This feature is under heavy development and API changes may occur without notice in future versions.
Quantized Modules
To simulate the effects of running networks at a reduced bitwidth, AIMET provides quantized versions of standard torch.nn.Modules. These quantized modules serve as drop-in replacements for their PyTorch counterparts, but can hold input, output, and parameter quantizers to perform quantization operations during the module’s forward pass and compute quantization encodings.
A quantized module inherits both from an AIMET-defined quantization mixin type as well as a native pytorch nn.Module type. The exact behavior and capabilities of the quantized module are determined by which type of quantization mixin it inherits from.
AIMET defines two types of quantization mixin:
FakeQuantizationMixin: Simulates quantization by performing quantize-dequantize operations on tensors and calling into native pytorch floating-point operations
QuantizationMixin: Allows the user to register a custom kernel to perform a quantized forward pass and dequantizes the output. If no kernel is registered, the module will perform fake-quantization.
The functionality and state of a QuantizationMixin is a superset of that of a FakeQuantizationMixin, meaning that
if one does not register a custom kernel, a QuantizationMixin-derived module behaves
exactly the same as a FakeQuantizationMixin-derived module. AIMET provides
extensive coverage of FakeQuantizationMixin for torch.nn.Module
layer types, and more limited coverage for
QuantizationMixin layers. See the table below for a full list of module coverage.
Top-level API
- class aimet_torch.v2.nn.base.BaseQuantizationMixin(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Mixin that implements quantization on top of regular pytorch modules.
- input_quantizers
objects to be applied to the layer’s input tensors- Type
- output_quantizers
objects to be applied to the layer’s output tensors- Type
- param_quantizers
mapping parameter names to associatedQuantizerBase
objects- Type
- __quant_init__()[source]
Initializer for quantized module. This method will be invoked right after
.This method initializes the
, andparam_quantizers
structures to the appropriate sizes based on the number of input tensors, output tensors, and parameters of the basenn.Module
class. All quantizers are initializd toNone
.For custom quantized classes, this method should be overridden to set the appropriate lengths of
for the given base class.
- compute_encodings()[source]
Enters the
context for allQuantizerBase
objects in the layer.Inside this context, each quantizer will observe all inputs passed to the quantizer and will compute quantization encodings upon exiting the context.
>>> qlinear = QuantizedLinear(10, 10) >>> qlinear.output_quantizers[0] = Quantize((1, ), 8, symmetric=False) >>> with qlinear.compute_encodings(): >>> qlinear(torch.randn(16, 10)) >>> print(qlinear.output_quantizers[0].is_initialized()) True
- abstract forward(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Forward function for quantized module.
This method will replace the original forward function of the base
class and is responsible for computing a quantized version of the base class’ forward function using the configuration of the layer’sQuantizerBase
The quantization behavior of a quantized module is controlled by the quantizers contained within the input, output, and parameter quantizer attributes listed below.
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
input_quantizers |
torch.nn.ModuleList |
List of quantizers for input tensors |
param_quantizers |
torch.nn.ModuleDict |
Dict mapping parameter names to quantizers |
output_quantizers |
torch.nn.ModuleList |
List of quantizers for output tensors |
By assigning and configuring quantizers to these structures, we define the type of quantization applied to the corresponding input index, output index, or parameter name. By default, all the quantizers are set to None, meaning that no quantization will be applied to the respective tensor.
- Example: Create a linear layer which performs only per-channel weight quantization
>>> import aimet_torch.v2 as aimet >>> import aimet_torch.quantization as Q >>> qlinear = aimet.nn.QuantizedLinear(out_features=10, in_features=5) >>> # Per-channel weight quantization is performed over the `out_features` dimension, so encodings are shape (10, 1) >>> per_channel_quantizer = Q.affine.QuantizeDequantize(shape=(10, 1), bitwidth=8, symmetric=True) >>> qlinear.param_quantizers["weight"] = per_channel_quantizer
- Example: Create an elementwise multiply layer which quantizes only the output and the second input
>>> qmul = aimet.nn.QuantizedMultiply() >>> qmul.output_quantizers[0] = Q.affine.QuantizeDequantize(shape=(1, ), bitwidth=8, symmetric=False) >>> qmul.input_quantizers[1] = Q.affine.QuantizeDequantize(shape=(1, ), bitwidth=8, symmetric=False)
In some cases, it may make sense for multiple tensors to share the same quantizer. In this case, we can assign the same quantizer to multiple indices.
