encodings: enabled_quantizers = [q for q in layer.output_quantizers if q.enabled] if enabled_quantizers: quantizer = enabled_quantizers[0] for activation_tensor in propagate_tensors: quantizer_encoding = _get_encoding_by_quantizer(quantizer) enc = QuantizationSimModel._create_encoding_dict(quantizer_encoding, quantizer, propagate_encodings=True) activation_encodings_onnx[activation_tensor] = [enc] @staticmethod def _update_encoding_dict_for_input_activations(layer: torch.nn.Module, layer_name: str, op_to_io_tensor_map: Dict, activation_encodings_onnx: Dict, activation_encodings_torch: Dict): # skip layer if all input quantizers are disabled. if all(not quantizer.enabled for quantizer in layer.input_quantizers): return input_tensors = QuantizationSimModel._get_layer_input_tensors(layer, layer_name, op_to_io_tensor_map) num_quantizers = len(layer.input_quantizers) num_inputs = len(input_tensors) if len(input_tensors) != num_quantizers: logger.warning("number of input quantizers: %d available for layer: %s " "doesn't match with number of input tensors: %d", num_quantizers, layer_name, num_inputs) for index, (input_tensor, quantizer) in enumerate(zip(input_tensors, layer.input_quantizers)): if quantizer.enabled: quantizer_encoding = _get_encoding_by_quantizer(quantizer) encoding = QuantizationSimModel._create_encoding_dict(quantizer_encoding, quantizer, propagate_encodings=False) activation_encodings_onnx[input_tensor] = [encoding] # Check if layer exists in the pytorch encoding dictionary if layer_name not in activation_encodings_torch: activation_encodings_torch[layer_name] = {} if QUANTIZER_TYPE_INPUT not in activation_encodings_torch[layer_name]: activation_encodings_torch[layer_name][QUANTIZER_TYPE_INPUT] = {} # Store encodings for a particular index so that they can be used to check if a quantizer was # enabled or not activation_encodings_torch[layer_name][QUANTIZER_TYPE_INPUT][index] = encoding @staticmethod def _get_layer_input_tensors(layer: torch.nn.Module, layer_name: str, op_to_io_tensor_map: Dict) -> List[str]: """ This function returns the list of input tensor names mapped from a PyTorch Op. :param layer: layer as torch.nn.Module :param layer_name: Name of the PyTorch layer :param op_to_io_tensor_map: ONNX or Torch Script map of layer name to it's input/output tensors :return: list of input tensor names. """ param_inputs = [layer_name + '.' + param_name for param_name in layer.param_quantizers] start_op_names = [key for key in op_to_io_tensor_map if (key.startswith(layer_name) and '#0' in key) or key == layer_name] input_tensors = [] for name in start_op_names: for input_tensor in op_to_io_tensor_map[name].inputs: if input_tensor not in param_inputs: input_tensors.append(input_tensor) return input_tensors @classmethod def _get_layer_activation_tensors(cls, layer_name: str, op_to_io_tensor_map: Dict) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """ This function returns the list of output tensor and intermediate tensor names mapped from a PyTorch Op. :param layer_name: Name of the PyTorch layer :param op_to_io_tensor_map: ONNX or Torch Script map of layer name to it's input/output tensors :return: tuple containing list of output tensor names and list of intermediate tensors """ end_op_names, op_names = cls.find_op_names_for_layer(layer_name, op_to_io_tensor_map) if len(end_op_names) > 1: output_op_map_str = cls._get_output_map_str(end_op_names, layer_name, op_to_io_tensor_map)"layer_name: %s, has multiple output onnx ops: %s", layer_name, output_op_map_str) output_tensors = [] intermediate_tensors = [] for name in op_names: if name in end_op_names: output_tensors.extend(op_to_io_tensor_map[name].outputs) else: intermediate_tensors.extend(op_to_io_tensor_map[name].outputs) return output_tensors, intermediate_tensors @staticmethod def _get_output_map_str(end_op_names, layer_name, op_to_io_tensor_map) -> str: """ This function returns formatted list of output ops tensor mapping :param end_op_names: list of output onnx ops :param layer_name: Name of the PyTorch layer :param op_to_io_tensor_map: ONNX or Torch Script map of layer