AIMET ONNX Quant Analyzer API

AIMET ONNX Quant Analyzer analyzes the ONNX model and points out sensitive layers to quantization in the model. It checks model sensitivity to weight and activation quantization, performs per layer sensitivity and MSE analysis. It also exports per layer encodings min and max ranges and statistics histogram for every layer.

Top-level API

Run specific utility

We can avoid running all the utilities that Quant Analyzer offers and only run those of our interest. For this we need to have the quantsim object which can be obtained from ‘create_quantsim_and_encodings()’. Then we call the desired Quant Analyzer utility of our interest and pass the quantsim object to it.

Code Examples

Required imports

from typing import Any
import numpy as np
from onnxruntime import InferenceSession

from aimet_common.defs import QuantScheme
from aimet_common.utils import CallbackFunc

from aimet_onnx.quant_analyzer import QuantAnalyzer

Prepare forward pass callback

# NOTE: In the actual use cases, the users should implement this part to serve
#       their own goals if necessary.
def forward_pass_callback(session: InferenceSession, _: Any = None) -> None:
    NOTE: This is intended to be the user-defined model calibration function.
    AIMET requires the above signature. So if the user's calibration function does not
    match this signature, please create a simple wrapper around this callback function.

    A callback function for model calibration that simply runs forward passes on the model to
    compute encoding (delta/offset). This callback function should use representative data and should
    be subset of entire train/validation dataset (~1000 images/samples).

    :param session: OnnxRuntime Inference Session.
    :param _: Argument(s) of this callback function. Up to the user to determine the type of this parameter.
    E.g. could be simply an integer representing the number of data samples to use. Or could be a tuple of
    parameters or an object representing something more complex.
    # User action required
    # User should create data loader/iterable using representative dataset and simply run
    # forward passes on the model.

Prepare eval callback

# NOTE: In the actual use cases, the users should implement this part to serve
#       their own goals if necessary.
def eval_callback(session: InferenceSession, _: Any = None) -> float:
    NOTE: This is intended to be the user-defined model evaluation function.
    AIMET requires the above signature. So if the user's calibration function does not
    match this signature, please create a simple wrapper around this callback function.

    A callback function for model evaluation that determines model performance. This callback function is
    expected to return scalar value representing the model performance evaluated against entire
    test/evaluation dataset.

    :param session: OnnxRuntime Inference Session.
    :param _: Argument(s) of this callback function. Up to the user to determine the type of this parameter.
    E.g. could be simply an integer representing the number of data samples to use. Or could be a tuple of
    parameters or an object representing something more complex.
    :return: Scalar value representing the model performance.
    # User action required
    # User should create data loader/iterable using entire test/evaluation dataset, perform forward passes on
    # the model and return single scalar value representing the model performance.
    return .8

Prepare model, callback functions and dataloader

    onnx_model = Model()

    input_shape = (1, 3, 224, 224)
    dummy_data = np.random.randn(*input_shape).astype(np.float32)
    dummy_input = {'input': dummy_data}

    # User action required
    # User should pass actual argument(s) of the callback functions.
    forward_pass_callback_fn = CallbackFunc(forward_pass_callback, func_callback_args=None)
    eval_callback_fn = CallbackFunc(eval_callback, func_callback_args=None)

    # User action required
    # User should use unlabeled dataloader, so if the dataloader yields labels as well user should discard them.
    unlabeled_data_loader = _get_unlabled_data_loader()

Create QuantAnalyzer object

    quant_analyzer = QuantAnalyzer(model=onnx_model,
    # Approximately 256 images/samples are recommended for MSE loss analysis. So, if the dataloader
    # has batch_size of 64, then 4 number of batches leads to 256 images/samples.
    quant_analyzer.enable_per_layer_mse_loss(unlabeled_dataset_iterable=unlabeled_data_loader, num_batches=4)

Run QuantAnalyzer