- Example: Create an elementwise add layer which shares the same quantizer between its inputs
>>> qadd = aimet.nn.QuantizedAdd() >>> quantizer = Q.affine.QuantizeDequantize(shape=(1, ), bitwidth=8, symmetric=False) >>> qadd.input_quantizers[0] = quantizer >>> qadd.input_quantizers[1] = quantizer
Computing Encodings
Before a module can compute a quantized forward pass, all quantizers must first be calibrated inside a compute_encodings context. When a quantized module enters the compute_encodings context, it first disables all input and output quantization while the quantizers observe the statistics of the activation tensors passing through them. Upon exiting the context, the quantizers calculate appropriate quantization encodings based on these statistics (exactly how the encodings are computed is determined by each quantizer’s encoding analyzer).
- Example:
>>> qlinear = aimet.nn.QuantizedLinear(out_features=10, in_features=5) >>> qlinear.output_quantizers[0] = Q.affine.QuantizeDequantize((1, ), bitwidth=8, symmetric=False) >>> qlinear.param_quantizers[0] = Q.affine.QuantizeDequantize((10, 1), bitwidth=8, symmetric=True) >>> with qlinear.compute_encodings(): ... # Pass several samples through the layer to ensure representative statistics ... for x, _ in calibration_data_loader: ... qlinear(x) >>> print(qlinear.output_quantizers[0].is_initialized()) True >>> print(qlinear.param_quantizers["weight"].is_initialized()) True
Quantized Module Classes
nn.Module |
FakeQuantizationMixin |
QuantizationMixin |
torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool1d |
FakeQuantizedAdaptiveAvgPool1d |
torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d |
FakeQuantizedAdaptiveAvgPool2d |
torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool3d |
FakeQuantizedAdaptiveAvgPool3d |
torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool1d |
FakeQuantizedAdaptiveMaxPool1d |
torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d |
FakeQuantizedAdaptiveMaxPool2d |
torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool3d |
FakeQuantizedAdaptiveMaxPool3d |
torch.nn.AlphaDropout |
FakeQuantizedAlphaDropout |
torch.nn.AvgPool1d |
FakeQuantizedAvgPool1d |
torch.nn.AvgPool2d |
FakeQuantizedAvgPool2d |
torch.nn.AvgPool3d |
FakeQuantizedAvgPool3d |
torch.nn.BatchNorm1d |
FakeQuantizedBatchNorm1d |
torch.nn.BatchNorm2d |
FakeQuantizedBatchNorm2d |
torch.nn.BatchNorm3d |
FakeQuantizedBatchNorm3d |
torch.nn.CELU |
FakeQuantizedCELU |
torch.nn.ChannelShuffle |
FakeQuantizedChannelShuffle |
torch.nn.ConstantPad1d |
FakeQuantizedConstantPad1d |
torch.nn.ConstantPad2d |
FakeQuantizedConstantPad2d |
torch.nn.ConstantPad3d |
FakeQuantizedConstantPad3d |
torch.nn.Conv1d |
FakeQuantizedConv1d |
QuantizedConv1d |
torch.nn.Conv2d |
FakeQuantizedConv2d |
QuantizedConv2d |
torch.nn.Conv3d |
FakeQuantizedConv3d |
QuantizedConv3d |
torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d |
FakeQuantizedConvTranspose1d |
torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d |
FakeQuantizedConvTranspose2d |
torch.nn.ConvTranspose3d |
FakeQuantizedConvTranspose3d |
torch.nn.CrossMapLRN2d |
FakeQuantizedCrossMapLRN2d |
torch.nn.Dropout |
FakeQuantizedDropout |
torch.nn.Dropout2d |
FakeQuantizedDropout2d |
torch.nn.Dropout3d |
FakeQuantizedDropout3d |
torch.nn.ELU |
FakeQuantizedELU |
torch.nn.FeatureAlphaDropout |
FakeQuantizedFeatureAlphaDropout |
torch.nn.Flatten |
FakeQuantizedFlatten |
torch.nn.Fold |
FakeQuantizedFold |
torch.nn.FractionalMaxPool2d |
FakeQuantizedFractionalMaxPool2d |
torch.nn.FractionalMaxPool3d |
FakeQuantizedFractionalMaxPool3d |
torch.nn.GELU |
FakeQuantizedGELU |
QuantizedGELU |
torch.nn.GLU |
FakeQuantizedGLU |
torch.nn.GroupNorm |
FakeQuantizedGroupNorm |
torch.nn.Hardshrink |
FakeQuantizedHardshrink |
torch.nn.Hardsigmoid |
FakeQuantizedHardsigmoid |
torch.nn.Hardswish |
FakeQuantizedHardswish |
torch.nn.Hardtanh |
FakeQuantizedHardtanh |
torch.nn.Identity |
FakeQuantizedIdentity |
torch.nn.InstanceNorm1d |
FakeQuantizedInstanceNorm1d |
torch.nn.InstanceNorm2d |
FakeQuantizedInstanceNorm2d |
torch.nn.InstanceNorm3d |
FakeQuantizedInstanceNorm3d |
torch.nn.LPPool1d |
FakeQuantizedLPPool1d |
torch.nn.LPPool2d |
FakeQuantizedLPPool2d |
torch.nn.LayerNorm |
FakeQuantizedLayerNorm |
QuantizedLayerNorm |
torch.nn.LeakyReLU |
FakeQuantizedLeakyReLU |
torch.nn.Linear |
FakeQuantizedLinear |
QuantizedLinear |
torch.nn.LocalResponseNorm |
FakeQuantizedLocalResponseNorm |
torch.nn.LogSigmoid |
FakeQuantizedLogSigmoid |
torch.nn.LogSoftmax |
FakeQuantizedLogSoftmax |
torch.nn.MaxPool1d |
FakeQuantizedMaxPool1d |
torch.nn.MaxPool2d |
FakeQuantizedMaxPool2d |
torch.nn.MaxPool3d |
FakeQuantizedMaxPool3d |
torch.nn.MaxUnpool1d |
FakeQuantizedMaxUnpool1d |
torch.nn.MaxUnpool2d |
FakeQuantizedMaxUnpool2d |
torch.nn.MaxUnpool3d |
FakeQuantizedMaxUnpool3d |
torch.nn.Mish |
FakeQuantizedMish |
torch.nn.PReLU |
FakeQuantizedPReLU |
torch.nn.PixelShuffle |
FakeQuantizedPixelShuffle |
torch.nn.PixelUnshuffle |
FakeQuantizedPixelUnshuffle |
torch.nn.RReLU |
FakeQuantizedRReLU |
torch.nn.ReLU |
FakeQuantizedReLU |
torch.nn.ReLU6 |
FakeQuantizedReLU6 |
torch.nn.ReflectionPad1d |
FakeQuantizedReflectionPad1d |
torch.nn.ReflectionPad2d |
FakeQuantizedReflectionPad2d |
torch.nn.ReplicationPad1d |
FakeQuantizedReplicationPad1d |
torch.nn.ReplicationPad2d |
FakeQuantizedReplicationPad2d |
torch.nn.ReplicationPad3d |
FakeQuantizedReplicationPad3d |
torch.nn.SELU |
FakeQuantizedSELU |
torch.nn.SiLU |
FakeQuantizedSiLU |
torch.nn.Sigmoid |
FakeQuantizedSigmoid |
QuantizedSigmoid |
torch.nn.Softmax |
FakeQuantizedSoftmax |
QuantizedSoftmax |
torch.nn.Softmax2d |
FakeQuantizedSoftmax2d |
torch.nn.Softmin |
FakeQuantizedSoftmin |
torch.nn.Softplus |
FakeQuantizedSoftplus |
torch.nn.Softshrink |
FakeQuantizedSoftshrink |
torch.nn.Softsign |
FakeQuantizedSoftsign |
torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm |
FakeQuantizedSyncBatchNorm |
torch.nn.Tanh |
