Quantization analyzer¶
The Quantization analyzer (QuantAnalyzer) automatically performs several analyses to identify sensitive areas in your model. To use QuantAnalyzer, you pass in callbacks to perform forward passes and evaluations, and optionally a dataloader for mean square error (MSE) loss analysis.
For each analysis, QuantAnalyzer generates JSON and/or HTML files containing the data, and plots for visualization.
Analysis descriptions¶
QuantAnalyzer performs the following analyses.
1: Sensitivity to weight and activation quantization¶
QuantAnalyzer compares the accuracies of the original FP32 model, an activation-only quantized model, and a weight-only quantized model. This helps determine which AIMET quantization technique(s) will be more effective in the model.
For example, in situations where the model is more sensitive to activation quantization, post-training quantization (PTQ) techniques like Adaptive Rounding (Adaround) or Cross-layer Equalization (CLE) might not be very helpful.
Quantized accuracy metrics for your model are printed as part of AIMET logging.
2: Per-layer quantizer enablement¶
Sometimes the accuracy drop incurred from quantization can be attributed to only a subset of layers within the model. QuantAnalyzer finds such layers by enabling and disabling individual quantizers to observe how the quantized model accuracy metric changes.
Two types of quantizer enablement analyses are performed:
1. One at a time: Disable all quantizers across the model and, for each layer, enable only that layer’s output quantizer. Perform evaluation with the provided callback, giving accuracy values for each layer in the model when it’s the sole quantized layer. This and pinpoints hotspots by exposing the effects of individual layer quantization.
2. Elimination: Enable all quantizers across the model and, for each layer, disable only that layer’s output quantizer. Perform evaluation with the provided callback, giving accuracy values for each layer in the model when only that layer’s quantizer is disabled.
AIMET outputs the results of these analyses as per_layer_quant_enabled.html and per_layer_quant_disabled.html respectively. These files contain plots of the quantized model accuracy metrics for each layer.
JSON files per_layer_quant_enabled.json and per_layer_quant_disabled.json are also produced, containing the data shown in the .html plots.
3: Per-layer encodings min-max range¶
As part of quantization, encoding parameters for each quantizer must be calculated. These parameters are used to map floating point values to quantized integer values and include scale, offset, min, and max.
QuantAnalyzer tracks the min and max encoding parameters computed by each quantizer in the model as a result of forward passes through the model with representative data (from which the scale and offset values can be directly obtained).
AIMET outputs HTML plots and JSON files to the min_max_ranges folder for each activation quantizer and each parameter quantizer, containing the encoding min/max values for each.
If per-channel quantization (PCQ) is enabled, encoding min and max values are shown for all the channels of each weight parameter.
4: Per-layer statistics histogram¶
Under the TF-enhanced quantization scheme, min/max encoding values for each quantizer are obtained by deleting outliers from the histogram of tensor values seen at the quantizer.
When this quantization scheme is selected, QuantAnalyzer outputs the histogram of tensor values seen at each quantizer in the model.
These plots are available as part of the activations_pdf and weights_pdf folders. There is a separate .html plot for each quantizer.
5: Per-layer mean-square-error loss¶
QuantAnalyzer can monitor each layer’s output in the original FP32 model as well as the corresponding layer output in the quantized model and calculate the MSE loss between the two.
This helps identify which layers may contribute more to quantization noise.
To enable this optional analysis, you pass in a dataloader that QuantAnalyzer reads from. Approximately 256 samples are sufficient for the analysis.
A per_layer_mse_loss.html file is generated containing a plot that maps layer quantizers on the x-axis to MSE loss on the y-axis. A corresponding per_layer_mse_loss.json file is generated containing data used in the .html file.
To call the QuantAnalyzer API, provide the following:
An FP32 pre-trained model for analysis
A dummy input for the model. This can contain random values but it must match the shape of the model’s expected input
A user-defined function for passing 500-1000 representative data samples through the model for quantization calibration
A user-defined function for passing labeled data through the model for evaluation, returning an accuracy metric
(Optional, for running MSE loss analysis) A dataloader providing unlabeled data to be passed through the model
Typically on quantized runtimes, batch normalization (BN) layers are folded where possible. So that you don’t have to call a separate API to do so, QuantAnalyzer automatically performs Batch Norm Folding before running its analysis.
