On-target inference

In order to run AIMET quantized model on a target device, you need following two things:

  • an exported model,

  • an encodings JSON file containing quantization parameters (like encoding min/max/scale/offset) associated with each quantizers.

AIMET QuantizationSimModel provides QuantizationSimModel.export() functionality to generate both the items. The exported model type will differ based on the framework used:








.h5 or .pb

Qualcomm® AI hub

Qualcomm® AI Hub simplifies the AI model deployment on a device with runtimes like Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct, TensorFlow Lite and ONNX Runtime.

Once the AIMET exported model and an encodings JSON file have been obtained, the artifacts can be passed to the Qualcomm® AI Hub for compilation, profiling and inference.

Follow these instructions to compile AIMET quantized model and then submit an inference job using selected device.

Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct SDK

Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct also enables to run AI model inference on a device.

Once the AIMET exported model and an encodings JSON file have been obtained, the artifacts can be passed to the Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct tools for conversion, quantization, compilation and execution.


Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct SDK qairt-converter tool converts a model from PyTorch/ONNX/TensorFlow framework to a equivalent DLC (*.dlc) graph format representation. The encoding files generated from the AIMET workflow are provided as an input to this step via the –-quantization_overrides option.

Basic command line usage looks like:

qairt-converter --input_network <AIMET_exported_model_path> --quantization_overrides <AIMET_exported_model.encodings>
                --output_path <non-quantized_dlc>

--input_network <AIMET_exported_model_path>
  Path to the AIMET exported (PyTorch/ONNX/TensorFlow) model

--quantization_overrides <AIMET_exported_model.encodings>
  Path to the AIMET exported encodings JSON file containing quantization parameters

--output_path <non-quantized_dlc>
  Path where the converted non-quantized DLC (*.dlc) should be saved.

This step generates a DLC (*.dlc) file that represents the model as a series of QAIRT API calls.

Please refer the Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct documentation for more details.


Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct SDK qairt-quantizer tool converts a non-quantized DLC (*.dlc) model into quantized (*.dlc) model.

Basic command line usage looks like:

qairt-quantizer --input_dlc <non-quantized_dlc> --output_dlc <quantized_dlc>

--input_dlc <non-quantized_dlc>
   Path to the non-quantized DLC (*.dlc) container containing the model

--output_dlc <quantized_dlc>
   Path at which the quantized DLC (*.dlc) container will be saved.

   Enables fallback option to FP32 for ops whose quantization parameters are missing in the provided encodings JSON file.

Please refer the Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct documentation for more details.


Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct SDK qnn-context-binary-generator tool compiles the quantized DLC (*.dlc) from the previous step into QNN serialized context binary applicable to the Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct HTP backend.

 Basic command line usage looks like:

 qnn-context-binary-generator --model <libQnnModelDlc.so> --backend <libQnnHtp.so>
                              --dlc_path <quantized_dlc>
                              --output_dir <output_dir_path>
                              --binary_file <binary_file_name>

--model <libQnnModelDlc.so>
  Path to QNN <libQnnModelDlc.so> file.

--backend <libQnnHtp.so>
  Path to a QNN backend <libQnnHtp.so> library to create the context binary.

--dlc_path <quantized_dlc>
  Path to quantized (*.dlc) from which to load the model.

--output_dir <output_dir_path>
  The directory to save output to.

--binary_file <binary_file_name>
  Name of the binary file to save the serialized context binary to with ``.bin`` file extension.

Upon completion of this step, QNN context binaries for the model is available in /output_dir_path/binary_file_name.bin.

Please refer the Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct documentation for additional Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct HTP backend specific optional arguments.


Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct SDK qnn-net-run tool executes the model (represented as serialized context binary) on the desired target.

Basic command line usage looks like:

qnn-net-run --backend <libQnnHtp.so> --retrieve_context <binary_file_name>
            --input_list <input_list>.txt --output_dir <output_path>

--backend <libQnnHtp.so>
  Path to a QNN backend <libQnnHtp.so> library to execute the model.

--retrieve_context <binary_file_name>
  Path to serialized context binary from which to load a saved context from.

--input_list <input_list.txt>
  Path to a file containing the inputs for the model.

--output_dir <output_dir_path>
  The directory to save output to.

Please refer the Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct documentation for additional Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct HTP backend specific optional arguments.