FakeQuantizedTanh |
torch.nn.Tanhshrink |
FakeQuantizedTanhshrink |
torch.nn.Threshold |
FakeQuantizedThreshold |
torch.nn.Unflatten |
FakeQuantizedUnflatten |
torch.nn.Unfold |
FakeQuantizedUnfold |
torch.nn.Upsample |
FakeQuantizedUpsample |
torch.nn.UpsamplingBilinear2d |
FakeQuantizedUpsamplingBilinear2d |
torch.nn.UpsamplingNearest2d |
FakeQuantizedUpsamplingNearest2d |
torch.nn.ZeroPad2d |
FakeQuantizedZeroPad2d |
torch.nn.BCELoss |
FakeQuantizedBCELoss |
torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss |
FakeQuantizedBCEWithLogitsLoss |
torch.nn.Bilinear |
FakeQuantizedBilinear |
torch.nn.CTCLoss |
FakeQuantizedCTCLoss |
torch.nn.CosineSimilarity |
FakeQuantizedCosineSimilarity |
torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss |
FakeQuantizedCrossEntropyLoss |
torch.nn.HingeEmbeddingLoss |
FakeQuantizedHingeEmbeddingLoss |
torch.nn.HuberLoss |
FakeQuantizedHuberLoss |
torch.nn.KLDivLoss |
FakeQuantizedKLDivLoss |
torch.nn.L1Loss |
FakeQuantizedL1Loss |
torch.nn.MSELoss |
FakeQuantizedMSELoss |
torch.nn.MultiLabelMarginLoss |
FakeQuantizedMultiLabelMarginLoss |
torch.nn.MultiLabelSoftMarginLoss |
FakeQuantizedMultiLabelSoftMarginLoss |
torch.nn.MultiMarginLoss |
FakeQuantizedMultiMarginLoss |
torch.nn.NLLLoss |
FakeQuantizedNLLLoss |
torch.nn.NLLLoss2d |
FakeQuantizedNLLLoss2d |
torch.nn.PairwiseDistance |
FakeQuantizedPairwiseDistance |
torch.nn.PoissonNLLLoss |
FakeQuantizedPoissonNLLLoss |
torch.nn.SmoothL1Loss |
FakeQuantizedSmoothL1Loss |
torch.nn.SoftMarginLoss |
FakeQuantizedSoftMarginLoss |
torch.nn.CosineEmbeddingLoss |
FakeQuantizedCosineEmbeddingLoss |
torch.nn.GaussianNLLLoss |
FakeQuantizedGaussianNLLLoss |
torch.nn.MarginRankingLoss |
FakeQuantizedMarginRankingLoss |
torch.nn.TripletMarginLoss |
FakeQuantizedTripletMarginLoss |
torch.nn.TripletMarginWithDistanceLoss |
FakeQuantizedTripletMarginWithDistanceLoss |
torch.nn.Embedding |
FakeQuantizedEmbedding |
torch.nn.EmbeddingBag |
FakeQuantizedEmbeddingBag |
torch.nn.GRU |
FakeQuantizedGRU |
torch.nn.RNN |
FakeQuantizedRNN |
torch.nn.GRUCell |
FakeQuantizedGRUCell |
torch.nn.RNNCell |
FakeQuantizedRNNCell |
torch.nn.LSTM |
FakeQuantizedLSTM |
torch.nn.LSTMCell |
FakeQuantizedLSTMCell |
torch.nn.AdaptiveLogSoftmaxWithLoss |
FakeQuantizedAdaptiveLogSoftmaxWithLoss |
aimet_ops.ChannelShuffle |
FakeQuantizedChannelShuffle |
aimet_ops.MaxPool2d |
FakeQuantizedMaxPool2d |
aimet_ops.AdaptiveAvgPool2d |
FakeQuantizedAdaptiveAvgPool2d |
aimet_ops.AvgPool2d |
FakeQuantizedAvgPool2d |
aimet_ops.Cast |
FakeQuantizedCast |
aimet_ops.DepthToSpaceDCRMode |
FakeQuantizedDepthToSpaceDCRMode |
aimet_ops.OneHot |
FakeQuantizedOneHot |
aimet_ops.Exponential |
FakeQuantizedExponential |
aimet_ops.Erf |
FakeQuantizedErf |
aimet_ops.Sqrt |
FakeQuantizedSqrt |
aimet_ops.Log |
FakeQuantizedLog |
aimet_ops.Abs |
FakeQuantizedAbs |
aimet_ops.Neg |
FakeQuantizedNeg |
aimet_ops.ElementwiseCeil |
FakeQuantizedElementwiseCeil |
aimet_ops.ElementwiseFloor |
