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class Util

Help on class Util in module qaicrt:

Utility class to get information on the AIC device. Supports basic operations on device such as getting device ID, device information, resource information, and so on.


Util() -> util

Creates and returns a new util object.

Methods defined here:


__init__(self: qaicrt.Util) -> None


checkLibraryVersion(self: qaicrt.Util) -> qaicrt.QStatus


Checks Library Version with AicApi header.

  • Major library version should be equal to LRT_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION.
  • Minor library version should be less than LRT_LIB_MINOR_VERSION.


  • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_SUCCESS Successful completion
  • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_ERROR Driver init failed


getAicVersion(self: qaicrt.Util) -> Tuple[qaicrt.QStatus, int, int, str, str]


Gets Aic version of the library.


Tuple of operational status, major, minor, patch, variant

  • Operational status:
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_SUCCESS Successful completion
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_INVAL Internal error in getting aic version
  • major: Major version of the library
  • minor: Minor version of the library
  • patch: Patch being used by the library
  • variant: Variant of the library being used


getDeviceIds(self: qaicrt.Util, deviceType: qaicrt.QAicDeviceType = <QAicDeviceType.QAIC_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT: 1>) -> Tuple[qaicrt.QStatus, qaicrt.QIDList]


Get the list of AIC devices. Optional argument deviceType specifies the type of the device.


Parameter Description
deviceType [Optional] Type of device


Tuple of operational status and the list of AIC devices.

  • Operational Status:
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_SUCCESS Successful completion
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_INVAL Internal error in getting device list
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_NODEV No valid device
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_ERROR Driver init failed or Bad device AddrInfo


getDeviceInfo(self: qaicrt.Util, devID: int) -> Tuple[qaicrt.QStatus, qaicrt.QDevInfo]

Get device information for the device specified.


Parameter Description
devID A valid device ID returned from getDeviceIds()


Tuple of operational status and Device info.

  • Operational Status:
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_SUCCESS Successful completion
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_INVAL Internal error in getting device info
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_NODEV No valid device
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_ERROR Driver init failed
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_AGAIN Error on reload Device Id


getPerformanceInfo(self: qaicrt.Util, devID: int) -> Tuple[qaicrt.QStatus, qaicrt.QPerformanceInfo]

Get device performance information, this is a simple query that returns performance info. Note the same information is availablethrough GetDeviceInfo, however this is a more lightweight ap allowing to retrieve only the performance info.


Parameter Description
devID A valid device ID returned from getDeviceIds()


Tuple of operational status and Performance info.

  • Operational Status:
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_SUCCESS Successful completion
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_INVAL Internal error in getting performance info
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_NODEV Device not found, the device ID provided is not available
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_ERROR Driver init failed
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_DEV_ERROR Device validity error


getResourceInfo(self: qaicrt.Util, devID: int) -> Tuple[qaicrt.QStatus, qaicrt.QResourceInfo]


Get device performance information. This is a simple query that returns status of dynamic resources such as free memory, etc..Note that the same information is available through GetDeviceInfo,however this is a more lightweight api allowing to retrieve only the resourceinfo.


Parameter Description
devID A valid device ID returned from getDeviceIds()


Tuple of operational status and Resource info.

  • Operational Status:
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_SUCCESS Successful completion
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_INVAL Internal error in getting resource info
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_NODEV Device not found, the device ID provided is not available
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_ERROR Driver init failed
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_DEV_ERROR Device validity error


lockDevice(self: qaicrt.Util, devID: int, lock: bool, block: bool) -> qaicrt.QStatus


Lock a device for exclusive access. This is an advisory lock, so if an uncooperative app accesses a locked device the operations are not blocked. This functionality is enabled by setting env var QAIC_SERIALIZE_DEVICE to 1.If the env var is unset, the call returns QS_UNSUPPORTED.


Parameter Description
devID A valid device ID returned from getDeviceIds()
lock locks or unlocks the device
block Blocking or non-blocking. No-op if lock is false.


Operational Status.

  • Operational Status
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_SUCCESS Successful completion
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_NODEV Device not found
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_ERROR Driver init failed
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_UNSUPPORTED Env var for advisory lock not set
    • qaicrt.QStatus.QS_BUSY Device locked