Step 1 Importing libraries¶
Import required libraries.
from typing import Any
import torch
from torchvision import models
from aimet_common.defs import QuantScheme
from aimet_torch.model_preparer import prepare_model
from aimet_torch.v1.quant_analyzer import QuantAnalyzer, CallbackFunc
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from aimet_common.defs import QuantScheme
from aimet_common.utils import CallbackFunc
from aimet_tensorflow.keras.model_preparer import prepare_model
from aimet_tensorflow.keras.quant_analyzer import QuantAnalyzer
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
from onnxruntime import InferenceSession
from onnxsim import simplify
from aimet_common.defs import QuantScheme
from aimet_common.utils import CallbackFunc
from aimet_onnx.quant_analyzer import QuantAnalyzer
Step 2 Preparing the calibration callback¶
Prepare the callback for calibration.
# NOTE: In the actual use cases, the users should implement this part to serve
# their own goals if necessary.
def forward_pass_callback(model: torch.nn.Module, _: Any = None) -> None:
NOTE: This is intended to be the user-defined model calibration function.
AIMET requires the above signature. So if the user's calibration function does not
match this signature, please create a simple wrapper around this callback function.
A callback function for model calibration that simply runs forward passes on the model to
compute encoding (delta/offset). This callback function should use representative data and should
be subset of entire train/validation dataset (~1000 images/samples).
:param model: PyTorch model.
:param _: Argument(s) of this callback function. Up to the user to determine the type of this parameter.
E.g. could be simply an integer representing the number of data samples to use. Or could be a tuple of
parameters or an object representing something more complex.
# User action required
# User should create data loader/iterable using representative dataset and simply run
# forward passes on the model.
2.1 Prepare toy dataset to run example code
INPUT_SHAPES = (224, 224, 3)
images = np.random.rand(NUM_SAMPLES, *INPUT_SHAPES)
labels = np.eye(NUM_CLASSES)[np.random.choice(NUM_CLASSES, NUM_SAMPLES)]
image_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(images)
label_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(labels)
eval_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.zip((image_dataset, label_dataset)).batch(32)
unlabeled_dataset = eval_dataset.map(lambda image, label: image)
2.2 Prepare forward pass callback
# NOTE: In the actual use cases, the users should implement this part to serve
# their own goals if necessary.
def forward_pass_callback(model: tf.keras.Model, _: Any = None) -> None:
NOTE: This is intended to be the user-defined model calibration function.
AIMET requires the above signature. So if the user's calibration function does not
match this signature, please create a simple wrapper around this callback function.
A callback function for model calibration that simply runs forward passes on the model to
compute encoding (delta/offset). This callback function should use representative data and should
be subset of entire train/validation dataset (~1000 images/samples).
:param model: tf.keras.Model object.
:param _: Argument(s) of this callback function. Up to the user to determine the type of this parameter.
E.g. could be simply an integer representing the number of data samples to use. Or could be a tuple of
parameters or an object representing something more complex.
# User action required
# User should create data loader/iterable using representative dataset and simply run
# forward passes on the model.
_ = model.predict(unlabeled_dataset)
# NOTE: In the actual use cases, the users should implement this part to serve
# their own goals if necessary.
def forward_pass_callback(session: InferenceSession, _: Any = None) -> None:
NOTE: This is intended to be the user-defined model calibration function.
AIMET requires the above signature. So if the user's calibration function does not
match this signature, please create a simple wrapper around this callback function.
A callback function for model calibration that simply runs forward passes on the model to
compute encoding (delta/offset). This callback function should use representative data and should
be subset of entire train/validation dataset (~1000 images/samples).
:param session: OnnxRuntime Inference Session.
:param _: Argument(s) of this callback function. Up to the user to determine the type of this parameter.
E.g. could be simply an integer representing the number of data samples to use. Or could be a tuple of
parameters or an object representing something more complex.
# User action required
# User should create data loader/iterable using representative dataset and simply run
# forward passes on the model.
Step 3 Preparing the evaluation callback¶
Prepare the callback for quantized model evaluation.
