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The AICM CLI (aicmi) is an interactive command line tool for AICM's REST APIs. It allows users to interact intuitively with AICM and avail its features through the terminal without having to use a programmatic interface.
The pre-requisite to using aicmi is that the user should have AICM running on a target machine. It supports the available features of metric retrieval, group management, and other functionalities provided by AICM.


To run aicmi, execute the following command:

You will be prompted to enter your username and password (same as the one used for AICM) followed by a menu with list of commands.

Command Options

  • health: Display general health data metrics.
  • group: Manage groups of devices.
  • policy: Create and apply new policies to manage devices.
  • exit: Exit the application.
  • list: Display list of devices on the target system.
  • help: Display this help message containing command menu.



For brief help on each command, you can use the help command directly or with help <topic> like:



By default, the health command can be used to view the health metrics of all the AIC100 devices.


By default, the group command can be used to view the list of all the existing groups along with their respective device IDs, if any.

List Command

By default, the list command can be used to view the list of AIC100 devices on the target system.


Exit command

Use the exit command to exit aicmi.

Additional Help

For more detailed help on each command, you can use the --help option:

health --help
group --help
policy --help


Health Commands

Command Options

  • -p, --pcie: Fetch PCIe throughput metrics.
  • -r, --ras-error, --ras_error: Fetch RAS error metrics.
  • --ddr-bw, --ddr_bw: Fetch DDR bandwidth metrics.
  • -dev, --device-id, --device_id: Target device ID (integer).
  • -g, --group: Target group name (string).
  • -h, --help: Display this help message containing health command options.


Example Usage

  1. Fetch Health Data (For All-Devices/Device/Group)
    health -dev 0
    health -g a_group_name
  2. Fetch PCIe Throughput Metrics (For All-Devices/Device/Group)
    health -p
    health -p -dev 0
    health -p -g a_group_name
  3. Fetch RAS Error Metrics (For All-Devices/Device/Group)
    health -r
    health -r -dev 0
    health -r -g a_group_name
  4. Fetch DDR Bandwidth Metrics (For All-Devices/Device/Group)
    health --ddr-bw
    health --ddr-bw -dev 0
    health --ddr-bw -g a_group_name

Group Commands

Command Options

  • -c, --create: Create a new group (string).
  • -d, --delete: Delete an existing group (string).
  • -e, --empty: Remove all devices from a group (string).
  • -a, --add: Add a targeted device to a group (string).
  • -r, --remove: Remove a targeted device from a group (string).
  • -l, --list: List devices in a target group (string).
  • -dev, --device-id, --device_id: Single or multiple devices to be targeted (integer).
  • -h, --help: Display this help message containing group command options.


Example Usage

  1. Create a New Group
    group -c new_group
  2. Delete an Existing Group
    group -d existing_group
  3. Empty an Existing Group
    group -e existing_group
  4. Add Devices to a Group
    group -a group_name -dev 0 1 2
  5. Remove Devices from a Group
    group -r group_name -dev 0 1 2
  6. List Devices in a Group
    group -l group_name

Policy Commands

Command Options

  • -c, --create: Create a new policy (string).
  • -d, --delete: Delete an existing policy (string).
  • -cid, --condition-id, --condition_id: Condition ID for a policy (string). Valid choices: temperature_violation, power_violation, DDR_pages_retirement_violation.
  • -aid, --action-id, --action_id: Action ID for a policy (string). Valid choices: alert.
  • -i, --items: One or more device-id(s) and/or group-name(s) to apply a policy on (space-separated integer/string).
  • -dur, --duration: Duration of the data requested for condition evaluation of a policy in seconds (integer). Valid choices: 10, 30, 60, 300, 600.
  • -agg, --aggregation-type, --aggregation_type: Data aggregation function to apply on the data collected (string). Valid choices: sum, min, max, avg.
  • -comp, --comparison-operator, --comparison_operator: Comparison operator to compare aggregated data with the threshold during condition evaluation of a policy(string). Valid choices: greater, greater_or_equal, less, less_or_equal.
  • -thres, --threshold: Threshold value to compare aggregated data against (float).
  • -h, --help: Display this help message containing policy command options.


Example Usage

  1. Create a New Policy
    policy -c newpolicy -cid power_violation -aid alert -i 0 -dur 10 -agg avg -comp greater -thres 10
  2. Fetch All Policy Details
  3. Delete an Existing Policy
    policy -d newpolicy