QAIC execution provider¶
The QAIC Execution Provider for ONNX Runtime enables hardware accelerated execution on Qualcomm AIC100 chipset. It leverages AIC compiler and runtime API packaged in apps, platform SDKs.
Installation Pre-requisites¶
System requirements¶
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04+
- Packages: gcc/g++ 9, git, cmake 3.18+, python 3.6+
- Python requirements: numpy, wheel, flatbuffers-2.0 yaml
Download and Install¶
- Apps SDK
- Platform SDK (optional if intending to execute on simulator)
Set the environment
export QAIC_APPS="/opt/qti-aic/examples/apps"
export QAIC_LIB="/opt/qti-aic/dev/lib/x86_64/"
export QAIC_COMPILER_LIB="/opt/qti-aic/dev/lib/x86_64/"
is a wrapper script for onnxruntime's
It clones version 1.10.0
of onnxruntime into the folder onnxruntime_qaic, applies a patch comprising changes to support QAIC EP and builds it. Run the script with default options as follows.
Configuration Options¶
option | type | description |
config | str | [Required] Path to the model-settings YAML file. Contains AIC configuration parameters used by QAic execution provider of ONNX Runtime. The configuration for best performance and accuracy can be generated using model configurator tool. |
aic_device_id | int | [Optional] AIC device ID, auto-picked when not configured |
Parameters supported in model settings yaml file¶
Option | Description | Default | Relevance |
Runtime parameters | |||
aic-binary-dir | Absolute path or relative path ( wrt model settings file parent directory) to dir with programqpc.bin | "" | Required to skip compilation. |
device-id | AIC device ID | 0 | Optional |
set-size | Set Size for inference loop execution | 10 | Optional |
aic-num-of-activations | Number of activations | 1 | Optional |
qaicRegisterCustomOp - Compiler C API | |||
register-custom-op | Register custom op using this configuration file | Required if model has AIC custom ops; vector of string | |
Graph Config - Compiler API | |||
aic-depth-first-mem | Sets DFS memory size | Set by compiler | Optional. Used in compilation with aic-enable-depth-first |
aic-enable-depth-first | Enables DFS with default memory size; "True", "False" | Set by compiler | Optional. Used in compilation. |
aic-num-cores | Number of aic cores to be used for inference on | 1 | Optional. Used in compilation. |
allocator-dealloc-delay | Option to increase buffer lifetime 0 - 10, e.g 1 | Set by compiler | Optional. Used in compilation. |
batchsize | Sets the number of batches to be used for execution | 1 | Optional. Used in compilation. |
convert-to-fp16 | Run all floating-point in fp16; "True", "False" | "False" | Optional. Used in compilation. |
enable-channelwise | Enable channelwise quantization of Convolution op; "True", "False" | Set by compiler | Optional. Used in compilation with pgq-profile. |
enable-rowwise | Enable rowwise quantization of FullyConnected and SparseLengthsSum ops; "True", "False" | Set by compiler | Optional. Used in compilation with pgq-profile. |
execute-nodes-in-fp16 | Run all insances of the operators in this list with FP16; "True", "False" | Set by compiler | Optional. Used in compilation with pgq-profile for mixed precision. |
hwVersion | HW version of AI | QAIC_HW_V2_0 | Cannot be configured, set to QAIC_HW_V2_0. |
keep-original-precision-for-nodes | Run operators in this list with original precision at generation | Optional. Used in compilation with pgq-profile for mixed precision. | |
mos | Effort level to reduce the on-chip memory; eg: "1" | Set by compiler | Optional. Used in compilation. |
multicast-weights | Reduce DDR bandwidth by loading weights used on multiple-cores only once and multicasting to other cores | ||
ols | Factor to increasing splitting of network for parallelism | Set by compiler | Optional. Used in compilation. |
quantization-calibration | Specify quantization calibration -"None", "KLMinimization", "Percentile", "MSE", "SQNR", "KLMinimizationV2" | "None" | Optional. Used in compilation with pgq-profile. |
quantization-schema-activations | Specify quantization schema - "asymmetric", "symmetric", "symmetric_with_uint8", "symmetric_with_power2_scale" | "symmetric_with_uint8" | Optional. Used in compilation with pgq-profile. |
quantization-schema-constants | Specify quantization schema -"asymmetric", "symmetric", "symmetric_with_uint8", "symmetric_with_power2_scale" | "symmetric_with_uint8" | Optional. Used in compilation with pgq-profile. |
size-split-granularity | To set max tile size, KiB between 512 - 2048, e.g 1024 | Set by compiler | Optional. Used in compilation. |
aic-hw | To set the target to QAIC_SIM or QAIC_HW; "True", "False" | "True" | Optional. |
Model Params - Compiler API | |||
model-path | Path to model file | Required. Used in compilation, OnnxRT framework. | |
onnx-define-symbol | Define an onnx symbol with its value. pairs of onnx symbol key,value separated by space. | Required. Used in compilation, OnnxRT framework. | |
external-quantization | Path to load the externally generated quantization profile | Optional | |
node-precision-info | Path to load model loader precision file for setting node instances to FP16 or FP32 | Optional. Used in compilation with pgq-profile for mixed precision. | |
Common | |||
relative-path | aic-binary-dir absolute path will be constructed using base-path of model-settings file; "True", "False" | "False" | Optional. Set to true, to allow relative-path for aic-binary-dir. |
Here are few basic commands you can use with ONNX Runtime and QAIC.