# NOTE: In the actual use cases, the users should implement this part to serve
# their own goals if necessary.
def eval_callback(model: torch.nn.Module, _: Any = None) -> float:
NOTE: This is intended to be the user-defined model evaluation function.
AIMET requires the above signature. So if the user's calibration function does not
match this signature, please create a simple wrapper around this callback function.
A callback function for model evaluation that determines model performance. This callback function is
expected to return scalar value representing the model performance evaluated against entire
test/evaluation dataset.
:param model: PyTorch model.
:param _: Argument(s) of this callback function. Up to the user to determine the type of this parameter.
E.g. could be simply an integer representing the number of data samples to use. Or could be a tuple of
parameters or an object representing something more complex.
:return: Scalar value representing the model performance.
# User action required
# User should create data loader/iterable using entire test/evaluation dataset, perform forward passes on
# the model and return single scalar value representing the model performance.
return .8
# NOTE: In the actual use cases, the users should implement this part to serve
# their own goals if necessary.
def eval_callback(model: tf.keras.Model, _: Any = None) -> float:
NOTE: This is intended to be the user-defined model evaluation function.
AIMET requires the above signature. So if the user's calibration function does not
match this signature, please create a simple wrapper around this callback function.
A callback function for model evaluation that determines model performance. This callback function is
expected to return scalar value representing the model performance evaluated against entire
test/evaluation dataset.
:param model: tf.keras.Model object.
:param _: Argument(s) of this callback function. Up to the user to determine the type of this parameter.
E.g. could be simply an integer representing the number of data samples to use. Or could be a tuple of
parameters or an object representing something more complex.
:return: Scalar value representing the model performance.
# User action required
# User should create data loader/iterable using entire test/evaluation dataset, perform forward passes on
# the model and return single scalar value representing the model performance.
_, acc = model.evaluate(eval_dataset)
return acc
# NOTE: In the actual use cases, the users should implement this part to serve
# their own goals if necessary.
def eval_callback(session: InferenceSession, _: Any = None) -> float:
NOTE: This is intended to be the user-defined model evaluation function.
AIMET requires the above signature. So if the user's calibration function does not
match this signature, please create a simple wrapper around this callback function.
A callback function for model evaluation that determines model performance. This callback function is
expected to return scalar value representing the model performance evaluated against entire
test/evaluation dataset.
:param session: OnnxRuntime Inference Session.
:param _: Argument(s) of this callback function. Up to the user to determine the type of this parameter.
E.g. could be simply an integer representing the number of data samples to use. Or could be a tuple of
parameters or an object representing something more complex.
:return: Scalar value representing the model performance.
# User action required
# User should create data loader/iterable using entire test/evaluation dataset, perform forward passes on
# the model and return single scalar value representing the model performance.
return .8
Step 4 Preparing model¶
Prepare the model, callback functions, and dataloader as required per platform.
Prepare model, callback functions, and data
model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True).cuda().eval()
input_shape = (1, 3, 224, 224)
dummy_input = torch.randn(*input_shape).cuda()
prepared_model = prepare_model(model)
# User action required
# User should pass actual argument(s) of the callback functions.
forward_pass_callback_fn = CallbackFunc(forward_pass_callback, func_callback_args=None)
eval_callback_fn = CallbackFunc(eval_callback, func_callback_args=None)
Prepare the model
model = tf.keras.applications.ResNet50()
prepared_model = prepare_model(model)
Prepare model, callback functions and dataloader
onnx_model = Model()
# Simplify the model
onnx_model, _ = simplify(onnx_model)
input_shape = (1, 3, 224, 224)
dummy_data = np.random.randn(*input_shape).astype(np.float32)
dummy_input = {'input': dummy_data}
# User action required
# User should pass actual argument(s) of the callback functions.
forward_pass_callback_fn = CallbackFunc(forward_pass_callback, func_callback_args=None)
eval_callback_fn = CallbackFunc(eval_callback, func_callback_args=None)
# User action required
# User should use unlabeled dataloader, so if the dataloader yields labels as well user should discard them.
unlabeled_data_loader = _get_unlabled_data_loader()
Step 5 Creating the QuantAnalyzer¶
Create the QuantAnalyzer.
quant_analyzer = QuantAnalyzer(model=prepared_model,
# User action required
# User should use unlabeled dataloader, so if the dataloader yields labels as well user should use discard them.
unlabeled_data_loader = _get_unlabled_data_loader()
# Approximately 256 images/samples are recommended for MSE loss analysis. So, if the dataloader
# has batch_size of 64, then 4 number of batches leads to 256 images/samples.
quant_analyzer.enable_per_layer_mse_loss(unlabeled_dataset_iterable=unlabeled_data_loader, num_batches=4)
quant_analyzer = QuantAnalyzer(model=prepared_model,
# Approximately 256 images/samples are recommended for MSE loss analysis. So, if the dataset
# has batch_size of 64, then 4 number of batches leads to 256 images/samples.
quant_analyzer.enable_per_layer_mse_loss(unlabeled_dataset=unlabeled_dataset, num_batches=4)
quant_analyzer = QuantAnalyzer(model=onnx_model,
# Approximately 256 images/samples are recommended for MSE loss analysis. So, if the dataloader
# has batch_size of 64, then 4 number of batches leads to 256 images/samples.
quant_analyzer.enable_per_layer_mse_loss(unlabeled_dataset_iterable=unlabeled_data_loader, num_batches=4)
Step 6 Running the analysis¶
Finally, run the QuantAnalyzer to analyze the data.
Top level APIs
- class aimet_common.utils.CallbackFunc(func, func_callback_args=None)[source]¶
Class encapsulating call back function and it’s arguments
- Parameters:
func (
) – Callable Functionfunc_callback_args – Arguments passed to the callable function
- class aimet_torch.quant_analyzer.QuantAnalyzer(model, dummy_input, forward_pass_callback, eval_callback, modules_to_ignore=None)[source]¶
QuantAnalyzer tool provides
model sensitivity to weight and activation quantization
per layer sensitivity analysis
per layer encoding (min - max range)
per PDF analysis and
per layer MSE analysis
- Parameters:
model (
) – FP32 model to analyze for quantization.dummy_input (
]) – Dummy input to model.forward_pass_callback (
) – A callback function for model calibration that simply runs forward passes on the model to compute encoding (delta/offset). This callback function should use representative data and should be subset of entire train/validation dataset (~1000 images/samples).eval_callback (
) – A callback function for model evaluation that determines model performance. This callback function is expected to return scalar value representing the model performance evaluated against entire test/evaluation dataset.modules_to_ignore (
]]) – Excludes certain modules from being analyzed.
- QuantAnalyzer.analyze(quant_scheme=QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced, default_param_bw=8, default_output_bw=8, config_file=None, results_dir='./tmp/')¶
- Analyze model for quantization and point out sensitive parts/hotspots of the model by performing
model sensitivity to quantization,
perform per layer sensitivity analysis by enabling and disabling quant wrappers,
export per layer encodings min - max ranges,
export per layer statistics histogram (PDF) when quant scheme is TF-Enhanced,
per layer MSE analysis
- Parameters:
quant_scheme (
) – Quantization scheme. Supported values are QuantScheme.post_training_tf or QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced.default_param_bw (
) – Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing layer parameters.default_output_bw (
) – Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing layer inputs and outputs.config_file (
]) – Path to configuration file for model quantizers.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
Alternatively, you can run specific utility
You can avoid running all the utilities that QuantAnalyzer offers and only run those of your interest.
For this you need to have the QuantizationSimModel
object, Then you call the desired
QuantAnalyzer utility of your interest and pass the same object to it.
- QuantAnalyzer.check_model_sensitivity_to_quantization(sim)¶
Perform the sensitivity analysis to weight and activation quantization individually.
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.- Return type:
]- Returns:
FP32 eval score, weight-quantized eval score, act-quantized eval score.
- QuantAnalyzer.perform_per_layer_analysis_by_enabling_quant_wrappers(sim, results_dir)¶
NOTE: Option 1
All quant wrappers’ parameters and activations quantizers are disabled.
- Based on occurrence for every quant wrappers
Each quant wrapper’s parameters and activations quantizers are enabled as per JSON config file and set to bit-width specified.
