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Installation Checklist

First, check Hardware requirements and supported operating environments.

Local Server Installation

  1. Set up Linux server/workstation environment (Pre-requisites)

    • Enable 32 message signaled interrupts (MSI) in UEFI/BIOS setup (MSI instructions)
  2. Install Platform and Apps SDKs (Cloud AI SDK)

  3. Tip: To run Platform SDK tools without superuser (sudo) privilege, add yourself to the qaic group.

    sudo usermod -aG qaic $USER

    • Log in again for the changes to take effect, or run ‘newgrp qaic’.

Verify Card Health/Function

  1. Check PCIe enumeration:

    $ lspci | grep Qualcomm
    01:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Qualcomm Device a100

    • A PCIe enumeration failure may indicate an unsecure connection. Try re-inserting the card, or troubleshoot with a different PCIe card.
  2. Check device nodes:

    ls /dev/mhi*
    mhi0_QAIC_DIAG   mhi1_QAIC_DIAG  mhi2_QAIC_DIAG
    mhi0_QAIC_QDSS   mhi1_QAIC_QDSS  mhi2_QAIC_QDSS

    • For every card, QAIC_DIAG, QAIC_QDSS nodes are created.
    • If mhi* folders do not exist, double-check the MSI settings in UEFI/BIOS setup
  3. Check card health and status with qaic-util

    sudo /opt/qti-aic/tools/qaic-util -q | grep -e Status -e QID
        QID 0
        QID 1
        QID 2
        QID 3

    • ‘Status: Ready’ indicates card(s) is in good health. Shown here are a system with 4 Cloud AI SoCs (Each card may have one or more SoCs based on the SKU).
    • ‘Status: Error’ indicates the respective card(s) has not booted up completely.
      • Card could still be booting. Wait for a few mins and retry above command.
      • Card error could be due to several reasons - unsupported OS/Platform, secure boot etc.
  4. Run a test inference workload with qaic-runner CLI to sanity check HW/SW function. Example:

    sudo /opt/qti-aic/exec/qaic-runner -t /opt/qti-aic/test-data/aic100/v2/1nsp/1nsp-conv-hmx/ -a 14 -n 5000 -d 0
    Input file: /opt/qti-aic/test-data/aic100/v2/1nsp/1nsp-conv-hmx//user_idx0_in.bin
    ---- Stats ----
    InferenceCnt 5000 TotalDuration 15094us BatchSize 1 Inf/Sec 331257.453

    • -d specify QID to run the workload on.
    • -a edit value based on no of NSPs in specified QID.

    A positive Inf/Sec indicates HW/SW is functioning correctly. The Inf/Sec reported depends on -a specified in the command.

Virtual Machine Setup

  1. Configure PCIe pass-through for the supported Hypervisor
  2. Configure message signaled interrupts in UEFI/BIOS setup and Hypervisor
  3. Install and configure Hypervisor
  4. Configure and launch Virtual Machine instance with one of the supported Operating Systems and Pre-requisites
  5. Install Cloud AI SDKs
  6. Check Card Health/Function

Docker Setup

  1. Install Platform SDK on host system or virtual machine (Cloud AI SDK)
  2. Build Docker image and start the container (Docker)