AIMET Installation

Quick Install

The AIMET PyTorch GPU PyPI packages are available for environments that meet the following requirements:

  • 64-bit Intel x86-compatible processor

  • Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS [Python 3.10] or Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS [Python 3.8]

  • Torch 1.13+cu117

Pip install:

apt-get install liblapacke
python3 -m pip install aimet-torch

Release Packages

For other aimet variants, install the latest version from the .whl files hosted at


# Pytorch 1.13 with CUDA 11.x
python3 -m pip install -f
# Pytorch 1.13 CPU only
python3 -m pip install

# Pytorch 2.1 with CUDA 11.x
python3 -m pip install -f
# Pytorch 2.1 CPU only
python3 -m pip install


# Tensorflow 2.10 GPU with CUDA 11.x
python3 -m pip install
# Tensorflow 2.10 CPU only
python3 -m pip install


# ONNX 1.14 GPU
python3 -m pip install
# ONNX 1.14 CPU
python3 -m pip install

For previous AIMET releases, browse packages at Each release includes multiple python packages of the following format:

# VARIANT in {torch_gpu, torch_cpu, tf_gpu, tf_cpu, onnx_gpu, onnx_cpu}
# PACKAGE_PREFIX in {aimet_torch, aimet_tensorflow, aimet_onnx}

System Requirements

The AIMET package requires the following host platform setup:

  • 64-bit Intel x86-compatible processor

  • Linux Ubuntu: 22.04 LTS

  • bash command shell

  • For GPU variants:

To use the GPU accelerated training modules an Nvidia CUDA enabled GPU with a minimum Nvidia driver version of 455+ is required. Using the latest driver is always recommended, especially if using a newer GPU. Both CUDA and cuDNN (the more advanced CUDA interface) enabled GPUs are supported.

Recommended host system hardware requirements:

  • Intel i7 multicore CPU w/hyperthreading

  • 16+ GB RAM

  • 500GB+ SSD hard drive

  • For GPU variants:
    • GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 or Tesla V100

While these are not minimum requirements, they are recommended for good performance when training large networks.

Advanced Installation Instructions

There are two ways to setup and install AIMET:
  • On your host machine

  • Using our pre-built development Docker images

Please click on the appropriate link for installation instructions: