Source code for QEfficient.exporter.export_hf_to_cloud_ai_100

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2024 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import os
import shutil
import warnings
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerFast

from QEfficient.base.common import QEFFCommonLoader
from QEfficient.base.modeling_qeff import QEFFBaseModel
from QEfficient.exporter.export_utils import export_onnx, fix_onnx_fp16, generate_input_files, run_model_on_ort
from QEfficient.transformers.models.modeling_auto import QEFFAutoModelForCausalLM
from QEfficient.utils import load_hf_tokenizer
from QEfficient.utils.constants import QEFF_MODELS_DIR, Constants
from QEfficient.utils.generate_inputs import InputHandler
from QEfficient.utils.logging_utils import logger

[docs]def convert_to_cloud_bertstyle( model_name: str, qeff_model: QEFFAutoModelForCausalLM, tokenizer: Union[PreTrainedTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerFast], onnx_dir_path: str, seq_len: int, ) -> str: """ API to convert model to Bertstyle approach. Bertstyle Approach: 1. No Prefill/Decode separably compiled. 2. No KV retention logic. 3. KV is every time computed for all the tokens until EOS/max_length. ``Mandatory`` Args: :model_name (str): Hugging Face Model Card name, Example: `gpt2`. :qeff_model (QEFFAutoModelForCausalLM): Transformed KV torch model to be used. :tokenizer (Union[PreTrainedTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerFast]): Model tokenizer. :onnx_dir_path (str): Path to save exported ONNX file. :seq_len (int): The length of the sequence. Returns: :str: Path of exported ``ONNX`` file. """ if os.path.exists(onnx_dir_path): logger.warning(f"Overriding {onnx_dir_path}") shutil.rmtree(onnx_dir_path) # Decide path for saving exported ONNX files. model_name = export_bertstyle_model_to_onnx(model_name, qeff_model.model, tokenizer, onnx_dir_path, seq_len) # type: ignore # return the model path for automation. return os.path.join(onnx_dir_path, f"{model_name}.onnx")
def export_bertstyle_model_to_onnx(model_name, model, tokenizer, onnx_dir_path, seq_len) -> str: model_base_name = model_name.replace("/", "_") + "_bertstyle" os.makedirs(onnx_dir_path, exist_ok=True) input_str = Constants.INPUT_STR # Preprocess inputs if seq_len > 0: inputs = tokenizer( input_str, return_tensors="pt", padding="max_length", max_length=seq_len, ) else: inputs = tokenizer(input_str, return_tensors="pt") if model.config.is_encoder_decoder: if "token_type_ids" in inputs: inputs.pop("token_type_ids") inputs["decoder_input_ids"] = torch.full((1, 1), model.generation_config.decoder_start_token_id) # Run PyTorch inference try: pt_outputs = model(**inputs) output_names = list(pt_outputs.keys()) except Exception as e: print(f"Model {model_name} Execution failed in pytorch:%s", e) # Add pkv into output_names pkv = tuple([(key.detach(), value.detach()) for key, value in pt_outputs.past_key_values]) pkv_idx = output_names.index("past_key_values") key_value_names = [f"past_{x}.{i}" for i in range(len(pkv)) for x in ["key", "value"]] output_names[pkv_idx : pkv_idx + 1] = [x for x in key_value_names] pt_outputs = dict(pt_outputs) pkv_out = pt_outputs.pop("past_key_values") for i, (key, value) in enumerate(pkv_out): pt_outputs[f"past_key.{i}"] = key pt_outputs[f"past_value.{i}"] = value # Export the model to Onnx. try: model_name = export_onnx( pt_model=model, inputs=inputs, output_names=output_names, gen_models_path=onnx_dir_path, model_base_name=model_base_name, ) except Exception as e: print(f"Model {model_name} failed to export in Onnx:%s", e) # Run onnxrt inference input_names, ort_outputs = run_model_on_ort( onnx_path=os.path.join(onnx_dir_path, f"{model_name}.onnx"), inputs=inputs, output_names=output_names, pt_outputs=pt_outputs, ) # Fix onnx for fp16 # Clip the values to fp16 ranges to avoid over/under flow in AI 100 model_name = fix_onnx_fp16( inputs=inputs, output_names=output_names, ort_outputs=ort_outputs, gen_models_path=onnx_dir_path, model_base_name=model_name, pt_outputs=pt_outputs, ) # Generate inputFiles # todo(ochougul):rename to bert_style_input_list.txt input_list_file = os.path.join(onnx_dir_path, "input_list.txt") generate_input_files( input_files_path=os.path.join(onnx_dir_path, "inputFiles"), input_names=input_names, inputs=inputs, input_list_file=input_list_file, ) return model_name