Load a model¶
import onnxruntime as ort
provider_options = []
qaic_provider_options = {}
qaic_provider_options['config'] = '/path/to/yaml/file'
qaic_provider_options['device_id'] = aic_device_id
session=onnxruntime.InferenceSession('/path/to/onnx/model', sess_options,
providers = providers, provider_options = providers_options)
This will bind your model to AIC100 chip, with qaic exectuion provider.
Perform Inference¶
In the above code replace 'input_name'
with name of model input node and input_data with the actual input data.
Load a Model¶
#include <onnxruntime_cxx_api.h>
#include <qaic_provider_factory.h>
// Set environment as required
Ort::Env env(ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_ERROR, "test");
// Initialize session options, create session
Ort::SessionOptions session_options;
auto s = OrtSessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_QAic(
session_options, "/path/to/yaml/file", aic_device_id);
Ort::Session session(env, "/path/to/onnx/model", session_options);
Perform inference¶
// Run the model
auto output_tensors = session.Run(Ort::RunOptions{nullptr},, &input_tensor, 1,, 1);
In the above code, replace "/path/to/onnx/model/"
to the path for your onnx file. Also ensure data and shape of your input tensor match the requirements of your model.
End-to-end examples¶
End to end examples (cpp and python) for resnet50 are available at - /opt/qti-aic/integrations/qaic_onnxrt/tests/
Running the ResNet C++ sample¶
Compile the Sample Resnet C++ test using script. By default, test is built using libs from onnxruntime_qaic release build. To enable debugging, re-build onnxruntime_qaic project in Debug configuration and run ./ with debug flag.
Run the executable. The commands below set the environment and run the ResNet-50 model with the provided image on QAic or CPU backend. The program outputs the most probable prediction class index for each iteration.
cd build/release
./qaic-onnxrt-resnet50-test -i <path/to/input/png/image>
-m ../../resnet50/resnet50.yaml
Test options
Option | Description |
-m, --model-config | [Required] Path to the model-setting yaml file |
-i, --input-path | [Required] Path to the input PNG image file |
-b, --backend | [Optional] Default='qaic', Specify qaic/cpu as backend |
-d, --device-id | [Optional] Default=0 Specify qaic device ID |
-n, --num-iter | [Optional] |
Running the ResNet Python sample¶
Run at /opt/qti-aic/integrations/qaic_onnxrt/tests/resnet50
python --model_config ./resnet50/resnet50.yaml
--input_file </path/to/png/image>
Test options
Option | Description |
--model_config | [Required] Path to the model-setting yaml file |
--input_file | [Required] Path to the input PNG image file |
--backend | [Optional] Default='qaic', Specify qaic/cpu as backend |
--device_id | [Optional] Default=0 Specify qaic device ID |
--num_iter | [Optional] |
Running models with generic QAic EP test¶
is a generic test runner for compilation, execution on AIC100.
at /opt/qti-aic/integrations/qaic_onnxrt/tests/
python --model_config ./resnet50/resnet50.yaml
--input_file_list </path/to/input/list>
Test options
Option | Description |
--model_config | [Required] Path to the model-setting yaml file |
--input_file_list | [Required] Path of the file (.txt) containing list of batched inputs in .raw format |
--backend | [Optional] Default='qaic', Specify qaic/cpu as backend |
--device_id | [Optional] Default=0 Specify qaic device ID |
--num_iter | [Optional] |
--max_threads | [Optional] Default=1000 Maximum no. of threads to run inferences |
--log_level | [Optional] |
Execution through Onnxruntime test framework¶
QAic EP is enabled for execution with onnx_test_runner, onnxruntime_perf_test.
For model directory requirements and comprehensive list of options supported, refer to onnxruntime perf test documentation.
Sample testdata can be downloaded here.