name to it's input/output tensors :return: formatted string with output ops and their corresponding output count. """ num_output_ops = len(end_op_names) op_map_str = ','.join([f'{name.replace(layer_name, "")}:{len(op_to_io_tensor_map[name].outputs)}' for name in end_op_names[:5]]) if num_output_ops > 5: op_map_str += ', ..' return f'{num_output_ops},[{op_map_str}]' @staticmethod def _update_encoding_dict_for_recurrent_layers(layer: torch.nn.Module, layer_name: str, op_to_io_tensor_map: Dict, activation_encodings_onnx: Dict, param_encodings: Dict, propagate_encodings: bool): """ :param layer: :param layer_name: :param op_to_io_tensor_map: :param activation_encodings_onnx: :param param_encodings: :param propagate_encodings: :return: """ # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks # pylint: disable=too-many-locals onnx_activations_to_quantizers, onnx_params_to_quantizers = \ layer.get_activation_param_quantizers_for_onnx_tensors(op_to_io_tensor_map[layer_name + '#root_node']) # ------------------ # Activations # ------------------ quantizer = None for tensor, quantizer in onnx_activations_to_quantizers.items(): quantizer_encoding = _get_encoding_by_quantizer(quantizer) encoding = QuantizationSimModel._create_encoding_dict(quantizer_encoding, quantizer, propagate_encodings=False) activation_encodings_onnx[tensor] = [encoding] if propagate_encodings and quantizer: _, op_names = QuantizationSimModel.find_op_names_for_layer(layer_name, op_to_io_tensor_map) for op_name in op_names: io_tensor_list = op_to_io_tensor_map[op_name] if not isinstance(io_tensor_list, list): io_tensor_list = [io_tensor_list] for io_tensors in io_tensor_list: if io_tensors.outputs: for output_tensor in io_tensors.outputs: if output_tensor in onnx_activations_to_quantizers: continue quantizer_encoding = _get_encoding_by_quantizer(quantizer) encoding = QuantizationSimModel._create_encoding_dict(quantizer_encoding, quantizer, True) activation_encodings_onnx[output_tensor] = [encoding] # ------------------ # Params # ------------------ for tensor, quantizer in onnx_params_to_quantizers.items(): quantizer_encoding = _get_encoding_by_quantizer(quantizer) encoding = QuantizationSimModel._create_encoding_dict(quantizer_encoding, quantizer, propagate_encodings=False) param_encodings[tensor] = [encoding] @staticmethod def _get_qc_quantized_layers(model) -> List[Tuple[str, QcQuantizeWrapper]]: quantized_layers = [] for name, module in model.named_modules(): if isinstance(module, (QcQuantizeWrapper, QcQuantizeRecurrent)): quantized_layers.append((name, module)) return quantized_layers @staticmethod def _is_quantizable_module(module_ref): """ Function to check if a module is eligible for quantization. If the module is NOT an PyTorch module type or if the module was already Quantized or if the module is in the layers_to_ignore list, don't quantize. """ if isinstance(module_ref, unquantizable_modules): logger.debug("Module %s not quantizable", module_ref) return False logger.debug("Module %s is quantizable", module_ref) return True def _create_quantizer_module(self, module_to_quantize: torch.nn.Module, num_inout_tensors: Dict, data_type: QuantizationDataType) -> torch.nn.Module: """Instantiates wrapper based on quant scheme """ assert self._quant_scheme in [QuantScheme.post_training_tf, QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced, QuantScheme.training_range_learning_with_tf_enhanced_init, QuantScheme.training_range_learning_with_tf_init, QuantScheme.post_training_percentile] # We lookup the number of input and output tensors already determined # Special case, we are adding a wrapper for a module not in the forward pass: Use default of 1, 1 num_in_tensors, num_out_tensors = num_inout_tensors.get(module_to_quantize, (1, 1)) # Set quantizer to be a module replacer if it is in qc_quantize_modules_dict, otherwise set as # StaticGridQuantWrapper. quantizer_wrapper_type = qc_quantize_modules_dict.get(type(module_to_quantize), StaticGridQuantWrapper) if self._quant_scheme in [QuantScheme.post_training_tf, QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced, QuantScheme.post_training_percentile]: quant_scheme_for_initialization = self._quant_scheme elif self._quant_scheme == QuantScheme.training_range_learning_with_tf_init: quant_scheme_for_initialization = QuantScheme.post_training_tf elif self._quant_scheme == QuantScheme.training_range_learning_with_tf_enhanced_init: quant_scheme_for_initialization = QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced # TODO add quant_scheme_for_initialization for FP8 case quantized_module = quantizer_wrapper_type(module_to_quantize, self._default_param_bw, self._default_output_bw, self._rounding_mode, quant_scheme_for_initialization, num_inputs=num_in_tensors, num_outputs=num_out_tensors, data_type=data_type) return quantized_module def _add_quantization_wrappers(self, module, num_inout_tensors, default_data_type: QuantizationDataType): """Recursively add quantization wrappers to all appropriate modules starting with module """ for module_name, module_ref in module.named_children(): logger.debug("nn.Module found : %s", module_ref) # check if the module already quantized then ignore if not self._is_quantizable_module(module_ref): continue # check if the module is leaf or not if utils.is_leaf_module(module_ref): # Create a new QcQuantize wrapper module quantized_module = self._create_quantizer_module(module_ref, num_inout_tensors, default_data_type) setattr(module, module_name, quantized_module) # recursively call children modules else: self._add_quantization_wrappers(module_ref, num_inout_tensors, default_data_type) @staticmethod def _create_encoding_dict(encoding: libpymo.TfEncoding, quantizer, propagate_encodings: bool) -> Union[Dict, None]: """ Create encoding dictionary from encoding object :param encoding: Encoding of the quantizer :param quantizer: Tensor Quantizer :param propagate_encodings: If True, encoding entries for intermediate ops (when one PyTorch ops results in multiple ONNX nodes) are filled with the same BW and data_type as the output tensor for that series of ops. :return: Encoding Dictionary """ data_type, bitwidth = quantizer.data_type, quantizer.bitwidth if data_type == QuantizationDataType.float: enc_dict = {'bitwidth': bitwidth, 'dtype': "float"} else: if encoding: if propagate_encodings: # Shortened encodings will be filled into a layer that only exists due to expansion of PyTorch ops # into multiple ONNX ops so that it's necessarily to use the same bitwidth and type enc_dict = {'bitwidth':, 'dtype': "int"} else: encoding_min, encoding_max, bw, scale, offset = encoding.min, encoding.max,, \, encoding.offset is_symmetric = quantizer.use_symmetric_encodings enc_dict = {'min': encoding_min, 'max': encoding_max, 'scale': scale, 'offset': int(offset), 'bitwidth': bw, 'is_symmetric': str(is_symmetric), 'dtype': "int"} else: enc_dict = None return enc_dict @classmethod def _remove_quantization_wrappers(cls, starting_module, list_of_modules_to_exclude): """ Recursively remove quantization wrappers from all appropriate modules starting with a given module :param starting_module: Module to recursive search downstream from :param list_of_modules_to_exclude: List of torch modules to remove quantization wrappers from (if present) :return: None """ for module_name, module_ref in starting_module.named_children(): # If modules is in the exclude list, remove the wrapper if module_ref in list_of_modules_to_exclude: if isinstance(module_ref, QcQuantizeWrapper): # Remove the wrapper, gets auto-deleted # pylint: disable=protected-access setattr(starting_module, module_name, module_ref._module_to_wrap) elif isinstance(module_ref, QcQuantizeStandAloneBase): setattr(starting_module, module_name, torch.nn.Identity()) elif isinstance(module_ref, QcQuantizeRecurrent): module_ref.update_params() setattr(starting_module, module_name, module_ref.module_to_quantize) # Recursively call children modules if present if not utils.is_leaf_module(module_ref): cls._remove_quantization_wrappers(module_ref, list_of_modules_to_exclude) def _add_inputs_hook(self, hooks): module_to_name_map = {} for name, module in self.model.named_modules(): if