FakeQuantizedElementwiseFloor |
aimet_ops.Sin |
FakeQuantizedSin |
aimet_ops.Cos |
FakeQuantizedCos |
aimet_ops.Asin |
FakeQuantizedAsin |
aimet_ops.Atan |
FakeQuantizedAtan |
aimet_ops.Round |
FakeQuantizedRound |
aimet_ops.LogicalNot |
FakeQuantizedLogicalNot |
aimet_ops.NonZero |
FakeQuantizedNonZero |
aimet_ops.ElementwiseUnarySign |
FakeQuantizedElementwiseUnarySign |
aimet_ops.RSqrt |
FakeQuantizedRSqrt |
aimet_ops.Square |
FakeQuantizedSquare |
aimet_ops.Mean |
FakeQuantizedMean |
aimet_ops.Sum |
FakeQuantizedSum |
aimet_ops.Prod |
FakeQuantizedProd |
aimet_ops.Argmin |
FakeQuantizedArgmin |
aimet_ops.Argmax |
FakeQuantizedArgmax |
aimet_ops.Gather |
FakeQuantizedGather |
aimet_ops.Reshape |
FakeQuantizedReshape |
aimet_ops.RoiAlign |
FakeQuantizedRoiAlign |
aimet_ops.Permute |
FakeQuantizedPermute |
aimet_ops.IndexSelect |
FakeQuantizedIndexSelect |
aimet_ops.TopK |
FakeQuantizedTopK |
aimet_ops.Tile |
FakeQuantizedTile |
aimet_ops.Norm |
FakeQuantizedNorm |
aimet_ops.CumSum |
FakeQuantizedCumSum |
aimet_ops.Interpolate |
FakeQuantizedInterpolate |
aimet_ops.Normalize |
FakeQuantizedNormalize |
aimet_ops.Pad |
FakeQuantizedPad |
aimet_ops.Shape |
FakeQuantizedShape |
aimet_ops.Expand |
FakeQuantizedExpand |
aimet_ops.StridedSlice |
FakeQuantizedStridedSlice |
aimet_ops.MatMul |
FakeQuantizedMatMul |
aimet_ops.Add |
FakeQuantizedAdd |
QuantizedAdd |
aimet_ops.Multiply |
FakeQuantizedMultiply |
QuantizedMultiply |
aimet_ops.Subtract |
FakeQuantizedSubtract |
QuantizedSubtract |
aimet_ops.Divide |
FakeQuantizedDivide |
aimet_ops.FloorDivide |
FakeQuantizedFloorDivide |
aimet_ops.Greater |
FakeQuantizedGreater |
aimet_ops.Less |
FakeQuantizedLess |
aimet_ops.GreaterEqual |
FakeQuantizedGreaterEqual |
aimet_ops.LessEqual |
FakeQuantizedLessEqual |
aimet_ops.NotEqual |
FakeQuantizedNotEqual |
aimet_ops.Equal |
FakeQuantizedEqual |
aimet_ops.Remainder |
FakeQuantizedRemainder |
aimet_ops.Fmod |
FakeQuantizedFmod |
aimet_ops.Pow |
FakeQuantizedPow |
aimet_ops.CustomSiLU |
FakeQuantizedCustomSiLU |
aimet_ops.Maximum |
FakeQuantizedMaximum |
aimet_ops.Max |
FakeQuantizedMax |
aimet_ops.Minimum |
FakeQuantizedMinimum |
aimet_ops.Min |
FakeQuantizedMin |
aimet_ops.Bmm |
FakeQuantizedBmm |
aimet_ops.LogicalOr |
FakeQuantizedLogicalOr |
aimet_ops.LogicalAnd |
FakeQuantizedLogicalAnd |
aimet_ops.CustomGather |
FakeQuantizedCustomGather |
aimet_ops.GatherNd |
FakeQuantizedGatherNd |
aimet_ops.Baddbmm |
FakeQuantizedBaddbmm |
aimet_ops.Addmm |
FakeQuantizedAddmm |
aimet_ops.ScatterND |
FakeQuantizedScatterND |
aimet_ops.DynamicConv2d |
FakeQuantizedDynamicConv2d |
aimet_ops.ScatterElements |
FakeQuantizedScatterElements |
aimet_ops.BatchNorm |
FakeQuantizedBatchNorm |
aimet_ops.GroupNorm |
FakeQuantizedAimetGroupNorm |
aimet_ops.NonMaxSuppression |
FakeQuantizedNonMaxSuppression |
aimet_ops.Split |
FakeQuantizedSplit |
aimet_ops.Concat |
FakeQuantizedConcat |
aimet_ops.Where |
FakeQuantizedWhere |
aimet_ops.MaskedFill |
FakeQuantizedMaskedFill |