Source code for

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2024 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import hashlib
import json
import logging
import shutil
import subprocess
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import onnx
import torch
from peft import AutoPeftModelForCausalLM, PeftModelForCausalLM, load_peft_weights
from torch import nn
from transformers import GenerationConfig, StoppingCriteria, StoppingCriteriaList
from transformers.generation.streamers import BaseStreamer

from QEfficient.base.modeling_qeff import QEFFBaseModel
from QEfficient.base.onnx_transforms import FP16ClipTransform, OnnxTransform, SplitTensorsTransform
from QEfficient.base.pytorch_transforms import PytorchTransform
from QEfficient.generation.cloud_infer import QAICInferenceSession
from QEfficient.peft.onnx_transforms import AdapterWeightsToInputsTransform
from QEfficient.peft.pytorch_transforms import PeftModelInputsTransform
from QEfficient.transformers.pytorch_transforms import CustomOpsTransform, KVCacheTransform
from QEfficient.utils import constants
from QEfficient.utils._utils import get_padding_shape_from_config
from QEfficient.utils.cache import QEFF_HOME, to_hashable

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class QEffAutoPeftModelForCausalLM(QEFFBaseModel): """ QEff class for loading models with PEFT adapters (Only LoRA is supported currently). Once exported and compiled for an adapter, the same can be utilized for another adapter with same base model and adapter config. Args: :model (nn.Module): PyTorch model .. code-block:: python from QEfficient import QEffAutoPeftModelForCausalLM m = QEffAutoPeftModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("predibase/magicoder", "magicoder") m.export() m.compile(prefill_seq_len=32, ctx_len=1024) inputs = ... # A coding prompt outputs = m.generate(**inputs) inputs = ... # A math prompt m.load_adapter("predibase/gsm8k", "gsm8k") m.set_adapter("gsm8k") outputs = m.generate(**inputs) """ _pytorch_transforms: List[PytorchTransform] = [CustomOpsTransform, KVCacheTransform, PeftModelInputsTransform] _onnx_transforms: List[OnnxTransform] = [FP16ClipTransform, AdapterWeightsToInputsTransform, SplitTensorsTransform] _hf_auto_class = AutoPeftModelForCausalLM @classmethod def _transform_names(cls) -> List[str]: """ Returns names of transforms applied in this class. """ # Base class return [x.__name__ for x in cls._pytorch_transforms + cls._onnx_transforms] def __init__(self, model: nn.Module): if not isinstance(model, PeftModelForCausalLM): raise TypeError(f"Required pytorch module of type PeftModel, got {type(model)}") if model.active_peft_config.peft_type != "LORA": raise NotImplementedError("Only LoRA models are supported") super().__init__(model) self.num_layers = model.config.num_hidden_layers self.exported_peft_config = None self.adapter_weights = { adapter_name: { name.replace(f".{adapter_name}.weight", ".weight"): param.detach().numpy().astype("float16") for name, param in model.named_parameters() if name.endswith(f".{adapter_name}.weight") } for adapter_name in model.peft_config } self.transform() @property def model_name(self) -> str: return self.model.get_base_model().__class__.__name__ + "-lora" @property def model_hash(self) -> str: # NOTE: model_config.to_diff_dict() has "_name_or_path" attribute which is the model card name or path. # Using same card name will result in same hash. But, using a relative path for one run and # absolute path for another run will result in different hash. # The added complexity to resolve different paths to same location is not worth pursuing. # Instead, advise the user to always provide same relative paths or absolute paths for local models. # Compute the hash with: model_config, peft_config, transforms mhash = hashlib.sha256() mhash.update(to_hashable(self.model.get_base_model().config.to_diff_dict())) mhash.update(to_hashable(self.model.active_peft_config.to_dict())) mhash.update(to_hashable(self._transform_names())) mhash = mhash.hexdigest()[:16] return mhash
