Per-block quantization

This page describes blockwise techniques and tools for calibration, the process of determining quantization parameters. See Calibration for basic information about performing calibration.


The terms “per-block quantization” and “blockwise quantization” are used interchangeably.

When performing calibration for a tensor, you can compute encodings for the whole tensor, or split the tensor into parts (channels or blocks) and compute encodings for each part.

We recommended that you quantize as granularly as possible. Finer granularity typically results in better quantized accuracy.

In order of preference, use:

  1. Blockwise quantization (BQ)

  2. Per-channel quantization

  3. Per-tensor quantization


Blockwise and per-channel quantization are supported only for weights, not activations, on Qualcomm runtimes.

Executing per-block quantization

To enable blockwise quantization, instantiate a QuantizeDequantize object with blockwise settings and replace an existing quantizer with the new quantizer.

Specify the block sizes for each dimension of the tensor in the block_size parameter. Note the relationship between block_size arguments and the QuantizeDequantize object’s shape, and with the shape of the tensor being quantized.

The following rules apply:

  • If block_size is provided, the length of block_size must match the length of the QuantizeDequantize object’s shape.

  • If block_size is provided, it must be no longer than the number of dimensions of the tensor.

  • Block sizes must evenly divide each of the tensor’s dimensions. For example, if a tensor’s shape is (2, 2, 6, 10), then (2, 1, 3, 5) is a valid block_size, since each tensor dimension is divisible by the corresponding block size.

    In formal terms, for block_size [b1, b2,, …, bn,] and QuantizeDequantize shape [s1, s2,, …, sn,], the tensor’s shape must satisfy this relationship:

    \[tensor.shape\left[:-n\right] == \left[b_1 * s_1, b_2 * s_2, ..., b_n * s_n\right]\]
  • For any dimension, you can use a block size value of -1 to instruct the quantizer to automatically determine the block size based on shape of the QuantizeDequantize object and the tensor in that dimension.

Following are examples of valid and invalid combinations of tensor shape, QuantizeDequantize shape, and block_size.

# Invalid combination: block_size is not the same length as QuantizeDequantize shape
tensor shape: (1, 4, 10)
QuantizeDequantize shape: (1,)
block_size: (1, 4, 10)

# Invalid combination: block_size * QuantizeDequantize shape != tensor shape:
tensor shape: (1, 4, 10)
QuantizeDequantize shape: (1, 2, 10)
block_size: (1, 2, 5)

# Valid combination:
tensor shape: (16, 64, 3, 3)
QuantizeDequantize shape: (16, 4, 1, 1)
block_size: (1, 16, 3, 3)

# Valid combination (note that though tensor shape is 3d, only the final 2 dimensions correspond to block_size
# and QuantizeDequantize shape):
tensor shape: (2, 4, 10)
QuantizeDequantize shape: (2, 2)
block_size: (2, 5)

# Valid combination:
tensor shape: (2, 4, 10)
QuantizeDequantize shape: (2, 2)
block_size: (-1, -1)    # block_size will be inferred to be (2, 5)

Not supported.

Not supported

To allow for experimentation, the QuantizeDequantize object supports arbitrary block sizes. However, the Qualcomm runtime imposes the following restrictions:

  • Blockwise quantization runs on weight (not activation) quantizers only.

  • Block size must be set to one for the output channel dimension.

  • Block size may take an arbitrary value for the input channel dimension (it must still divide evenly into the input channel tensor shape).

  • Block size must be equal to the tensor size for all other dimensions.

  • Layers running with blockwise-quantized weights must be running with quantized floating-point activations.

The following code examples show how to configure convolution and linear layers to blockwise quantization.

from aimet_torch.quantization.affine import QuantizeDequantize

# Assume sim.model.conv_1 refers to a QuantizedConv2d layer with weight param shape of (16, 64, 2, 2)
# Below settings equate to a block size of 16 in the input channels dimension.
sim.model.conv_1.param_quantizers['weight'] = QuantizeDequantize(shape=(16, 4, 1, 1),
                                                                 block_size=(1, 16, 2, 2))  # (-1, -1, -1, -1) works too

# Assume sim.model.linear_1 refers to a QuantizedLinear layer with weight param shape of (12, 16)
# Below settings equate to a block size of 4 in the input channels dimension.
sim.model.conv_1.param_quantizers['weight'] = QuantizeDequantize(shape=(12, 4),
                                                                 block_size=(1, 4))  # (-1, -1) works too

Not supported.

Not supported.

Low power blockwise quantization

Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct supports an alternative to blockwise quantization called Low Power Blockwise Quantization (LPBQ).

In LPBQ, blockwise encodings at a lower bit width are adjusted such that they lie on a common higher-bit-width per-channel grid. This enables models to run on existing per channel kernels and still benefit from blockwise quantization.

LPBQ encodings require less storage than blockwise quantization encodings because only the low bit-width integer scale expansion factors need to be stored per-block (the floating point encoding scales are stored per-channel).

LPBQ quantization is part of the aimet_torch.quantization.affine.GroupedBlockQuantizeDequantize class.

Besides the block_size argument described in the blockwise Quantization section, LPBQ requires two additional arguments:


The higher bit-width value for the per channel grid that the lower bit-width blockwise encodings are expanded to. The decompressed_bw value must be greater than or equal to the bit width of the quantizer.


The number of blocks for each dimension that are grouped when expanding the lower bit-width blockwise encodings. The block grouping for a particular dimension must be divisible by the number of blocks in that dimension.

As with block size, a block grouping value of -1 is automatically interpreted as the number of blocks in that dimension.

To allow for experimentation, the GroupedBlockQuantizeDequantize object supports arbitrary block sizes. However, the Qualcomm runtime imposes the following restrictions on LPBQ:

  • Blockwise quantization runs on weight (not activation) quantizers only.

  • Block size must be set to one for the output channel dimension.

  • Block size may take an arbitrary value for the input channel dimension (it must still divide evenly into the input channel tensor shape).

  • Block size must be equal to the tensor size for all other dimensions.

  • Block groupings must be set to one for all dimensions, except for the input channels dimension which should be set to the number of blocks in that dimension.

from aimet_torch.quantization.affine import GroupedBlockQuantizeDequantize

# Assume sim.model.conv_1 refers to a QuantizedConv2d layer with weight param shape of (16, 64, 2, 2)
# Below settings equate to a block size of 16 in the input channels dimension.
sim.model.conv_1.param_quantizers['weight'] = GroupedBlockQuantizeDequantize(shape=(16, 4, 1, 1),
                                                                             block_size=(1, 16, 2, 2),
                                                                             decompressed_bw: 8,
                                                                             block_grouping(1, 4, 1, 1))   # (1, -1, 1, 1) works too

Not supported.

Not supported.

Exporting blockwise-quantized models

Blockwise quantization generates a larger number of encodings than per tensor or per channel quantization. To reduce the size of the exported encodings JSON file and the time needed to write the file, blockwise quantization uses an improved file format, designated 1.0.0, for the export.

The 1.0.0 encoding format is supported by the Qualcomm runtime and can be used to export per tensor, per channel, blockwise, and LPBQ quantizer encodings.


If blockwise and/or LPBQ quantizers are present in the model, the 1.0.0 format must be used when exporting encodings for the Qualcomm runtime.

The following code snippet shows how to export encodings in the 1.0.0 format:

from aimet_common import quantsim

# Assume 'sim' is a QuantizationSimModel object imported from aimet_torch.quantsim

# Set encoding_version to 1.0.0
quantsim.encoding_version = '1.0.0'
sim.export('./data', 'exported_model', dummy_input)

Not supported.

Not supported.

See the Encoding specifications page, which describes encodings specifications in detail.


Top-level API to configure BQ quantization

As described above, the Qualcomm runtime is constrained to running floating point activations for layers that use blockwise quantization. We provide the following utility function to help transform multiple layers’ quantizers to float quantization:

aimet_torch.v2.quantsim.config_utils.set_activation_quantizers_to_float(sim, arg, exponent_bits=None, mantissa_bits=None, dtype=None)[source]

Set activation quantizers of modules to float.

  • sim (QuantizationSimModel) – Quantsim to set activation quantizers for

  • arg

    Argument determining which modules to set. This can consist of either:

    1. A list of torch.nn.Module types, in which case all modules whose type is in the list will be set

    2. A list of torch.nn.Modules, in which case all modules in the list will be set

    3. A callable function which takes a torch.nn.Module as input and returns True if the module is to be set, False otherwise

  • exponent_bits (Optional[int]) – Number of exponent bits to simulate

  • mantissa_bits (Optional[int]) – Number of mantissa bits to simulate

  • dtype (Optional[dtype]) – torch.dtype to simulate. This argument is mutually exclusive with exponent_bits and mantissa_bits.


>>> # Assume 'sim' is a QuantizationSimModel object imported from aimet_torch.v2.quantsim
>>> # Allows setting of all Linear and Conv output quantizers to floating point activation quantization:
>>> set_activation_quantizers_to_float(sim=sim,
...                                    arg=[torch.nn.Linear, torch.nn.Conv2d],
...                                    dtype=torch.float16)
>>> # Allows setting of specific model layers' output quantizers to floating point activation quantization:
>>> set_activation_quantizers_to_float(sim=sim,
...                                    arg=[sim.model.conv2, sim.model.linear1],
...                                    dtype=torch.float16)
>>> # Allows setting of only Convolution layers with input channels dim == 128 to floating point activation quantization:
>>> set_activation_quantizers_to_float(sim=sim,
...                                    arg=lambda module: isinstance(module, torch.nn.Conv2d) and module.weight.shape[1] == 128,
...                                    dtype=torch.float16)
aimet_torch.v2.quantsim.config_utils.set_blockwise_quantization_for_weights(sim, arg, bitwidth, symmetric, block_size)[source]

Set weight parameter quantizers of modules to blockwise.

  • sim (QuantizationSimModel) – Quantsim to set weight quantizers for

  • arg

    Argument determining which modules to set. This can consist of either:

    1. A list of torch.nn.Module types, in which case all modules whose type is in the list will be set

    2. A list of torch.nn.Modules, in which case all modules in the list will be set

    3. A callable function which takes a torch.nn.Module as input and returns True if the module is to be set, False otherwise

  • bitwidth (int) – Bitwidth for affine quantization

  • symmetric (bool) – True if affine quantization is symmetric, False otherwise

  • block_size (Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]) –

    Block size for affine quantization. This can be an array in which case all layers identified by arg must have weight shapes compatible with the array length, or can be an integer value, in which case the block size will be applied to the weight’s in_channels dimension, and per channel will be used for the weight’s out_channels dimension.

    A block size value of -1 for a particular dimension is equivalent to a block size equal to the size of that particular dimension.


>>> # Assume 'sim' is a QuantizationSimModel object imported from aimet_torch.v2.quantsim
>>> # Allows setting of all Linear and Conv weight quantizers to block_size 64 in the input_channels dimension:
>>> set_blockwise_quantization_for_weights(sim=sim,
...                                        arg=[torch.nn.Linear, torch.nn.Conv2d],
...                                        bitwidth=4,
...                                        symmetric=True,
...                                        block_size=64)
>>> # Allows setting of specific model layers' weight quantizer block_size to 64 in the input_channels dimension:
>>> set_blockwise_quantization_for_weights(sim=sim,
...                                        arg=[sim.model.conv2, sim.model.linear1],
...                                        bitwidth=4,
...                                        symmetric=True,
...                                        block_size=64)
>>> # Allows setting of only Convolution layers with input channels dim == 128 to block_size 64 in the input_channels dimension
>>> set_blockwise_quantization_for_weights(sim=sim,
...                                        arg=lambda module: isinstance(module, torch.nn.Conv2d) and module.weight.shape[1] == 128,
...                                        bitwidth=4,
...                                        symmetric=True,
...                                        block_size=64)

Note the second argument in the function, which specifies a subset of layers to switch to blockwise quantization. Refer to the function docstring for the valid input types for this argument.

