AIMET installation in Docker

This page describes how to install AIMET in a development Docker container.


Install Docker from

For GPU variants, install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit from

Installing AIMET

To install an AIMET development Docker container, you:

  1. Decide on an AIMET variant to install

  2. Choose to either:

    • Download a prebuilt Docker image

    • Build a Docker image

Follow the instructions below to install AIMET within a Docker container. Depending on your installation choices, you will skip various sections on this page.

Choose your AIMET variant

Step 1: Choose a variant.

Choose a variant (a combination of framework and runtime environment) from the following table. Copy the <variant_string>.


Runtime Environment


PyTorch 2.1



PyTorch 2.1















Step 2: Set the AIMET_VARIANT environment variable.

Set the AIMET_VARIANT shell variable to your chosen variant string.

export AIMET_VARIANT=<variant_string>

Choose to download or build an image

Step 3: Choose one of the following options. We recommend using a prebuilt Docker image unless your installation requires custom dependencies.

Continue to Download a prebuilt Docker image (step 4)


Skip to Build a Docker image (step 5).

Download a prebuilt Docker image

Step 4: Set environment variables.

Set the following shell variables to define the Docker image installation.




is the absolute path to the directory where the AIMET Git repository resides on your local machine.


is whatever name you want to assign the AIMET Docker container.

${AIMET_VARIANT} is the shell variable you set in the previous section. Type the variable as shown.

When you start the Docker container, it will be downloaded from the image library located at docker_image_name.

Skip to Start the Docker container (step 7).

Build a Docker image

Step 5: Set environment variables.

Set the following shell variables to define the Docker image installation.




is the absolute path to the directory where the AIMET Git repository resides on your local machine.


is whatever unique name suffix you want to append to the Docker image.


is whatever name you want to assign the AIMET Docker container.

Step 6: Build the Docker image from code in the the AIMET repo.

docker build -t ${docker_image_name} -f $WORKSPACE/aimet/Jenkins/Dockerfile.${AIMET_VARIANT} .

Start the docker container

Step 7: Check that a Docker container named $docker_container_name is not already running. Remove the container if it is.

docker ps -a | grep ${docker_container_name} && docker kill ${docker_container_name}

Step 8: (optional) Specify a port to use for port forwarding if you plan to run the Visualization APIs.


where <port-number> is any unused port on the host.

Step 9: Run the Docker container.

[docker_run_command] -p ${port_id}:${port_id} --rm -it -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
-v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro \
-v "/local/mnt/workspace":"/local/mnt/workspace" \
--entrypoint /bin/bash -w ${WORKSPACE} --hostname ${docker_container_name} ${docker_image_name}



is docker run --gpus all if using a GPU varint with nvidia-docker 2.0, or nvidia-docker run with nvidia-docker 1.0

-p ${port_id}:${port_id}

is the port forwarding option. Omit this if you did not specify a port in the previous step

WORKSPACE, docker_container_name, and docker_image_name

are variables defined in previous steps.

As a convenience, the following block contains the first line of the Docker run command above for all combinations of nvidia-docker with and without port forwarding.

# nvidia-docker 2.0 with port forwarding:
docker run --gpus all -p ${port_id}:${port_id} --rm -it -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \

# nvidia-docker 1.0 with port forwarding:
nvidia-docker run -p ${port_id}:${port_id} --rm -it -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \

# CPU only, with port forwarding:
docker run -p ${port_id}:${port_id} --rm -it -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \

# nvidia-docker 2.0 without port forwarding:
docker run --gpus all --rm -it -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \

# nvidia-docker 1.0 without port forwarding:
nvidia-docker run --rm -it -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \

# CPU only, without port forwarding:
docker run --rm -it -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \

Install AIMET packages

Choose an option to install the AIMET package on the Docker container.

  1. From PyPI (PyTorch only)

  2. Any framework variant (hosted .whl files)

Step 10: To install the most recent PyTorch AIMET package with GPU support (the most common option) from PyPI, type the following commands in the Docker container.

python3 -m pip install aimet-torch

Skip to Environment setup (step 12).

Step 11: To install the latest version of any AIMET variant from the .whl files, follow the substeps below.

Step 11.1: Select the release tag for the version you want to install, for example, “2.0.0”.

Releases are listed at:

  • Identify the .whl file corresponding to the package variant that you want to install

  • Continue with the instructions below to install AIMET from the .whl file

Step 11.2: Set the package details.

# Set the release tag, for example "2.0.0"
export release_tag="<version release tag>"

# Construct the download root URL
export download_url="${release_tag}"

# Set the wheel file name with extension,
# for example "aimet_torch-2.0.0+cu121-cp310-none-any.whl"
export wheel_file_name="<wheel file name>"

# NOTE: Do the following only for the PyTorch and ONNX variant packages!
export find_pkg_url_str="-f"

Step 11.3: Install the selected AIMET package.


Python dependencies are automatically installed.

# Install the wheel package
python3 -m pip install ${download_url}/${wheel_file_name} ${find_pkg_url_str}

Environment setup

Step 12: Run the environment setup script to set common environment variables.

source /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/aimet_common/bin/