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Extremely Low-Cost Text Embeddings on Qualcomm® Cloud AI 100 DL2q Instances

Posted By Ravi Sivalingam

Text embedding models map text into dense vectors for use in tasks such as semantic similarity search, document retrieval, text classification and clustering. Hence, they are well-suited for use with vector databases for RAG-type applications. The two BGE (BAAI General Embedding) models, BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 and BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5, are recent and popular English-language text embedding models, ranked in the top 10 of the HuggingFace MTEB Leaderboard [1] (as of 30 Jan 2024). A recent article [2] showcased how one can deploy the bge-base-en-v1.5 embedding model on an inf2.xlarge EC2 instance for the cost of $0.006 per 1 million tokens.

With an industry-leading performance per Watt, Qualcomm Cloud AI 100 can run the BGE embedding models at an extremely low cost-per-token. Using the recipe listed on Cloud AI SDK Github, we can export, compile, and benchmark bge-base-en-v1.5 and bge-large-en-v1.5 (and a whole line-up of other transformer encoder-type models) with a single command. You can run inference on these compiled models via command line or using our Python or C++ APIs.

Qualcomm Cloud AI 100 Standard inference accelerators are now generally available via the DL2q instances on AWS EC2. Each dl2q.24xlarge instance has 8 such accelerators, with a staggering 1.4 PetaFLOPS of FP16 performance, or 2.8 PetaOPS of INT8 performance. Each accelerator has 14 AI cores. For best throughput performance, we can compile each BGE embedding model for 2 cores with a batchsize of 1, and serve 7 replicas per card, or 56 independent replicas per dl2q.24xlarge instance. This simplifies and provides immense flexibility for deployment at scale, since we don't have to deal with batching of requests to achieve the highest performance.

The throughput and latency numbers for the two BGE embedding models are shown in the table below, when compiled for the full sequence length of 512 defined by these models, without network overhead. The calculations of price in $/1M tokens is shown for both on-demand and 3-year reserved, all upfront, pricing, based on the AWS EC2 US-West (Oregon) region (as of 30 Jan 2024).

Pricing Model Price ($/hr) Embedding Model Sequence Length (tokens) Latency (ms) Throughput (inferences/sec) Total Throughput (tokens/sec) M Tokens per $ $ / 1M tokens $ / 1B toeksn
3 yr, all up front $3.3537 BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5 512 15.2 457 1,871,872 2,009 $0.000498 $0.498
on-demand $8.9194 BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5 512 15.2 457 1,871,872 756 $0.001324 $1.324
3 yr, all up front $3.3537 BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 512 62.6 111 455,885 489 $0.002043 $2.043
on-demand $8.9194 BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 512 62.6 111 455,885 184 $0.005435 $5.435

Even with on-demand pricing, Qualcomm Cloud AI 100 offers the extremely low-cost performance at $0.0013 per 1M tokens for the bge-base-en-v1.5 model, and $0.0054 per 1M tokens for the bge-large-en-v1.5 model. For large-scale deployments, using the 3-year reserved instances, we can get as low as $0.0005 per 1M tokens and $0.002 per 1M tokens, respectively. In other words, for less than 50 cents, you can embed 1 billion tokens worth of text data!


Embedding text at scale is crucial for many practical applications of Generative AI, and the industry leading performance/Watt of Qualcomm Cloud AI 100 delivers extremely low-cost text embedding with top embedding models such as bge-base-en-v1.5 and bge-large-en-v1.5, offering as low as ~$0.0005 per 1M tokens and ~$0.002 per 1M tokens, respectively.


[1] HuggingFace Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB) Leaderboard

[2] \"Deploy Embedding Models on AWS inferentia2 with Amazon SageMaker\"