isinstance(module, QcQuantizeWrapper): # pylint: disable=protected-access module_to_name_map[module._module_to_wrap] = name # Add any leaf modules that are not wrapped by QcQuantizeWrapper (like Identity) for name, module in self.model.named_modules(): if utils.is_leaf_module(module) and module not in module_to_name_map.keys(): module_to_name_map[module] = name def inputs_hook(module_ref, inputs, _): # Need to remove hook here, otherwise the jit trace of CustomMarker with module ref will error since the # hook will be recursively hit. hooks[module_ref].remove() del hooks[module_ref] module_name = module_to_name_map[module_ref] marker_layer = torch.jit.trace(CustomMarker(module_ref, module_name, 'True'), inputs) self._module_marker_map[module_name] = marker_layer for name, module in self.model.named_modules(): if name not in self._module_marker_map and utils.is_leaf_module(module): hooks[module] = module.register_forward_hook(inputs_hook) def _validate_module_marker_map(self): """ Check to make sure all leaf modules have traced Custom Markers associated with them. """ all_leaf_modules = set() missing_inputs_entries = [] for name, module in self.model.named_modules(): if isinstance(module, QcQuantizeWrapper): all_leaf_modules.add(name) # Add any modules that are not wrapped by QcQuantizeWrappers (like Identity) for name, module in self.model.named_modules(): if utils.is_leaf_module(module) and '_module_to_wrap' not in name: all_leaf_modules.add(name) for leaf_module in all_leaf_modules: if leaf_module not in self._module_marker_map.keys(): missing_inputs_entries.append(leaf_module) if missing_inputs_entries:'In order to export a conditional model, all leaf modules need to be run with some input so ' 'torch trace can be done.')'The following modules were not run during compute encodings:')'Please use the sim.run_modules_for_traced_custom_marker(<module list>, dummy_input) api to ' 'pass dummy inputs to these modules.')'Modules which can take the same dummy input can be ' 'grouped as a list. For groups of modules with different input shapes, please call ' 'sim.run_modules_for_traced_custom_markers() for each group.')'Exiting quantsim export early.') return False return True def _export_conditional(self, path: str, filename_prefix: str, dummy_input: Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple], forward_pass_callback: Callable, forward_pass_callback_args, onnx_export_args: Union[OnnxExportApiArgs, None] = OnnxExportApiArgs(), propagate_encodings: bool = False): """ Export function for conditional models. Performs another round of forward passes to create and store traced CustomMarker info for each leaf module to be later used when scripting the model for export. :param path: path where to store model pth and encodings :param filename_prefix: Prefix to use for filenames of the model pth and encodings files :param dummy_input: Dummy input to the model. Used to parse model graph. It is required for the dummy_input to be placed on CPU. :param forward_pass_callback: A callback function that simply runs forward passes on the model. This callback function should use representative data for the forward pass, so the calculated encodings work for all data samples. This callback internally chooses the number of data samples it wants to use for calculating encodings. The callback should exercise all paths of the conditional model. :param forward_pass_callback_args: These argument(s) are passed to the forward_pass_callback as-is. Up to the user to determine the type of this parameter. E.g. could be simply an integer representing the number of data samples to use. Or could be a tuple of parameters or an object representing something more complex. If set to None, forward_pass_callback will be invoked with no parameters. :param onnx_export_args: onnx specific export arguments :param propagate_encodings: If True, encoding entries for intermediate ops (when one PyTorch ops results in multiple ONNX nodes) are filled with the same BW and data_type as the output tensor for that series of ops. :return: None """ self._is_conditional = True if onnx_export_args is None: onnx_export_args = OnnxExportApiArgs() # If model is conditional, we need to create traced CustomMarkers to be used later during export. Create hooks # here for creating a traced CustomMarker for each leaf module during the forward pass callback. hooks = {} if self._is_conditional: self._add_inputs_hook(hooks) with utils.in_eval_mode(self.model), torch.no_grad(): _ = forward_pass_callback(self.model, forward_pass_callback_args) # Any hooks that were hit during forward pass callback would have removed themselves. Remove the remaining # hooks that were not run. for h in hooks.values(): h.remove() # Check that all paths were exercised if not self._validate_module_marker_map(): return self.export(path, filename_prefix, dummy_input, onnx_export_args, propagate_encodings) def configure_quantization_ops(self, config_file: str, default_output_bw: int, default_param_bw: int, default_data_type: QuantizationDataType) -> QuantSimConfigurator: """ Configure inserted quantize ops using config file and fill in all the supported kernels :param config_file: Configuration file to use :param default_output_bw: default bitwidth for activations :param default_param_bw: default bitwidth for params :param default_data_type: default data type :return: QuantSimConfigurator object """ if self.connected_graph is None: error_msg = ('A connected graph failed to be built.\n' 'Unable to proceed with automatically configuring quantization ops using the config file.\n' 'Please configure quantization ops manually by redefining ' 'QuantizationSimModel.configure_quantization_ops()') logger.error(error_msg) raise AssertionError(error_msg) return QuantSimConfigurator(self.model, self.connected_graph, config_file, default_output_bw, default_param_bw, default_data_type) def set_and_freeze_param_encodings(self, encoding_path: str): """ Set and freeze parameter encodings from encodings JSON file :param encoding_path: path from where to load parameter encodings file """ # Load parameter encodings file with open(encoding_path) as json_file: param_encodings = json.load(json_file) for name, quant_module in self.model.named_modules(): if isinstance(quant_module, QcQuantizeWrapper): quant_module.set_param_encoding(name, param_encodings) quant_module.freeze_param_encoding(name, param_encodings) def quant_wrappers(self): """ Generator for yielding all quantization wrappers and their names """ for name, module in self.model.named_modules(): if isinstance(module, (QcQuantizeWrapper, QcQuantizeRecurrent)): yield name, module def run_modules_for_traced_custom_marker(self, module_list: List[torch.nn.Module], dummy_input): """ Given a list of modules to run and dummy input for the module, create a traced CustomMarker for each module and store it in the module_marker map. The same dummy input will be used for all modules. :param module_list: List of modules to create traced CustomMarkers for :param dummy_input: Dummy input for all modules """ module_to_name_map = {} for name, module in self.model.named_modules(): if utils.is_leaf_module(module): if '._module_to_wrap' in name: module_to_name_map[module] = name[:MODULE_TO_WRAP_STRING_REVERSE_INDEX] else: module_to_name_map[module] = name for module in module_list: if isinstance(module, QcQuantizeWrapper): module = getattr(module, '_module_to_wrap') # Only perform init and trace if the given module is a leaf module, and we have not recorded it before if module in module_to_name_map and module_to_name_map[module] not in self._module_marker_map: with utils.in_eval_mode(module), torch.no_grad(): marker_layer = torch.jit.trace(CustomMarker(module, module_to_name_map[module], 'True'), dummy_input) self._module_marker_map[module_to_name_map[module]] = marker_layer def _validate_supported_kernels_for_quantizers(self, action: SupportedKernelsAction): """ Validate supported kernels for all the Quantizers in the QuantSimModel :param action: The action to be performed when incorrect candidate is set in a quantizer """ def apply_act_param_rules(curr_candidate: QuantDtypeBwInfo, allowed_supported_kernels: List[QuantDtypeBwInfo], module_name): """ helper function to