[docs] def load_adapter(self, model_id: str, adapter_name: str): """Loads a new adapter from huggingface hub or local path Args: :model_id (str): Adapter model ID from huggingface hub or local path :adapter_name (str): Adapter name to be used to set this adapter as current """ self.model.load_adapter(model_id, adapter_name) self.adapter_weights[adapter_name] = { k: v.numpy().astype("float16") for k, v in load_peft_weights(model_id).items() }
@property def active_adapter(self) -> str: "Currently active adapter to be used for inference" return self.model.active_adapter
[docs] def set_adapter(self, adapter_name: str): "Sets active adapter from one of the loaded adapters" if self.exported_peft_config is not None and self.exported_peft_config != self.model.peft_config[adapter_name]: raise ValueError( "Unable to activate incompatible adapter. " "Use an adapter compatible with export-time adapter " "or re-export with this adapter" ) self.model.set_adapter(adapter_name)
def disable_adapter(self): # TODO: Set zero tensors as adapter weights raise NotImplementedError("Disabling adapters not supported currently") @classmethod def _from_pretrained(cls, pretrained_name_or_path: str, *args, **kwargs): # Base class model = cls._hf_auto_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name_or_path, *args, **kwargs) return cls(model)
[docs] @classmethod def from_pretrained(cls, pretrained_name_or_path: str, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: :pretrained_name_or_path (str): Model card name from huggingface or local path to model directory. :args, kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to peft.AutoPeftModelForCausalLM. """ if kwargs.get("full_batch_size"): raise NotImplementedError("Continuous batching currently not supported for PEFT models") if kwargs.get("use_cache") is False: warnings.warn("Overriding to use_cache=True") kwargs["use_cache"] = True obj = cls._from_pretrained(pretrained_name_or_path, *args, **kwargs) return obj
def transform(self, **kwargs): # Base class for transform in self._pytorch_transforms: self.model, transformed = transform.apply(self.model)"Pytorch transforms applied") def _export( self, example_inputs: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], input_names: List[str], output_names: List[str], dynamic_axes: Dict[str, Dict[int, str]], export_kwargs: Dict[str, any] = {}, onnx_transform_kwargs: Dict[str, any] = {}, export_dir: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """ Export the pytorch model to ONNX. Args: :example_inputs (dict): Sample inputs to trace the model. :input_names (list): names to assign to the input nodes of the graph, in order. :output_names (list): names to assign to the output nodes of the graph, in order. :dynamic_axes (dict): Same as dynamic_axes parameter to be passed to `torch.onnx.export`. :export_kwargs (dict): Additional arguments to be passed to `torch.onnx.export`. :onnx_transform_kwargs (dict): Additional arguments to be passed to `Transform.apply` for this class. :export_dir (str): Specify the export directory. The export_dir will be suffixed with a hash corresponding to current model. """ # Base class export_dir = Path(export_dir or (QEFF_HOME / self.model_name)) export_dir = export_dir.with_name( + "-" + self.model_hash) onnx_path = export_dir / f"{self.model_name}.onnx" if onnx_path.is_file(): self.onnx_path = onnx_path return onnx_path tmp_onnx_dir = export_dir / "onnx_tmp" tmp_onnx_path = tmp_onnx_dir / f"{self.model_name}.onnx" tmp_onnx_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: torch.onnx.export( self.model, (example_inputs,), str(tmp_onnx_path), input_names=input_names, output_names=output_names, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, opset_version=13, **export_kwargs, )"Pytorch export successful") model = onnx.load(tmp_onnx_path, load_external_data=False) onnx_transform_kwargs = { "onnx_base_dir": str(tmp_onnx_dir), "model_name": self.model_name, **onnx_transform_kwargs, } for transform in self._onnx_transforms: model, transformed = transform.apply(model, **onnx_transform_kwargs) model.metadata_props.append( onnx.StringStringEntryProto(key="qeff_transforms", value=",".join(self._transform_names())) )"ONNX transforms applied"), onnx_path)"Transformed onnx saved") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"ONNX export failed: {e}") raise e finally: shutil.rmtree(tmp_onnx_dir, ignore_errors=True) self.onnx_path = onnx_path return onnx_path