The block_size argument can be a single integer value instead of an array. In this case, the output channels dimension is set to a block size of one, the input channels dimension to the supplied value, and all other dimensions to the dimension’s size.

This enables you to handle layers with differing weight shapes (such as convolution layers with 4d weights vs. linear layers with 2d weights) with a single API call. If an array for block_size is passed instead, the API has to be called multiple times for each set of layers with different weight dimensions (because the length of the block_size array must match the number of dimensions for its layer’s weight).

Top-level API to configure LPBQ quantization

aimet_torch.v2.quantsim.config_utils.set_grouped_blockwise_quantization_for_weights(sim, arg, bitwidth, symmetric, decompressed_bw, block_size, block_grouping=-1)[source]

Set weight parameter quantizers of modules to grouped blockwise.

  • sim (QuantizationSimModel) – Quantsim to set weight quantizers for

  • arg

    Argument determining which modules to set. This can consist of either:

    1. A list of torch.nn.Module types, in which case all modules whose type is in the list will be set

    2. A list of torch.nn.Modules, in which case all modules in the list will be set

    3. A callable function which takes a torch.nn.Module as input and returns True if the module is to be set, False otherwise

  • bitwidth (int) – Bitwidth for affine quantization

  • symmetric (bool) – True if affine quantization is symmetric, False otherwise

  • decompressed_bw (int) – Decompressed bw for grouped block quantization

  • block_size (Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]) –

    Block size for affine quantization. This can be an array in which case all layers identified by arg must have weight shapes compatible with the array length, or can be an integer value, in which case the block size will be applied to the weight’s in_channels dimension and per channel will be used for the weight’s out_channels dimension.

    A block size value of -1 for a particular dimension is equivalent to a block size equal to the size of that particular dimension.

  • block_grouping (Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]) –

    Block grouping for grouped block quantization. This can be an array in which case all layers identified by arg must have weight shapes compatible with the array length, or can be an integer value, in which case the block grouping will be applied to the weight’s in_channels dimension, and no other dimensions will experience block grouping.

    A block grouping value of -1 for a particular dimension is equivalent to a block grouping equal to the number of blocks for that particular dimension.


>>> # Assume 'sim' is a QuantizationSimModel object imported from aimet_torch.v2.quantsim
>>> # Allows setting of all Linear and Conv weight quantizers to LPBQ with block_size 64 in the input_channels dimension:
>>> set_grouped_blockwise_quantization_for_weights(sim=sim,
...                                                arg=[torch.nn.Linear, torch.nn.Conv2d],
...                                                bitwidth=4,
...                                                symmetric=True,
...                                                decompressed_bw=8,
...                                                block_size=64,
...                                                block_grouping=-1)
>>> # Allows setting of specific model layers' weight quantizer to LPBQ with block_size 64 in the input_channels dimension:
>>> set_grouped_blockwise_quantization_for_weights(sim=sim,
...                                                arg=[sim.model.conv2, sim.model.linear1],
...                                                bitwidth=4,
...                                                symmetric=True,
...                                                decompressed_bw=8,
...                                                block_size=64,
...                                                block_grouping=-1)
>>> # Allows setting of only Convolution layers with input channels dim == 128 to LPBQ with block_size 64 in the input_channels dimension:
>>> set_grouped_blockwise_quantization_for_weights(sim=sim,
...                                                arg=lambda module: isinstance(module, torch.nn.Conv2d) and module.weight.shape[1] == 128,
...                                                bitwidth=4,
...                                                symmetric=True,
...                                                decompressed_bw=8,
...                                                block_size=64,
...                                                block_grouping=-1)

This utility enables you to configure quantized layers to use grouped blockwise quantization by supplying a decompressed_bw, block_size, and block_grouping. Similar to set_blockwise_quantization_for_weights(), block_grouping can be a single value. In this case the input_channel’s dimension is assigned the value, and all other dimensions are assigned a value of one.

Different layers can have different numbers of blocks for the input channels dimension for the same block size. If you assign -1 as the single block_grouping value, the input channels dimension automatically uses a block_grouping value equal to the number of blocks in any affected layer. This enbles you to configure all affected layers to LPBQ quantization with a single API call.