Measure and record eval score on subset of dataset.
Disable enabled quantizers in step 1.
Returns dictionary containing quant wrapper name and corresponding eval score.
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- Return type:
- Returns:
layer wise eval score dictionary. dict[layer_name] = eval_score
- QuantAnalyzer.perform_per_layer_analysis_by_disabling_quant_wrappers(sim, results_dir)¶
NOTE: Option 2
All quant wrappers’ parameters and activations quantizers are enabled as per JSON config file and set to bit-width specified.
- Based on occurrence for every quant wrappers
Each quant wrapper’s parameters and activations quantizers are disabled.
Measure and record eval score on subset of dataset.
Enable disabled quantizers in step 1.
Returns dictionary containing quant wrapper name and corresponding eval score.
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- Return type:
- Returns:
layer wise eval score dictionary. dict[layer_name] = eval_score
- QuantAnalyzer.export_per_layer_encoding_min_max_range(sim, results_dir)¶
Export encoding min and max range for all weights and activations. results_dir should have html files in following format.
- -results_dir
-activations.html -weights.html
If per channel quantization(PCQ) is enabled then,
- -results_dir
-activations.html -{wrapped_module_name}_{param_name}.html
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- Return type:
]- Returns:
layer wise min-max range for weights and activations.
- QuantAnalyzer.export_per_layer_stats_histogram(sim, results_dir)¶
NOTE: Not to invoke when quantization scheme is not TF-Enhanced.
Export histogram that represents a PDF of collected statistics by a quantizer for every quant wrapper. After invoking this API, results_dir should have html files in following format for every quantizers of quant wrappers.
- -results_dir
- -activations_pdf
- -weights_pdf
- -name
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- QuantAnalyzer.export_per_layer_mse_loss(sim, results_dir)¶
NOTE: Need to pass same model input data through both fp32 and quantsim model to tap output activations of each layer.
Export MSE loss between fp32 and quantized output activations for each layer. :type sim:
:param sim: Quantsim model. :type results_dir:str
:param results_dir: Directory to save the results. :return layer wise MSE loss. dict[layer_name] = MSE loss.- Return type:
Top level APIs
- class aimet_tensorflow.keras.quant_analyzer.QuantAnalyzer(model, forward_pass_callback, eval_callback)[source]
QuantAnalyzer tool provides
model sensitivity to weight and activation quantization
per layer sensitivity analysis
per layer encoding (min - max range)
per PDF analysis and
per layer MSE analysis
- Parameters:
model (
) – FP32 model to analyze for quantization.forward_pass_callback (
) – A callback function for model calibration that simply runs forward passes on the model to compute encoding (delta/offset). This callback function should use representative data and should be subset of entire train/validation dataset (~1000 images/samples).eval_callback (
) – A callback function for model evaluation that determines model performance. This callback function is expected to return scalar value representing the model performance evaluated against entire test/evaluation dataset.
- analyze(quant_scheme=QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced, rounding_mode='nearest', default_param_bw=8, default_output_bw=8, config_file=None, results_dir='./tmp/')[source]
- Analyze model for quantization and point out sensitive parts/hotspots of the model by performing
model sensitivity to quantization,
perform per layer sensitivity analysis by enabling and disabling quant wrappers,
export per layer encodings min - max ranges,
export per layer statistics histogram (PDF) when quant scheme is TF-Enhanced,
per layer MSE analysis
- Parameters:
quant_scheme (
) – Quantization scheme. Supported values are QuantScheme.post_training_tf or QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced.rounding_mode (
) – The round scheme to used. One of: ‘nearest’ or ‘stochastic’, defaults to ‘nearest’default_param_bw (
) – Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing layer parameters.default_output_bw (
) – Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing layer inputs and outputs.config_file (
]) – Path to configuration file for model quantizers.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- check_model_sensitivity_to_quantization(sim, default_param_bw, default_output_bw)[source]
Perform the sensitivity analysis to weight and activation quantization individually.
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.default_param_bw (
) – Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing layer parameters.default_output_bw (
) – Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing layer inputs and outputs.
- Returns:
FP32 eval score, weight-quantized eval score, act-quantized eval score.
- enable_per_layer_mse_loss(unlabeled_dataset, num_batches)[source]
Enable per layer MSE loss analysis.
- Parameters:
unlabeled_dataset (
) – tf.data.Dataset provided as input to the model and used to calculate mse lossnum_batches (
) – Maximum number of batches to be used for MSE loss calculation
- Return type:
- export_per_layer_encoding_min_max_range(sim, results_dir)[source]
Export encoding min and max range for all weights and activations. results_dir should have html files in following format.
- -results_dir
-activations.html -weights.html
If per channel quantization(PCQ) is enabled then,
- -results_dir
-activations.html -{wrapped_module_name}_{param_name}.html
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- Return type:
]- Returns:
layer wise min-max range for weights and activations.
- export_per_layer_mse_loss(sim, results_dir)[source]
NOTE: Need to pass same model input data through both fp32 and quantsim model to tap output activations of each layer.
Export MSE loss between fp32 and quantized output activations for each layer. :type sim:
:param sim: Quantsim model. :type results_dir:str
:param results_dir: Directory to save the results. :return layer wise MSE loss. dict[layer_name] = MSE loss.- Return type:
- export_per_layer_stats_histogram(sim, results_dir)[source]
NOTE: Not to invoke when quantization scheme is not TF-Enhanced.
Export histogram that represents a PDF of collected statistics by a quantizer for every quant wrapper. After invoking this API, results_dir should have html files in following format for every quantizers of quant wrappers.
- -results_dir
- -activations_pdf
- -weights_pdf
- -name
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- Return type:
- perform_per_layer_analysis_by_disabling_quant_wrappers(sim, results_dir)[source]
NOTE: Option 2
All quant wrappers’ parameters and activations quantizers are enabled as per JSON config file and set to bit-width specified.
- For every quant wrappers, based on occurrence:
Each quant wrapper’s parameters and activations quantizers are disabled.
Measure and record eval score on subset of dataset.
Enable disabled quantizers in step i.
Returns dictionary containing quant wrapper name and corresponding eval score.
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- Return type:
]- Returns:
layer wise eval score dictionary. dict[layer_name] = eval_score
- perform_per_layer_analysis_by_enabling_quant_wrappers(sim, results_dir)[source]
NOTE: Option 1
All quant wrappers’ parameters and activations quantizers are disabled.
- For every quant wrappers, based on occurrence:
Each quant wrapper’s parameters and activations quantizers are enabled as per JSON config file and set to bit-width specified.
Measure and record eval score on subset of dataset.
Disable enabled quantizers in step i.
Returns dictionary containing quant wrapper name and corresponding eval score.
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- Return type:
]- Returns:
layer-wise eval score dictionary. dict[layer_name] = eval_score
Top level APIs
It is recommended to use onnx-simplifier before applying quant-analyzer.
- class aimet_onnx.quant_analyzer.QuantAnalyzer(model, dummy_input, forward_pass_callback, eval_callback)[source]¶
QuantAnalyzer provides following utilities:
model sensitivity to weight and activation quantization
per layer sensitivity analysis
per layer encoding (min - max range)
per layer quantizer historgram analysis and
per layer MSE analysis
- Parameters:
model (
]) – FP32 model to analyze for quantization.dummy_input (
]) – Dummy input to model.forward_pass_callback (
) – A callback function for model calibration that simply runs forward passes on the model to compute encoding (delta/offset). This callback function should use representative data and should be subset of entire train/validation dataset (~1000 images/samples).eval_callback (
) – A callback function for model evaluation that determines model performance. This callback function is expected to return scalar value representing the model performance evaluated against entire test/evaluation dataset.
- QuantAnalyzer.enable_per_layer_mse_loss(unlabeled_dataset_iterable, num_batches)[source]¶
Enables per layer MSE loss analysis.
- Parameters:
unlabeled_dataset_iterable (
) – A collection (i.e. iterable with __len__) that iterates over an unlabeled dataset. The values yielded by this iterable are expected to be able to be passed directly to the model.num_batches (
) – Number of batches. Approximately 256 samples/images are recommended, so if batch size of data loader is 64, then 4 number of batches leads to 256 samples/images.
- QuantAnalyzer.analyze(quant_scheme=QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced, default_param_bw=8, default_activation_bw=8, config_file=None, results_dir='./tmp/')[source]¶
- Analyzes model for quantization and point out sensitive parts/hotspots of the model by performing
model sensitivity to quantization,
perform per layer sensitivity analysis by enabling and disabling quantizers,
export per layer encodings min - max ranges,
export per layer quantizer stats histogram,
per layer MSE analysis
- Parameters:
quant_scheme (
) – Quantization scheme. Supported values are QuantScheme.post_training_tf or QuantScheme.post_training_tf_enhanced.default_param_bw (
) – Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing layer parameters.default_activation_bw (
) – Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing layer inputs and outputs.config_file (
]) – Path to configuration file for model quantizers.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
Alternatively, you can run specific utility
You can avoid running all the utilities that QuantAnalyzer offers and only run those of your interest.
For this you need to have the QuantizationSimModel
object, Then you call the desired
QuantAnalyzer utility of your interest and pass the same object to it.
- QuantAnalyzer.create_quantsim_and_encodings(quant_scheme, default_param_bw, default_activation_bw, config_file)[source]
Creates quantsim object and computes encodings.
- Parameters:
quant_scheme (
) – Quantization scheme.default_param_bw (
) – Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing layer parameters.default_activation_bw (
) – Default bitwidth (4-31) to use for quantizing layer inputs and outputs.config_file (
) – Path to configuration file for model quantizers.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Quantsim object.
- QuantAnalyzer.check_model_sensitivity_to_quantization(sim)[source]
Performs model sensitivity analysis to weight and activation quantization individually.
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.- Return type:
]- Returns:
FP32 eval score, weight-quantized eval score, act-quantized eval score.
- QuantAnalyzer.perform_per_layer_analysis_by_enabling_quantizers(sim, results_dir)[source]
Performs layer-wise quantization sensitivity analysis by enabling its quantizers
All parameter and activation quantizers are disabled.
- For every layer, based on occurrence:
Each layer’s parameters and activations quantizers are enabled as per JSON config file and set to bit-width specified.
Measure and record eval score on subset of dataset.
Disable enabled quantizers in step a.
Returns dictionary containing layer name and corresponding eval score.
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- Return type:
- Returns:
layer wise eval score dictionary. dict[layer_name] = eval_score
- QuantAnalyzer.perform_per_layer_analysis_by_disabling_quantizers(sim, results_dir)[source]
Performs layer-wise quantization sensitivity analysis by disabling its quantizers
All parameter and activation quantizers are enabled as per JSON config file and set to bit-width specified.
- For every layer, based on occurrence:
Each layer’s parameters and activations quantizers are disabled.
Measure and record eval score on subset of dataset.
Enable disabled quantizers in step a.
Returns dictionary containing layer name and corresponding eval score.
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- Return type:
- Returns:
layer wise eval score dictionary. dict[layer_name] = eval_score
- QuantAnalyzer.export_per_layer_encoding_min_max_range(sim, results_dir)[source]
Exports encoding min and max range for all weights and activations. results_dir has html files in following format.
- -results_dir
-activations.html, -weights.html
If per channel quantization(PCQ) is enabled then,
- -results_dir
-activations.html, -{layer_name}_{param_name}.html
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- Return type:
]- Returns:
layer wise min-max range for weights and activations.
- QuantAnalyzer.export_per_layer_stats_histogram(sim, results_dir)[source]
NOTE: Not to invoke when quantization scheme is not TF-Enhanced.
Exports histogram that represents a PDF of collected statistics by a quantizer. After invoking this API, results_dir should have html files in following format for every quantizers in the model.
- -results_dir
- -activations_pdf
- -weights_pdf
- -name
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- QuantAnalyzer.export_per_layer_mse_loss(sim, results_dir)[source]
Exports MSE loss between fp32 and quantized output activations for each layer.
- Parameters:
sim (
) – Quantsim model.results_dir (
) – Directory to save the results.
- Return type:
- Returns:
layer wise MSE loss. dict[layer_name] = MSE loss.