
class aimet_torch.quantization.QuantizedTensorBase(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Abstract base class for quantized tensors. Represents a quantized or dequantized tensor as a subclass of torch.Tensor which also holds the quantization encodings. This object can be safely quantized or dequantized through the quantize() and dequantize() methods without changing the represented data values.


>>> from aimet_torch.v2 import quantization as Q
>>> quantizer = Q.affine.Quantize(shape=(2, 1), bitwidth=8, symmetric=True)
>>> x = torch.tensor([[-1.20, 4.1, -0.21, 2.3],
...                   [0.2, 5.6, -1.0, -.1]])
>>> with quantizer.compute_encodings():
...     x_q = quantizer(x)
>>> torch.equal(x_q.encoding.scale, quantizer.get_scale())
>>> x_q
QuantizedTensor([[-37., 127.,  -7.,  71.],
                 [  5., 127., -23.,  -2.]])
>>> x_q.quantized_repr()
tensor([[-37, 127,  -7,  71],
        [  5, 127, -23,  -2]], dtype=torch.int8)
>>> x_q.dequantize()
DequantizedTensor([[-1.1945,  4.1000, -0.2260,  2.2921],
                   [ 0.2205,  5.6000, -1.0142, -0.0882]])
clone(*, memory_format=torch.preserve_format)[source]

Returns a copy of self


memory_format – Desired memory format of the returned tensor (default=torch.preserve_format)

abstract dequantize()[source]

Dequantizes self with the associated encoding :rtype: DequantizedTensor


This method must be an IDEMPOTENT function. The result of calling this method multiple times should be equal to calling it only once. In other words, calling this method multiple times should not result in duplicate dequantization.


Returns a new QuantizedTensorBase with data and encoding detached from the current graph

Return type:


new_empty(size, *, dtype=None, device=None, requires_grad=False, layout=torch.strided, pin_memory=False, **kwargs)[source]

Overrides torch.Tensor.new_empty

Return type:


abstract quantize()[source]

Quantizes self with the associated encoding :rtype: QuantizedTensor


This method must be an IDEMPOTENT function. The result of calling this method multiple times should be equal to calling it only once. In other words, calling this method multiple times should not result in duplicate quantization.

abstract quantized_repr()[source]

Return the quantized representation of self as a torch.Tensor with data type self.encoding.dtype :rtype: Tensor


The result of this function may not be able to carry a gradient depending on the quantized data type. Thus, it may be necessary to call this only within an autograd function to allow for backpropagation.


>>> from aimet_torch.v2 import quantization as Q
>>> quantizer = Q.affine.Quantize(shape=(2, 1), bitwidth=8, symmetric=True)
>>> x = torch.randn((2, 4), requires_grad=True)
>>> with quantizer.compute_encodings():
...     x_q = quantizer(x)
>>> x_q
QuantizedTensor([[  11.,  -57., -128.,   38.],
                 [  28.,   -0., -128.,  -40.]], grad_fn=<AliasBackward0>)
>>> x_q.quantized_repr()
tensor([[  11,  -57, -128,   38],
        [  28,    0, -128,  -40]], dtype=torch.int8)