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- abort() - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Attempts to immediately cancel any operations that are executing in the background, before returning.
- BLOCK_ACCURACY - Static variable in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IXPS
- cancelAllGeoFences() - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Cancel all geofences.
- cancelGeoFence(WPSGeoFence.Handle) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Cancel a geofence.
- CITY_ACCURACY - Static variable in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IXPS
- clone() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Floor
- clone() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- clone() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Venue
- clone() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- com.skyhookwireless.wps - package com.skyhookwireless.wps
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSAuthentication
- EXACT_ACCURACY - Static variable in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IXPS
- Floor - Class in com.skyhookwireless.wps
Floor information
- Floor(String, float, float) - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Floor
- GeoFenceCallback - Interface in com.skyhookwireless.wps
Callback routine for
. - getAddressLine() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- getAGL() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getAGLError() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getAGLError(int) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getAltitude() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- getBearing() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getBearingError() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getCertifiedLocation(WPSAuthentication, WPSStreetAddressLookup, WPSCertifiedLocationCallback) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Requests certified geographic location updates.
- getCity() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
Represents the larger city layer which can be defined as the urbanized region around major metropolitan areas.
- getCitySub() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
Represets the second city layer that usually includes smaller township or municipal names found within the larger city region.
- getConfidence() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Floor
- getConfidence() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Venue
- getCountryCode() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- getCountryName() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- getCounty() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- getDstOffset() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.TimeZone
- getElevation() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getExtras() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getFloor() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Venue
- getHistoricalLocationCount() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getHPE() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getHPE(int) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getIp() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getIP() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.IPLocation
- getIPLocation(WPSAuthentication, WPSStreetAddressLookup, boolean, IPLocationCallback) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Request geographic location information based on the IP address of the client making the request.
- getIPLocation(WPSAuthentication, WPSStreetAddressLookup, IPLocationCallback) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
- getKey() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSAuthentication
- getLatitude() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- getLatitude() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence
- getLevel() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Floor
- getLocation(WPSAuthentication, WPSStreetAddressLookup, boolean, WPSLocationCallback) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Requests geographic location.
- getLocation(WPSAuthentication, WPSStreetAddressLookup, WPSLocationCallback) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
- getLongitude() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- getLongitude() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence
- getName() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Floor
- getName() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.TimeZone
- getName() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Venue
- getNAP() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getNCell() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getNLac() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getNSat() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getOfflineLocation(WPSAuthentication, byte[], byte[], WPSLocationCallback) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Requests geographic location based on a token collected at a different time.
- getOfflineToken(WPSAuthentication, byte[]) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Retrieve an offline token based on the latest observed Wi-Fi access points and cell towers.
- getPeriod() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence
- getPeriodicLocation(WPSAuthentication, WPSStreetAddressLookup, boolean, long, int, WPSPeriodicLocationCallback) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Requests periodic geographic location.
- getPeriodicLocation(WPSAuthentication, WPSStreetAddressLookup, long, int, WPSPeriodicLocationCallback) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
- getPostalCode() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- getProvince() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- getRadius() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence
- getRealm() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSAuthentication
- getRegion() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- getScore() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getServerTimestamp() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getSpeed() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getSpeedError() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getStateCode() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- getStateName() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- getStreetAddress() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.IPLocation
- getStreetAddress() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getStreetNumber() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- getTime() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- getTimeZone() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.IPLocation
- getTimeZone() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getType() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence
- getTzOffset() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.TimeZone
- getUsername() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSAuthentication
- getVenue() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getVersion() - Static method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPS
Get the SDK version.
- getVPE() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getVPE(int) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- getXPSLocation(WPSAuthentication, int, int, WPSPeriodicLocationCallback) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IXPS
- getXPSLocation(WPSAuthentication, int, int, WPSPeriodicLocationCallback) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.XPS
- Handle() - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence.Handle
- handleGeoFence(WPSGeoFence, WPSLocation) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.GeoFenceCallback
- handleIPLocation(IPLocation) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IPLocationCallback
- handleSuccess() - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.RegistrationCallback
- handleSuccess() - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.TuneLocationCallback
- handleWPSCertifiedLocation(WPSLocation[]) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSCertifiedLocationCallback
Called when a location is determined.
- handleWPSLocation(WPSLocation) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocationCallback
- handleWPSPeriodicLocation(WPSLocation) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSPeriodicLocationCallback
Called when a location is determined.
- hasAGL() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasAGLError() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasAltitude() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- hasBearing() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasBearingError() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasElevation() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasExtras() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasFloor() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Venue
- hashCode() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSAuthentication
- hasHistoricalLocationCount() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasHPE() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasIp() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasKey() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSAuthentication
- hasLatitude() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- hasLongitude() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- hasNAP() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasNCell() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasNLac() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasNSat() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasScore() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasServerTimeStamp() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasSpeed() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasSpeedError() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasStreetAddress() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.IPLocation
- hasStreetAddress() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasTime() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- hasTimeZone() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.IPLocation
- hasTimeZone() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasVenue() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- hasVPE() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- IPLocation - Class in com.skyhookwireless.wps
Geographic location based on the IP address of the client making the request.
- IPLocationCallback - Interface in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- isNull() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- IWPS - Interface in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- IXPS - Interface in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- Location - Class in com.skyhookwireless.wps
Geographic location
- Location(double, double) - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- Location(double, double, long) - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- registerUser(WPSAuthentication, WPSAuthentication, RegistrationCallback) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Deprecated.Replaced by
andIWPS.setAuthentication(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
. This method is no longer supported starting with version 5.5. - RegistrationCallback - Interface in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- setAddressLines(String[]) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- setAGL(double) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setAGLError(double) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setAltitude(double) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- setAuthentication(String, String) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Set the user's authentication information.
