PL SDK - Software Development Kit  5.4.0
API Reference
Deprecated List
Member WPS_set_local_files_path (const char **paths)
Replaced by the tiling model.
Member WPS_set_tier2_area (const char *dirpath, unsigned size)
This call is no longer relevant.
Member WPS_tiling (const char *dirpath, unsigned maxDataSizePerSession, unsigned maxDataSizeTotal, WPS_TilingCallback callback, void *arg)
Replaced by WPS_set_tiling()
Member WPS_set_registration_user (const WPS_SimpleAuthentication *authentication)
Replaced by WPS_set_key() and WPS_set_auth()
Member WPS_register_user (const WPS_SimpleAuthentication *authentication, const WPS_SimpleAuthentication *new_authentication)
Replaced by WPS_set_key() and WPS_set_auth()
This error code is no longer relevant.