validate both activation and param against the supported_kernels passed :param curr_candidate: candidate of interest :param allowed_supported_kernels: List of supported kernels for the given module :param module_name: name of the module """ if action != SupportedKernelsAction.allow_error: for k in allowed_supported_kernels: if curr_candidate == k: return if action == SupportedKernelsAction.warn_on_error: logger.warning("candidate:%s is not under the supported_kernels for the module %s", curr_candidate, module_name) if action == SupportedKernelsAction.assert_on_error: error_msg = f'candidate: {curr_candidate} is not under the supported_kernels for the module {module_name}' raise RuntimeError(error_msg) def apply_act_rules(act: Tuple[int, QuantizationDataType], allowed_supported_kernels: List[QuantDtypeBwInfo], module_name): """ helper function to validate both activation only against the supported_kernels passed :param act: act of the candidate to be validated :param allowed_supported_kernels: List of supported kernels for the given module :param module_name: name of the module """ if action != SupportedKernelsAction.allow_error: for k in allowed_supported_kernels: if k.is_same_activation(act[0], act[1]): return if action == SupportedKernelsAction.warn_on_error: logger.warning("activation:%s is not under the supported_kernels for the module %s", act, module_name) if action == SupportedKernelsAction.assert_on_error: error_msg = f'activation: {act} is not under the supported_kernels for the module {module_name}' raise RuntimeError(error_msg) # retrieve all the act and param quantizer candidates, and validate them against supported_kernels for name, module in self.model.named_modules(): if isinstance(module, QcQuantizeWrapper) and module.supported_kernels: supported_kernels = [] for supported_kernel in module.supported_kernels: # ((activation bitwidth, activation data type), (param bitwidth, param data type)) # TODO modify this once reformat_supported_kernels generates of type QuantDtypeBwInfo supported_kernels.append( QuantDtypeBwInfo(supported_kernel[0][1], supported_kernel[0][0], supported_kernel[1][1], supported_kernel[1][0])) act_candidates = [] param_candidate = () for quantizer in module.input_quantizers + module.output_quantizers: act_candidates.append((quantizer.bitwidth, quantizer.data_type)) if 'weight' in module.param_quantizers: param_candidate = (module.param_quantizers['weight'].bitwidth, module.param_quantizers['weight'].data_type) if param_candidate: # we need to check weights against all the activations for act_candidate in set(act_candidates): apply_act_param_rules(QuantDtypeBwInfo(act_candidate[1], act_candidate[0], param_candidate[1], param_candidate[0]), supported_kernels, name) else: for candidate in set(act_candidates): apply_act_rules(candidate, supported_kernels, name)
def save_checkpoint(quant_sim_model: QuantizationSimModel, file_path: str): """ This API provides a way for the user to save a checkpoint of the quantized model which can be loaded at a later point to continue fine-tuning e.g. See also load_checkpoint() :param quant_sim_model: QuantizationSimModel to save checkpoint for :param file_path: Path to the file where you want to save the checkpoint :return: None """ with open(file_path, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(quant_sim_model, file) def load_checkpoint(file_path: str) -> QuantizationSimModel: """ Load the quantized model :param file_path: Path to the file where you want to save the checkpoint :return: A new instance of the QuantizationSimModel created after loading the checkpoint """ with open(file_path, 'rb') as file: sim = pickle.load(file) return sim def check_accumulator_overflow(model: torch.nn.Module, quant_bw: int, accum_bw: int): """ Checks for any potential for accumulator overflow across all the layers of the given model :param model: Model :param quant_bw: Bitwidth the layers are quantized at :param accum_bw: Bitwidth of the accumulator :return: Name of the layer with the most accumulator range used and range used """ most_accum_range_used = 0 most_accum_range_used_layer = None for layer_name, layer in model.named_modules(): if isinstance(layer, torch.nn.Conv2d): was_accum_range_exceeded, accum_range_used = get_conv_accum_bounds(layer.weight.detach().numpy(), quant_bw, accum_bw) if accum_range_used > most_accum_range_used: most_accum_range_used = accum_range_used most_accum_range_used_layer = layer_name if was_accum_range_exceeded:'Possible accumulator overflow for layer: %s', layer_name) if most_accum_range_used < 1:'No overflow detected. Layer %s had the most accumulator range used: %f%%', most_accum_range_used_layer, most_accum_range_used * 100) else:'Overflow detected. Layer %s had the most accumulator range used: %f%%', most_accum_range_used_layer, most_accum_range_used * 100) return most_accum_range_used_layer, most_accum_range_used def load_encodings_to_sim(quant_sim_model: QuantizationSimModel, pytorch_encoding_path: str): """ Loads the saved encodings to quant sim model. The encoding filename to load should end in _torch.encodings, generated as part of quantsim export. :param quant_sim_model: Quantized model to load encodings for. Note: The model configuration should be the same as when encodings were exported. :param pytorch_encoding_path: Path of the encodings file to load. """ # Load encodings file with open(pytorch_encoding_path) as json_file: encodings = json.load(json_file) # Set param encodings for name, quant_module in quant_sim_model.model.named_modules(): if isinstance(quant_module, QcQuantizeWrapper): quant_module.set_param_encoding(name, encodings['param_encodings']) quant_module.set_mode(QcQuantizeOpMode.ACTIVE) if name in encodings['activation_encodings']: quant_module.set_activation_encoding(name, encodings['activation_encodings']) # Certain quantizers may not have encodings loaded in. This can occur for various reasons: # - the quantizer is for a dropout layer # - the quantizer was originally enabled during compute_encodings(), but was not exercised in the forward pass for name, layer in quant_sim_model.quant_wrappers(): if isinstance(layer, QcQuantizeWrapper): input_quantizers = layer.input_quantizers output_quantizers = layer.output_quantizers else: input_quantizers = list(layer.input_quantizers.values()) output_quantizers = list(layer.output_quantizers.values()) for idx, quantizer in enumerate(input_quantizers): if quantizer.enabled and quantizer.encoding is None: quantizer.enabled = False logger.debug('No encoding loaded for input quantizer %s of layer %s', idx, name) for idx, (param_name, quantizer) in enumerate(layer.param_quantizers.items()): if quantizer.enabled and quantizer.encoding is None: quantizer.enabled = False logger.debug('No encoding loaded for param quantizer %s of layer %s', param_name, name) for idx, quantizer in enumerate(output_quantizers): if quantizer.enabled and quantizer.encoding is None: quantizer.enabled = False logger.debug('No encoding loaded for output quantizer %s of layer %s', idx, name) quant_sim_model.replace_wrappers_for_quantize_dequantize() def has_valid_encodings(qc_quantize_op: Union[QcQuantizeWrapper, QcQuantizeRecurrent]) -> bool: """ Utility for determining whether a given qc_quantize_op has any valid encodings. :param qc_quantize_op: Qc quantize op to evaluate :return: True if any input, param, or output quantizers have valid encodings, False otherwise """ if not isinstance(qc_quantize_op, (QcQuantizeWrapper, QcQuantizeRecurrent)): logger.error("has_valid_encodings only supported for QcQuantizeWrapper and QcQuantizeRecurrent " "modules") assert isinstance(qc_quantize_op, (QcQuantizeWrapper, QcQuantizeRecurrent)) if isinstance(qc_quantize_op, QcQuantizeWrapper): input_quantizers = qc_quantize_op.input_quantizers output_quantizers = qc_quantize_op.output_quantizers else: input_quantizers = list(qc_quantize_op.input_quantizers.values()) output_quantizers = list(qc_quantize_op.output_quantizers.values()) for quantizer in input_quantizers + output_quantizers + list(qc_quantize_op.param_quantizers.values()): if quantizer.enabled and (quantizer.encoding is not None or quantizer.data_type is QuantizationDataType.float): return True return False