Quick Start (PyTorch)¶
This page describes how to quickly install the latest version of AIMET for the PyTorch framework.
For all the framework variants and compute platforms, see Installation.
Tested platform¶
aimet_torch 2 has been tested using the following host platform configuration:
64-bit Intel x86-compatible processor
Python 3.10
Ubuntu 22.04
- For GPU variants:
Nvidia GPU card (Compute capability 5.2 or later)
Nvidia driver version 455 or later (using the latest driver is recommended; both CUDA and cuDNN are supported)
Installing AIMET¶
aimet_torch 2 should run on any platform that supports PyTorch using Python 3.8 or later.
See tested platform for information about tested host platform configuration.
Type the following command to install AIMET for the PyTorch framework using the pip package manager.
python3 -m pip install aimet-torch
Verifying the installation¶
To confirm that AIMET PyTorch is installed correctly, do the following.
Step 1: Verify torch by executing the following sample code snippet.
import torch
x = torch.randn(100)
Step 2: Verify AIMET PyTorch by instantiating an 8-bit symmetric quantizer.
import aimet_torch.quantization as Q
scale = torch.ones(()) / 100
offset = torch.zeros(())
out = Q.affine.quantize(x, scale, offset, qmin=-128, qmax=127)
The quantized output should be similar to the one shown below.
tensor([ 80., 119., 63., 127., 127., 64., -128., -43., 127., -90.,
66., 26., 127., 56., 89., -128., -48., -105., 10., 78.,
-69., -65., -128., 18., 127., 121., -128., -116., -99., 30.,
-83., -59., -128., 127., -104., 127., 50., -59., 59., -2.,
4., -79., 42., 12., -100., 55., -48., 13., 63., -52.,
31., -33., -85., -96., 127., -128., -75., 90., -128., -12.,
72., -89., 127., -49., 81., 35., -102., -128., 2., 127.,
-86., -128., 93., -77., 127., -128., -2., -128., 12., -105.,
-116., -128., 42., -64., -58., -88., -72., 127., -35., 68.,
-63., -28., 14., -1., -128., -27., -91., -77., 56., 127.])
Running a quick example¶
Next, using aimet_torch
for the MobileNetV2 network, create a QuantizationSimModel
, perform calibration,
and then evaluate it.
Step 1: Handle imports and other setup.
import torch
from torchvision.models import mobilenet_v2
device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
model = mobilenet_v2(weights='DEFAULT').eval().to(device)
dummy_input = torch.randn((10, 3, 224, 224), device=device)
Step 2: Create a QuantizationSimModel
and ensure the model contains quantization operations.
from aimet_common.defs import QuantScheme
from aimet_common.quantsim_config.utils import get_path_for_per_channel_config
from aimet_torch.quantsim import QuantizationSimModel
sim = QuantizationSimModel(model,
The model should be composed of Quantized nn.Modules
, similar to the output shown below:
(features): Sequential(
(0): Conv2dNormActivation(
(0): QuantizedConv2d(
3, 32, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1), bias=False
(param_quantizers): ModuleDict(
(weight): QuantizeDequantize(shape=(32, 1, 1, 1), qmin=-128, qmax=127, symmetric=True)
(input_quantizers): ModuleList(
(0): QuantizeDequantize(shape=(), qmin=0, qmax=65535, symmetric=False)
(output_quantizers): ModuleList(
(0): None
Step 3: Calibrate the model. This example uses random values as input. In real-world cases, calibration should be performed using a representative dataset.
def forward_pass(model):
with torch.no_grad():
model(torch.randn((10, 3, 224, 224), device=device))
Step 4: Evaluate the model.
output = sim.model(dummy_input)
The output generated should be of type DequantizedTensor
and similar to the one shown below.
DequantizedTensor([[-1.7466, 0.8405, 1.8606, ..., -0.9714, 0.8366, 2.2363],
[-1.6091, 1.0449, 1.7788, ..., -0.9904, 1.0861, 2.2431],
[-1.5307, 0.8442, 1.5157, ..., -0.7793, 0.6327, 2.3861],
[-1.3610, 1.4499, 2.2068, ..., -0.8188, 1.1155, 2.5962],
[-1.1619, 1.2217, 2.1050, ..., -0.5301, 0.9150, 2.1458],
[-1.6340, 0.9826, 2.2459, ..., -1.0769, 0.9054, 2.2315]],
device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<AliasBackward0>)