[docs]def convert_to_cloud_kvstyle( model_name: str, qeff_model: QEFFAutoModelForCausalLM, tokenizer: Union[PreTrainedTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerFast], onnx_dir_path: str, seq_len: int, ) -> str: """ API to convert model with kv retention and export to ONNX. KV Style Approach- 1. This architecture is particularly suitable for auto-regressive tasks. 2. where sequence generation involves processing one token at a time. 3. And contextual information from earlier tokens is crucial for predicting the next token. 4. The inclusion of a kV cache enhances the efficiency of the decoding process, making it more computationally efficient. ``Mandatory`` Args: :model_name (str): Hugging Face Model Card name, Example: `gpt2`. :qeff_model (QEFFAutoModelForCausalLM): Transformed KV torch model to be used. :tokenizer (Union[PreTrainedTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerFast]): Model tokenizer. :onnx_dir_path (str): Path to save exported ONNX file. :seq_len (int): The length of the sequence. Returns: :str: Path of exported ``ONNX`` file. """ if os.path.exists(onnx_dir_path): logger.warning(f"Overriding {onnx_dir_path}") shutil.rmtree(onnx_dir_path) if not qeff_model.is_transformed: raise Exception(f"please pass the {qeff_model.__class__.__name__} after transform API") # Decide path for saving exported ONNX files. model_name = export_kvstyle_transformed_model_to_onnx( model_name, qeff_model.model, tokenizer, onnx_dir_path, seq_len ) # type: ignore # return the model path for automation. return os.path.join(onnx_dir_path, f"{model_name}.onnx")
def export_kvstyle_transformed_model_to_onnx( model_name: str, transformed_model: torch.nn.Module, tokenizer: Union[PreTrainedTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerFast], onnx_dir_path: str, seq_len: int, full_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: # Disabling requires_grad on all parameters for _, p in enumerate(transformed_model.parameters()): p.requires_grad_(False) if seq_len <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Need seq_len to be greater than zero, got seq_len={seq_len}") # Preprocess inputs # Build inputs for prefill input_handler = InputHandler( batch_size=len(Constants.INPUT_STR), tokenizer=tokenizer, config=transformed_model.config, prompt=Constants.INPUT_STR, prompt_len=Constants.PROMPT_LEN, ctx_len=seq_len, full_batch_size=full_batch_size, ) inputs = input_handler.prepare_pytorch_inputs() pt_outputs = transformed_model(**inputs) output_names = list(pt_outputs.keys()) # Raise error if expected outputs are not present if "logits" not in output_names: raise KeyError("logits not found in output") if "past_key_values" not in output_names: raise KeyError("past_key_values not found in output") # Build inputs for next iteration from outputs # Build inputs for decode inputs = input_handler.update_pytorch_inputs(inputs, pt_outputs) # To avoid issues in onnx export inputs["position_ids"] = torch.full((full_batch_size if full_batch_size else 1, 1), seq_len - 1) # Run PyTorch inference with past pt_outputs = transformed_model(**inputs) output_names = list(pt_outputs.keys()) # Add pkv into output_names pkv = inputs["past_key_values"] pkv_idx = output_names.index("past_key_values") key_value_names = [f"past_{x}.{i}" for i in range(len(pkv)) for x in ["key", "value"]] output_names[pkv_idx : pkv_idx + 1] = [x + "_RetainedState" for x in key_value_names] # Replace nested past_key_values outputs with separate KV tensors pt_outputs = dict(pt_outputs) pkv_out = pt_outputs.pop("past_key_values") for i, (key, value) in enumerate(pkv_out): pt_outputs[f"past_key.{i}_RetainedState"] = key pt_outputs[f"past_value.{i}_RetainedState"] = value model_base_name = model_name.replace("/", "_") + "_kv" os.makedirs(onnx_dir_path, exist_ok=True) # Export and simplify ONNX model model_name = export_onnx( pt_model=transformed_model, inputs=inputs, output_names=output_names, gen_models_path=onnx_dir_path, model_base_name=model_base_name, ) # Replace nested past_key_values inputs with separate KV tensors inputs.pop("past_key_values") for i, (key, value) in enumerate(pkv): inputs[f"past_key.{i}"] = key inputs[f"past_value.{i}"] = value # Run onnxrt inference input_names, ort_outputs = run_model_on_ort( onnx_path=os.path.join(onnx_dir_path, f"{model_name}.onnx"), inputs=inputs, output_names=output_names, pt_outputs=pt_outputs, ) model_name = fix_onnx_fp16( inputs=inputs, output_names=output_names, ort_outputs=ort_outputs, gen_models_path=onnx_dir_path, model_base_name=model_name, pt_outputs=pt_outputs, ) # Generate custom-IO files for fp16 and int8 kv with open(os.path.join(onnx_dir_path, "custom_io_fp16.yaml"), "w") as fp: fp.write("# Model Inputs\n\n") for input_name in key_value_names: fp.write(f" - IOName: {input_name}\n Precision: float16\n\n") inputs[input_name] = inputs[input_name].to(torch.float16) fp.write("# Model Outputs\n\n") for output_name in key_value_names: fp.write(f" - IOName: {output_name}_RetainedState\n Precision: float16\n\n") with open(os.path.join(onnx_dir_path, "custom_io_int8.yaml"), "w") as