[docs] def export(self, export_dir: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Export the pytorch model to ONNX. Args: :export_dir (str): Specify the export directory. The export_dir will be suffixed with a hash corresponding to current model. """ self.exported_peft_config = self.model.active_peft_config example_shape = (constants.ONNX_EXPORT_EXAMPLE_BATCH_SIZE, constants.ONNX_EXPORT_EXAMPLE_SEQ_LEN) kv_cache_shape = get_padding_shape_from_config(self.model.config, *example_shape) example_inputs = { "input_ids": torch.zeros(example_shape, dtype=torch.int64), "position_ids": torch.arange(example_shape[1], dtype=torch.int64).view(example_shape), "past_key_values": [[] for _ in range(self.num_layers)], } dynamic_axes = { "input_ids": {0: "batch_size", 1: "seq_len"}, "position_ids": {0: "batch_size", 1: "seq_len"}, } output_names = ["logits"] for i in range(self.num_layers): for kv in ["key", "value"]: example_inputs["past_key_values"][i].append(torch.zeros(kv_cache_shape, dtype=torch.float32)) dynamic_axes[f"past_{kv}.{i}"] = {0: "batch_size", 2: "ctx_len"} output_names.append(f"past_{kv}.{i}_RetainedState") input_names = list(dynamic_axes.keys()) return self._export( example_inputs, input_names, output_names, dynamic_axes, export_kwargs={"do_constant_folding": False}, # To avoid merging adapter weights with base weights onnx_transform_kwargs={"adapter_name": self.model.active_adapter}, export_dir=export_dir, )
def _compile( self, onnx_path: Optional[str] = None, compile_dir: Optional[str] = None, *, specializations: Optional[List[Dict[str, int]]] = None, custom_io: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, mdp_ts_num_devices: int = 1, **compiler_options, ) -> str: """ Interface for qaic-exec compiler Args: :onnx_path (str): Onnx file to compile :compile_dir (str): Directory path to compile the qpc. A suffix is added to the directory path to avoid reusing same qpc for different parameters. :specializations (list): List of specializations to compile for :custom_io (dict): Custom IO to specify the input and outputs in different formats than default :mdp_ts_num_devices (int): Number of devices to paratition to use Multi-Device Partitioning with tensor-slicing. :compiler_options: Pass any compiler option as input. Any flag that is supported by `qaic-exec` can be passed. Params are converted to flags as below: - aic_num_cores=16 -> -aic-num-cores=16 - convert_to_fp16=True -> -convert-to-fp16 """ # Base class onnx_path = Path(onnx_path or self.onnx_path) compile_dir = Path(compile_dir or onnx_path.parent) qpc_path = compile_dir / "qpc" if not onnx_path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"ONNX file not found at: {onnx_path}") command = ["/opt/qti-aic/exec/qaic-exec", f"-m={onnx_path}", "-aic-hw", "-aic-hw-version=2.0"] for key, value in compiler_options.items(): option = "-" + key.replace("_", "-") if isinstance(value, bool): if value: command.append(option) continue command.append(f"{option}={value}") compile_hash = hashlib.sha256(to_hashable(command)) # Write specializations.json file if specializations is not None: specializations_json = compile_dir / "specializations.json" with open(specializations_json, "w") as fp: json.dump( {"specializations": [{k: str(v) for k, v in spec.items()} for spec in specializations]}, fp, indent=4, ) command.append(f"-network-specialization-config={specializations_json}") compile_hash.update(to_hashable(specializations)) # Write custom_io.yaml file if custom_io: custom_io_yaml = compile_dir / "custom_io.yaml" with open(custom_io_yaml, "w") as fp: for io_name, dtype in custom_io.items(): fp.write(f" - IOName: {io_name}\n Precision: {dtype}\n\n") command.append(f"-custom-IO-list-file={custom_io_yaml}") compile_hash.update(to_hashable(custom_io)) # Write mdp_config.json file if mdp_ts_num_devices > 1: num_cores = compiler_options.get("aic_num_cores", 16) mdp_ts_json = compile_dir / f"mdp_ts_{mdp_ts_num_devices}.json" with open(mdp_ts_json, "w") as fp: json.dump( { "connections": [{"devices": list(range(mdp_ts_num_devices)), "type": "p2p"}], "partitions": [ { "name": "Partition0", "devices": [{"deviceId": d, "numCores": num_cores} for d in range(mdp_ts_num_devices)], } ], }, fp, indent=4, ) command.append(f"-mdp-load-partition-config={mdp_ts_json}") compile_hash.update(to_hashable({"mdp_ts_num_devices": mdp_ts_num_devices})) # Check if already compiled compile_hash = compile_hash.hexdigest()[:16] qpc_path = qpc_path.with_name( + "-" + compile_hash) if qpc_path.is_dir(): if (qpc_path / "programqpc.bin").is_file(): self.qpc_path = qpc_path return qpc_path # Probably compilation failure last time, delete directory to start over shutil.rmtree(qpc_path) command.append(f"-aic-binary-dir={qpc_path}")"Running compiler: {' '.join(command)}") self.qpc_path = qpc_path return qpc_path
[docs] def compile( self, onnx_path: Optional[str] = None, compile_dir: Optional[str] = None, *, batch_size: int = 1, prefill_seq_len: int, ctx_len: int, num_devices: int = 1, num_cores: int = 16, mxfp6_matmul: bool = False, mxint8_kv_cache: bool = False, **compiler_options, ) -> str: """ Compile the exported onnx to run on AI100 Args: :onnx_path (str): Onnx file to compile :compile_dir (str): Directory path to compile the qpc. A suffix is added to the directory path to avoid reusing same qpc for different parameters. :batch_size (int): Batch size to compile for. ``Defaults to 1``. :prefill_seq_len (int): Prefill sequence length to compile for. Prompt will be chunked according to this length. :ctx_len (int): Context length to allocate space for KV-cache tensors. :num_devices (int): Number of devices to compile for. ``Defaults to 1``. :num_cores (int): Number of cores to utilize in each device ``Defaults to 16``. :mxfp6_matmul (bool): Use MXFP6 to compress weights for MatMul nodes to run faster on device. ``Defaults to False``. :mxint8_kv_cache (bool): Use MXINT8 to compress KV-cache on device to access and update KV-cache faster. ``Defaults to False``. :compiler_options: Pass any compiler option as input. Any flag that is supported by ``qaic-exec`` can be passed. Params are converted to flags as below: - aic_num_cores=16 -> -aic-num-cores=16 - convert_to_fp16=True -> -convert-to-fp16 """ # Specializations specializations = [ {"batch_size": batch_size, "seq_len": prefill_seq_len, "ctx_len": ctx_len}, {"batch_size": batch_size, "seq_len": 1, "ctx_len": ctx_len}, ] # Custom IO custom_io = {} kv_cache_dtype = "mxint8" if mxint8_kv_cache else "float16" for suffix in ["", "_RetainedState"]: for i in range(self.num_layers): for kv in ["key", "value"]: custom_io[f"past_{kv}.{i}{suffix}"] = kv_cache_dtype for weight_name in self.adapter_weights[self.active_adapter]: custom_io[f"{weight_name}{suffix}"] = "float16" return self._compile( onnx_path, compile_dir, compile_only=True, retained_state=True, specializations=specializations, convert_to_fp16=True, mxfp6_matmul=mxfp6_matmul, custom_io=custom_io, mdp_ts_num_devices=num_devices, aic_num_cores=num_cores, **compiler_options, )
[docs] def generate( self, inputs: Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]] = None, generation_config: Optional[GenerationConfig] = None, stopping_criteria: Optional[StoppingCriteria] = None, streamer: Optional[BaseStreamer] = None, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Generate tokens from compiled binary. This method takes same parameters as huggingface model.generate() method. Args: :inputs: input_ids :generation_config: Merge this generation_config with model-specific for the current generation. :stopping_criteria: Pass custom stopping_criteria to stop at a specific point in generation. :streamer: Streamer to put the generated tokens into. :kwargs: Additional parameters for generation_config or to be passed to the model while generating. """ # Initialize session if self.qpc_session is None: if self.qpc_path is None: raise FileNotFoundError("Please compile the model with `model.compile(...)`") self.qpc_session = QAICInferenceSession(str(self.qpc_path)) # Skip buffers retained_buffers = [x for x in self.qpc_session.output_names if x.endswith("_RetainedState")] self.qpc_session.skip_buffers([x[: -len("_RetainedState")] for x in retained_buffers]) self.qpc_session.skip_buffers(retained_buffers) generation_config = generation_config or self.model.generation_config generation_config, model_kwargs = self.model._prepare_generation_config(generation_config, **kwargs) self.model._prepare_special_tokens(generation_config) if generation_config.do_sample: raise NotImplementedError("do_sample=True not supported currently") if generation_config.num_beams > 1: raise NotImplementedError("num_beams>1 not supported currently") if generation_config.max_new_tokens is None or generation_config.max_new_tokens <= 0: raise ValueError("Required max_new_tokens>0 value in generation_config") stopping_criteria = stopping_criteria or StoppingCriteriaList() stopping_criteria = self.model._get_stopping_criteria(generation_config, stopping_criteria) if inputs is not None: inputs = {"input_ids": inputs} else: inputs = {} inputs.update(model_kwargs) inputs = {k: v.numpy() if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) else v for k, v in inputs.items()} batch_size = max( [x[self.qpc_session.binding_index_map["input_ids"]][1][0] for x in self.qpc_session.allowed_shapes] + [self.qpc_session.bindings[self.qpc_session.binding_index_map["input_ids"]].dims[0]] ) passed_batch_size = inputs["input_ids"].shape[0] if passed_batch_size != batch_size: raise ValueError(f"Model compiled for batch_size: {batch_size}, but passed batch_size: {passed_batch_size}") prefill_seq_len = max( [x[self.qpc_session.binding_index_map["input_ids"]][1][1] for x in self.qpc_session.allowed_shapes] + [self.qpc_session.bindings[self.qpc_session.binding_index_map["input_ids"]].dims[1]] ) input_len = inputs["input_ids"].shape[1] num_chunks = -(input_len // -prefill_seq_len) # Ceil divide without float padded_len = num_chunks * prefill_seq_len # Convert to a multiple of prompt_len inputs["input_ids"] = np.concatenate( [inputs["input_ids"], np.zeros((batch_size, padded_len - input_len), dtype=inputs["input_ids"].dtype)], 1 ) next_position_ids = inputs.pop("attention_mask").sum(1, keepdims=True) inputs["position_ids"] = np.arange(padded_len).reshape(1, -1) inputs["position_ids"] = np.where(inputs["position_ids"] < next_position_ids, inputs["position_ids"], -1) generated_ids = np.zeros((batch_size, generation_config.max_new_tokens), dtype="int64") if streamer: streamer.put(inputs["input_ids"][:, :input_len]) # Set adapter weights self.qpc_session.set_buffers(self.adapter_weights[self.active_adapter]) # Run prefill for i in range(num_chunks): chunk_inputs = inputs.copy() chunk_inputs["input_ids"] = inputs["input_ids"][:, i * prefill_seq_len : (i + 1) * prefill_seq_len] chunk_inputs["position_ids"] = inputs["position_ids"][:, i * prefill_seq_len : (i + 1) * prefill_seq_len] outputs = # Get first token inputs["input_ids"] = outputs["logits"].argmax(2) inputs["position_ids"] = next_position_ids generated_ids[:, 0] = inputs["input_ids"].squeeze(1) if streamer: streamer.put(inputs["input_ids"]) # Skip adapter weights self.qpc_session.skip_buffers(list(self.adapter_weights[self.active_adapter])) # Decode loop for num_token in range(1, generation_config.max_new_tokens): if stopping_criteria(torch.from_numpy(inputs["input_ids"]), torch.from_numpy(outputs["logits"])): break outputs = # Prepare inputs for next iteration inputs["input_ids"] = outputs["logits"].argmax(2) inputs["position_ids"] += 1 generated_ids[:, num_token] = inputs["input_ids"].squeeze(1) if streamer: streamer.put(inputs["input_ids"]) if streamer: streamer.end() return generated_ids