- setBearing(double) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setBearingError(double) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setCity(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- setCitySub(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- setCountryCode(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- setCountryName(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- setCounty(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- setDstOffset(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.TimeZone
- setElevation(double) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setExtras(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setGeoFence(WPSGeoFence, GeoFenceCallback) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Define a new geofence.
- setHistoricalLocationCount(int) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setHPE(int) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setKey(String) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Set the user's API key.
- setLatitude(double) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- setLocalFilePaths(List<String>) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Set the path to local files so location determination can be performed locally.
- setLongitude(double) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- setName(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.TimeZone
- setNAP(int) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setNCell(int) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setNLac(int) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setNSat(int) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setPostalCode(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- setProvince(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- setProxy(String, int, String, String) - Static method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPS
Set up a proxy server.
- setRegion(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- setRegistrationUser(WPSAuthentication) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Deprecated.Replaced by
andIWPS.setAuthentication(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
. This method is no longer supported starting with version 5.5. - setScore(float) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setServerUrl(String) - Static method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPS
Overwrite the server's url from its default value.
- setSpeed(double) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setSpeedError(double) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setStateCode(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- setStateName(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- setStreetAddress(StreetAddress) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setStreetNumber(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- setTiling(String, long, long, TilingListener) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Setup tiling so location determination can be performed locally.
- setTime(long) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setTzOffset(String) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.TimeZone
- setVenue(Venue) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- setVPE(float) - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- StreetAddress - Class in com.skyhookwireless.wps
Street Address
- StreetAddress() - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- tilingCallback(int, int) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.TilingListener
Callback routine for setTiling()
- TilingListener - Interface in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- TimeZone - Class in com.skyhookwireless.wps
Time zone information
- TimeZone() - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.TimeZone
- TimeZone(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.TimeZone
- toString() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Floor
- toString() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.IPLocation
- toString() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Location
- toString() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.StreetAddress
- toString() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.TimeZone
- toString() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Venue
- toString() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSAuthentication
- toString() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence
- toString() - Method in enum com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence.Type
- toString() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- toString() - Method in enum com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSStreetAddressLookup
- tuneLocation(WPSAuthentication, WPSLocation, TuneLocationCallback) - Method in interface com.skyhookwireless.wps.IWPS
Tune the last location returned.
- TuneLocationCallback - Interface in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSContinuation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSStreetAddressLookup
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSContinuation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSStreetAddressLookup
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- Venue - Class in com.skyhookwireless.wps
Venue information
- Venue(String, float, Floor) - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.Venue
- withIP() - Method in class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- WPS - Class in com.skyhookwireless.wps
Calculate geographic location based on observed Wi-Fi access points and cell towers.
- WPS(Context) - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPS
- WPS_CONTINUE - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSContinuation
Continue the current request
- WPS_ERROR - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
Some other error occurred.
- WPS_ERROR_LOCATION_CANNOT_BE_DETERMINED - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
A location couldn't be determined.
- WPS_ERROR_LOCATION_SETTING_DISABLED - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
Location is disabled by the device settings.
- WPS_ERROR_NO_WIFI_IN_RANGE - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
No Wi-Fi access points or cell towers in range.
- WPS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
Functionality is not supported.
- WPS_ERROR_NOT_TUNED - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
Could not tune the location.
- WPS_ERROR_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
The server is unavailable.
- WPS_ERROR_SERVICE_EXPIRED - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
Service has expired.
- WPS_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
User authentication failed.
- WPS_ERROR_WIFI_NOT_AVAILABLE - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
No Wi-Fi, Cell or GPS hardware was detected.
- WPS_FULL_STREET_ADDRESS_LOOKUP - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSStreetAddressLookup
a full street address lookup is performed returning the most specific street address
- WPS_GEOFENCE_ENTER - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence.Type
identify a geofence that triggers when the user enters the defined zone
- WPS_GEOFENCE_ERROR - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
An error occurred when processing a geofence.
- WPS_GEOFENCE_INSIDE - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence.Type
identify a geofence that triggers when the user's location starts within or enters the defined zone.
- WPS_GEOFENCE_LEAVE - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence.Type
identify a geofence that triggers when the user leaves the defined zone
- WPS_GEOFENCE_OUTSIDE - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence.Type
identify a geofence that triggers when the user's location starts outside of or leaves the defined zone
- WPS_LIMITED_STREET_ADDRESS_LOOKUP - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSStreetAddressLookup
a limited address lookup is performed to return, at most, city information.
- WPS_NO_STREET_ADDRESS_LOOKUP - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSStreetAddressLookup
no street address lookup is performed
- WPS_OK - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode
The call was successful.
- WPS_STOP - com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSContinuation
Stop the current request
- WPSAuthentication - Class in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- WPSAuthentication(String, String) - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSAuthentication
- WPSAuthentication(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSAuthentication
- WPSCertifiedLocationCallback - Interface in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- WPSContinuation - Enum in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- WPSGeoFence - Class in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- WPSGeoFence(double, double, int, WPSGeoFence.Type, long) - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSGeoFence
- WPSGeoFence.Handle - Class in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- WPSGeoFence.Type - Enum in com.skyhookwireless.wps
Geofence type
- WPSLocation - Class in com.skyhookwireless.wps
Location with WPS specific attributes
- WPSLocation() - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation
- WPSLocationCallback - Interface in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- WPSPeriodicLocationCallback - Interface in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- WPSReturnCode - Enum in com.skyhookwireless.wps
- WPSStreetAddressLookup - Enum in com.skyhookwireless.wps
Note: Some map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA
- XPS - Class in com.skyhookwireless.wps
Calculate geographic location based on observed Wi-Fi access points, cell towers and GPS signals.
- XPS(Context) - Constructor for class com.skyhookwireless.wps.XPS
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