fp: fp.write("# Model Inputs\n\n") for input_name in key_value_names: fp.write(f" - IOName: {input_name}\n Precision: mxint8\n\n") fp.write("# Model Outputs\n\n") for output_name in key_value_names: fp.write(f" - IOName: {output_name}_RetainedState\n Precision: mxint8\n\n") # Generate inputFiles input_list_file = os.path.join(onnx_dir_path, "input_list.txt") generate_input_files( input_files_path=os.path.join(onnx_dir_path, "inputFiles"), input_names=input_names, inputs=inputs, input_list_file=input_list_file, ) return model_name def export_lm_model_for_cloud( model_name: str, qeff_model: QEFFAutoModelForCausalLM, tokenizer: Union[PreTrainedTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerFast], onnx_dir_path: str, seq_length: int, full_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: if os.path.exists(onnx_dir_path): logger.warning(f"Overriding {onnx_dir_path}") shutil.rmtree(onnx_dir_path) model_name = export_kvstyle_transformed_model_to_onnx( model_name=model_name, transformed_model=qeff_model.model, tokenizer=tokenizer, onnx_dir_path=onnx_dir_path, seq_len=seq_length, full_batch_size=full_batch_size, ) return os.path.join(onnx_dir_path, f"{model_name}.onnx")
[docs]def qualcomm_efficient_converter( model_name: str, model_kv: QEFFBaseModel = None, # type: ignore local_model_dir: Optional[str] = None, tokenizer: Optional[Union[PreTrainedTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerFast]] = None, cache_dir: Optional[str] = None, onnx_dir_path: Optional[str] = None, hf_token: Optional[str] = None, seq_length: int = Constants.SEQ_LEN, kv: bool = True, form_factor: str = "cloud", full_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ This method is an alias for ``QEfficient.export``. Usage 1: This method can be used by passing ``model_name`` and ``local_model_dir`` or ``cache_dir`` if required for loading from local dir. This will download the model from ``HuggingFace`` and export it to ``ONNX`` graph and returns generated files path check below. Usage 2: You can pass ``model_name`` and ``model_kv`` as an object of ``QEfficient.QEFFAutoModelForCausalLM``, In this case will directly export the ``model_kv.model`` to ``ONNX`` We will be deprecating this function and it will be replaced by ``QEFFAutoModelForCausalLM.export``. ``Mandatory`` Args: :model_name (str): The name of the model to be used. ``Optional`` Args: :model_kv (torch.nn.Module): Transformed ``KV torch model`` to be used. ``Defaults to None``. :local_model_dir (str): Path of local model. ``Defaults to None``. :tokenizer (Union[PreTrainedTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerFast]): Model tokenizer. ``Defaults to None``. :cache_dir (str): Path of the ``cache`` directory. ``Defaults to None``. :onnx_dir_path (str): Path to store ``ONNX`` file. ``Defaults to None``. :hf_token (str): HuggingFace token to access gated models. ``Defaults is None``. :seq_len (int): The length of the sequence. ``Defaults is 128``. :kv (bool): If false, it will export to Bert style. ``Defaults is True``. :form_factor (str): Form factor of the hardware, currently only ``cloud`` is accepted. ``Defaults to cloud``. Returns: :Tuple[str, str]: Path to Base ``ONNX`` dir and path to generated ``ONNX`` model .. code-block:: python import QEfficient base_path, onnx_model_path = QEfficient.export(model_name="gpt2") """ warnings.warn( "\033[93m`qualcomm_efficient_converter` method will be deprecated soon, use `QEFFAutoModelForCausalLM.export` instead\033[0m", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # Get model_kv first model_kv = ( model_kv if model_kv else QEFFCommonLoader.from_pretrained( pretrained_model_name_or_path=(local_model_dir if local_model_dir else model_name), hf_token=hf_token, cache_dir=cache_dir, full_batch_size=full_batch_size, ) ) if onnx_dir_path is None: model_card_dir = os.path.join(QEFF_MODELS_DIR, str(model_name)) onnx_dir_path = os.path.join(model_card_dir, "onnx") os.makedirs(onnx_dir_path, exist_ok=True) # Load tokenizer if not passed tokenizer = ( tokenizer if tokenizer else load_hf_tokenizer( pretrained_model_name_or_path=(local_model_dir if local_model_dir else model_name), hf_token=hf_token, cache_dir=cache_dir, ) ) if form_factor == "cloud": generated_onnx_model_path = export_lm_model_for_cloud( model_name=model_name, qeff_model=model_kv, tokenizer=tokenizer, onnx_dir_path=onnx_dir_path, seq_length=seq_length, full_batch_size=full_batch_size, ) return onnx_dir_path, generated_onnx_model_path else: # [TODO]: Apply the class transformation to make changes for the KV models in edge use cases # model = QEfficient.transform(model_hf, type="Transformers", form_factor="edge") # model.eval() raise NotImplementedError("Oops! Reached too far!!")